Sonic Boom 2014: Live Voice Actor Table Read Details (UPDATE)
One of the things done at Sonic Boom was a live table read session with the Sonic Boom cartoon voice cast. Although, at the time of this article’s writing, no footage exists there is some news to share with you.
RGX of Sonic Paradox was at the event and watched the table read when it happened. His account of it reveals that three plots were done in the session and explains each one:
1. Tails makes a translator that read people’s minds. It’s later revealed that when Amy’s mind almost gets read aloud she loves Sonic in Sonic Boom too.
2. The cast find and read Amy’s “fan fiction” of the cast.
3. Amy and Eggman play a fuzzy puppy MMO together without letting everyone else know. Sonic catches Eggman at Amy’s house. Amy and Eggman end up going to PuppyCon to the reluctance of Sonic, who will be going as well.
Although it wasn’t complete confidence RGX believes that these will be for actual Sonic Boom episodes. We’ll let you know if any footage of the table read session is uploaded.
UPDATE: It has been uploaded. They are indeed upcoming episodes. The fanfiction episode is called “Cabin Fever”.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
From what it sounded like, I don’t think Sonic knows that Amy likes him in Sonic Boom. When the translator nearly said she loves Sonic, Amy got super nervous and Sonic questioned what the robot was going to say. This should make things interesting.
I thought this was gonna be centered around everyone, from these plots it sounds like everything revolves around Amy, and at that, why is it stuff like “Amy writes a fan fiction” or “Amy and Eggman go to a convention”
This is starting to get near Teen Titans GO! levels. It’s not completely there, but with set-ups like this, it’s rather close. What I really wanted to know was the plots of those episodes that were featured in the previous trailers that had more action to them. Especially that one with Tails and Eggman hoverboarding.
Swee almighty ever so merciful Jesus….these are the worst cartoon plots I have ever read on my life aside from maybe Sanjay and Craig’s “Fart Baby”
This is….I can’t even coherently describe how cringeworth ghastly this is….
I feel your Pain. This seems more of a bad Parody of the series, rather than an animated adaptation.
@100 and Tomoki
We get it! You HATE the game and the TV cartoon that hasn’t even been released yet! Quit being broken records!!
Let these few fans enjoy it for the time being. There is room for preference, as much as outlier it may be in general taste. When the show fails to meet target viewer numbers and it gets cut from TV, then they’ll be singing a totally different tune. They will be wishing it had been the cartoon it should have been because this will further reduce any chances of there being another Sonic cartoon series for a very long time.
It’s a COMEDY show. What were you expecting?
Unless your definition of comedy is different from mine, why the repeat?
Just because something is classed as “comedy” doesn’t mean it has to be stupid to be funny. Crap like Teen Titans Go, Breadwinners, and Marvelous Mis-Adventures of Flapjack are supposed to be “comedy”, yet I didn’t laugh whist watching them, just cringed.
Say what you will about X, but at least it didn’t have Sonic and the others side with Eggman just to go to some convention because he and Amy play the same MMO.
It depends on your sense of humor. Stuff like “Monty Python”, “Adventure Time” and “Looney Tunes” have a lot of stupidity, but that’s what makes them so funny. If they were trying to take everything more seriously, it wouldn’t be memorable; it’d be boring.
If you want Sonic at his worst, try watching AoStH. Now THAT’S a show that tried too hard to be funny. Instead of making me laugh, I found it just plain annoying and obnoxious. It was almost as bad as “Johnny Test”. *shudder*
Duh, is number 3 real? I really hope not or I’m going to be bummed big time by Sonic Boom. They really have the cast to make a show like DuckTales but all it takes is some dope of a script writer to make it an insta-fail.
Say what you want about the puppy MMO, but I have PRAYED for stories like this!
And this is why I hate the Sonic fanbase.
Because they like things that aren’t what you like? Because that’s a terrible reason to dislike someone.
Yes. I was there. It is real, ad I’m pumped!!!
I haven’t taken Sonic seriously in a long time, so silly stuff like this is right up my alley.
I’d be interested in knowing which episode of the three was the crowd’s favorite
@100rings it’s a show based on comedy, nothing is going to be taken seriously, I’d rather take this than abominations they called stories in the darker cartoons and games
If it’s a comedy, how come it’s not funny, and only cringe-inducing?
