LMC Cast – Season 1 (2018-22)

LMC Cast changed a lot over the course of its initial season. Starting as a collection of random shows on a timetable decided by holidays and events before transitioning into its monthly discussion but framed by the playing of a game in the background.
Game Of The Year 2017 (LMCC #001)
It's never too late to talk about the best games of any year.
“A Show That Definitely Was” (LMCC #002)
With another year in the books, Urtheart and Turbo talk E3.
“Smash Mouthing Off” (LMCC #003)
Who would Urtheart and the two Johns have as DLC for Smash?
Game Of The Year 2018 (LMCC #004)
Urtheart, Turbo and ShadowFox return to discuss their favourite games of 2018.
“Turbo Drive July-ve” (LMCC #005)
Turbo discusses everything from CoxCon to One Punch Man, through to Super Mario World and Kill la Kill the Game: IF.
“A S.A.M.E Will Do You Good” (LMCC #006)
The more things change, the more they stay the S.A.M.E.
“Are You Sure About IT?” (LMCC #007)
Turbo and Urtheart discuss their month of games, film, anime and more.
“An Exercise In Entertainment” (LMCC #008)
Vger and ShadowFox join Turbo to discuss all the games they've played and the films, TV shows and anime they've seen - and some they...
“Radical Redesign Zone” (LMCC #009)
T.A. Black joins Turbo to discuss, for the most part, the redesign of Sonic The Hedgehog for the movie coming out in 2020.
“Utter Decadence” (LMCC #010)
LMC's three wise gaming men discuss the joys of meeting up in London for S.A.M.E - the Sonic Adventure Music Experience.
Game Of The Year 2019 (LMCC #011)
ShadowFox, Urtheart and Turbo return to talk about their top five favourite games of the previous year.
“Crossing The Streams” (LMCC #012)
Bustin' makes Turbo feel good - he talks about going to see a documentary all about Ghostbusters.
“Sting Like A Butterfly” (LMCC #013)
Turbo discovers the film Bumblebee and is left feeling, well, stung.
“Fight Your Demons” (LMCC #014)
How to pass a global lockdown: battle demons, devils and the forces of hell.
“A Series Of Survivors” (LMCC #015)
Turbo talks wrestling, wrestling films and wrestling with the latest Resident Evil remake.
“Fur-tune Favours The Bold” (LMCC #016)
Fantasys that are Final, Airbenders that are Last, and... suits that may or may not be furry?
“Shipshape Scallywags” (LMCC #017)
Whodunit films, the dodgiest of D&D classes and game done for charity that would inevitably destroy you.
“Free Masonry” (LMCC #018)
Does every show eventually have a baseball episode?
“Equivalent Exchange” (LMCC #019)
Kevin's turn to go through animated remakes and the fatal mistake of wanting to eat yams.
“Digital Vice” (LMCC #020)
After 20 years Kevin's just had about enough of Digimon screwing with feelings.
“Defining Retro” (LMCC #021)
What exactly is retro gaming nowadays? Also, +2.
“It’s About It’s About Time” (LMCC #022)
UNO continues, but never mind that - was Crash Bandicoot 4 actually any good?
“A Serious Matter” (LMCC #023)
Urtheart is highly serious when it comes to Croteam.
“Oo-De-Lally, Contraband!” (LMCC #024)
If it clucks like a chicken and it flaps like a chicken, is it in fact a wheel of cheese?
“Memento Mori” (LMCC #025)
You thought your next podcast would be discussing games, but it was I - Dio!
“The Bread Game” (LMCC #026)
"You have appropriately lubricated the wheels of government."
“Cock-And-Bull Story” (LMCC #027)
The stories are mostly told and the deals are getting spicier - not just with all the pepper than may or may not be being smuggled.
Game Of The Year 2020 (LMCC #028)
It's an annual tradition, the boys are back to discuss the best of the year.
“A Conveniently Named Game” (LMCC #029)
It being Valentine's Day the LMC Crew partake in a little bit of court scandal in the card game Love Letter.
“The Lazy King” (LMCC #030)
Vanato, Urtheart and Shadowfox talk animatedly about Halo's Master Chief Collection, Danganronpa, Digimon and more.
“First World Problems” (LMCC #031)
Be a winner, be a winner, at The Game of Life.
“Playing House” (LMCC #032)
Italian plumbers and Sailor Moon. Vger may dress up as one of these...
“The Sincerest Form Of Flattery” (LMCC #033)
In the final stretch of The Game Of Life and it's a race to retirement, hoarding as much cash as life decides to hand out the crew.