Cringe inducing for some; comedy gold for others. It is just the way things are. I for one believe it to be comedy gold. My opinion of the show won’t be set in stone at least until the first season is over with. One of the most important things about a TV show is that the quality remains consistent after all.
AHH! I’m sorry Tomoki! I actually already said this in a separate comment further down the page. You should read that one instead. Sorry for repeating. Forgive me for my stupidity. 🙁
Sonic 06 was better.
I like the title of the last episode,really lets you know what you’re getting into.But yeah these concepts sound like something out of Adventures only with higher quality animation and more focus on certain characters in episodes,which is fine with me since Adventures was a pretty fun show.I wonder which one will be the first to air
So…..maybe the comic won’t suck?
Woah woah woah!
Has Sonic some feelings for Amy too?
When i watched the first part of the script-read
The “PuppyCon” scene (oh god :D)
where Knuckles thinks that Amy is on date and Sonic didn’t really like that idea:
“On date?!
umm a how do i care”
Sonic what the..
Not really sonamy fan but i think this is intersting.
And isnt it weird that everybody talks about Amy’s feelings but not Sonic’s feeling’s
In the main canon, Sonic’s entire personality can be boringly explained as: “Free Spirit”. In Sonic Boom, it looks like he actually has some depth to his character which is good and an improvement.
It was Fluffy Puppies, not Pretty Puppies. 😉
Noted and fixed. =)
Oops. It was Fuzzy. I was wrong as well. LOL
Cringe inducing nonsense for some; comedy gold for others. It’s just the way things are. I for one think it is comedy gold. Either way, I won’t truly judge the show until at least the first season is over. One of the most important things about TV shows is that the quality MUST remain consistent. Good or bad, Sonic Boom certainly has my attention, and I like to think highly of it. Sonic Boom THE GAME on the other hand…
I don’t want to sound hysterical, but Sonic is no longer for Sonic audience. Anybody who likes this simply cannot like the Sonic the way he used to be before. The people who did had completely different taste. I would call this previous taste better. But who am I kidding – after so long, nobody cares.
If this is not mocking essence of Sonic, nothing is. People complained about community making stupid fanfictions full of pairing and cringe worthy events… and enjoying roleplaying as Sonic characters. Now we have people who are payed for that and the “Sonic fans” are suddenly OK with this, even cheer for it.
This is the lowest this franchise can sink. They are literally throwing away any good taste by making character who was supposed to be cool fast and destroying metal robots with his fists following Amy and Eggman who go together some furcon? WHAT THE HELL? If I WROTE this fanfiction and gave it to everybody here to read, everybody would tell me that I am a freak, a lunatic, pervert and that I should undergo some medication and that I should stay away from everything Sonic as far as I can and that I am the reason why the franchise is fucked up. But when the official Sonic Boom writers come up with this and when the real voice actors show on stage how much they are enjoying those scenarios, everybody suddenly flip-flops and they welcome this as creative and as something that is finally really Sonic-like.
I don’t really know if there is any logic left in here. The franchise is obviously split into at least two major groups, yet the “peacemakers” act as if it all can be fixed by “erasing all the negativity” and making everyone to like the current content. But this won’t happen. Nobody who hates this will be made to like it by being shoved this further in his throat. They are not uniting people with this – they are banishing those who don’t like it by telling them that they are party poopers. But the thing is – the party was never made for those alleged party poopers to begin with, despite it was advertised to them like it. Why else adding dark, edgy and serious characters like Shadow and Metal Sonic?
I rest my case. This will either be a gigantic, Gigantic flop – or it will kill the Adventure spirit forever. Sayonara, Sonic the Hedgehog.
Um… Hello? What part of “different continuity” don’t you understand?
It’s not supposed to be related to the official canon; it’s a totally different take at the franchise, targeted towards a younger demographic. It was never intended to replace the games or comics, and it never will.
I can’t understand some people’s logic of “if you don’t like it, well it’s not canon so stop freaking out!” Wish we could just ignore Sonic Boom so easily. Fact is, we can’t. Sure, you can choose not to buy the game/watch the show.