“Last Minute Continue Gets A Clue” (LMCC #034)
The crew have gathered once again and are trying to figure out who amongst them has been busy murdering in a game of Cluedo/Clue .
“Right In The Professor Plums” (LMCC #035)
Part 2 of the team's discussions about their March activities and the crew is getting close to figuring out the murderer.
“Murder Most Hyrule-rid” (LMCC #036)
Vger tells tales of his time fighting zombies in Zombie Army 4 and how much he's been enjoying Breath of the Wild.
“The World Will Do Quite Nicely” (LMCC #037)
This month the boys are getting ready to fling the weirdest spells around in a game of Epic Spell Wars.
“Crew-sing For A Bruising” (LMCC #038)
Vger tells tales of his time fighting zombies in Zombie Army 4 and how much he's been enjoying Breath of the Wild.
“The Grinding Of Isaac” (LMCC #039)
Chat about Final Fantasy XIV, Binding of Issac's newest content, Oddworld's Soulstorm and more.
“A Spell Of Casting” (LMCC #040)
It's an uphill battle for ShadowFox to outdo the others in the Epic Spell War.
“One In The Chamber” (LMCC #041)
It's time for some gaming chat and some Russian Roulette - no, not like that. The card game.
“Water, Water, Everywhere” (LMCC #042)
Urtheart's gone down a well in Downwell with nought but a pair of gun boots. So, a normal Sunday then.
“RadioSEGA Does LMC Cast” (LMCC #043)
For RadioSEGA's Summer Shakeup event, Kevin leads RadioSEGA hosts in a Sonic-themed game of Cards Against Humanity.
“But I Digress” (LMCC #044)
E3 came and E3 went. It's impact? Less than we thought it would be, to be honest!
“Rotters & Apples” (LMCC #045)
More smuggling in Sherriff of Nottingham as Urtheart talks about Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
“Crafting Speed” (LMCC #046)
Vger discusses going against the world as Scott Pilgrim and taking on the Sonic DLC for Minecraft.
“Scourges Of Nottingham” (LMCC #047)
From new band discoveries through to Loki, ARK and Hyrule Warriors.
“Onigiri Guys” (LMCC #048)
The crew are back for another monthly game, and this time it's Sushi Go! Party
“Uramaki Of The Universe” (LMCC #049)
From the Halo Infinite Beta to Master of the Universe: Revelations.
“The World Ends With Tofu” (LMCC #050)
From Ace Attorney Chronicles and NEO: The World End With You to Loki and Metal Gear Survive.
“What Went Down In Tokyo” (LMCC #051)
This month the LMC crew jump get their kaiju on as they play King of Tokyo.
“Eternal Warrior Of The Psychic Mind” (LMCC #052)
The lads are making a right mess of Tokyo and try their darn best to wipe each other off the board.
“Ryu Ga Xenomorph” (LMCC #053)
Vger talks about his time playing Yakuza 0, and Aliens Fireteam Elite.
“Spicy Stuff” (LMCC #054)
A game about trading spices turns into a big debate about Pokémon tactics.
“Rune Soldiers” (LMCC #055)
More spice trading as ShadowFox talks Netflix's Castlevania and Valorant while Urtheart discusses Deltarune.
“Roll Mod-Dole” (LMCC #056)
Sci-fi, spice trading, and capturing banana-needy primates in spherical prisons.
“Making Advances” (LMCC #057)
Metroid, Advance games for Castlevania and Sonic and the spice road comes to an end.
“Casting? I’m In!” (LMCC #058)
A troll, two goblins, a gnome and an evil rabbit try to either drink one another under the table - or steal their coin.
“Dread Dragon Inn” (LMCC #059)
Denting the competition with bombs, artefacts, potions and whatever is in the gnome's backpack.
“Gog To Catch ‘Em All” (LMCC #060)
A great discussion about Pokémon is derailed when the boss makes a cameo as the ever lovable Gog.
“Booze, Coin & Alien Activity” (LMCC #061)
It turns out Kevin's Twitch stream of XCOM 2 has gotten the whole gang interested in the game.
“Time Adventurers, Please” (LMCC #062)
Red Dragon Inn comes to an end with discussions about Squid Game, Black Mass and more.
Game Of The Year 2021 – Part 1 (LMCC #063)
Urtheart, Turbo and ShadowFox run down 5-3 of their top five games of the 2021.
Game Of The Year 2021 – Part 2 (LMCC #064)
Seems like we were only just discussing this, because we were. Here's the boys #2 and #1 games of 2021.