But the facts are facts: Canon or not, it’s still officially Sonic, it’s still part of the series, and its inevitable failure will still be lumped together with all the other negativity that the series has garnered. It’s not like it’s a fan-created game/show, and THAT’S why people are upset over Sonic Boom; because it’s just so bad that it is comparable to a bad fan-creation, yet it was in fact produced with the approval and promotion of SEGA. You know, the creators/owners of the original once-beloved series.
So it’s “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” with Sonic?
It’s no wonder why I hate this fanbase.
Sonic Boom will not fail. SEGA has pulled enough stops to make sure that doesn’t happen, but whether it will be a thriving success is what is to be contemplated.
Personally, I won’t mind Boom as long as Sonic Team doesn’t follow suit with the main series. Basically, Sonic needs to be Sonic again. If next year they reveal a game that returns to the Adventure spirit as you put it, then I will be relieved because we will still have “our Sonic.” With Sonic getting a movie with actual humans in it, it makes me hopeful that Sonic Team will indeed be ditching the Colors/Lost World style in favor of bringing the main series back to what it should be.
Basically, BOTH series shouldn’t be the same. Boom can be geared toward children and newcomers, but the main series should be geared toward older, and long-time fans.
Sonic’s been around for over 20 years. Change is bound to happen. I’m sorry if this displeases you, but there is no avoiding progression. 😐
Read this, Kabam!:
You’ve certainly got a point there Bullwinkle.
I actually found this pretty funny, my little brothers and sisters will love this.
This may or may not have hit Teen Titans Go levels in terms of set up, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t watch the show, if nothing else for new Teen Titans content but then I’ll be on a tangent about ‘Sonic Boom is to Teen Titans Go! As Teen Titans was to SA(2)’.
Though I am curious to see how the characters interact amongst each other more specifically in the games. Especially since last major sonic games they’ve been reduced to a cheering Squad, (Go! Sonic! You Got This Sanic!). And the Irony is that my favorite character to play as in games IS Sonic. But, the others were just useless and I think Boom aims to change that.
Maybe Sonic won’t be the ‘solve all’ problems like he has been in recent games/media and the others can actually do some worthwhile help.
Sorry about that; got a little over-excited…
It’s okay. We need as much pro-Sonic Boom (TV Show) people as we can get so we can fight off the haters.
Well, excuse me. I can have an opinion and an informed one at that and not be put under the false bigoted silhouette of being called a hater. For one, I have seen hundreds of sitcom and comedy series from beginning to end from the early beginnings of TV broadcasting (Hogan’s Heroes, Gilligan’s Island, Red Skelton, I Love Lucy) to now and this is underwhelmingly terrible scripting. This is going to be just like that Pac-Man franchise reboot that came and went and very few seem to know even happened if everything we are seeing is continues to line up as it has.
You tout change, Kabam!, but if you cannot stand a difference in opinion yourself, which is the very lifeblood of change itself, it leads me to believe you like the series staying (not changing) as it has been: mediocre. Accepting new garbage doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s still garbage, albeit of a different flavor. I’m not a garbage connoisseur myself–just a fan of creative wit, nothing more. I’ll leave the garbage collecting to those who don’t mind wallowing in it.
What’re you expecting from a Sonic show? Shakespeare?
Something tells me you’re looking in the wrong place.
I never called you a hater. In fact you seem like you know your stuff so I won’t bother you. When I said “haters” I meant the numb skulls who comment just to annoy everyone. You on the other hand appear to have sufficient info to back up your claims.
@Kabam!: Thank you for understanding and I really mean it. For a moment there, I was a bit ticked by the growing underlying tone here in the comments section that came across as if that anyone was not in favor of the TV series was a hater.
@LogiTeeka: As for your response, I’m at a total loss as to what to say. If those shows I mentioned are of Shakespearean quality for you, that’s disappointing and alarming to me to hear that some people can no longer evaluate their entertainment properly. To further put this into perspective, I also would include classic cartoons like Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry among my favorites and while they are classics in their own right, they are definitely not on the same level of Shakespeare.
Let’s be clear here. I’m certainly not expecting a draconian level of perfection, just some excellence and novelty in one form or another that other cartoon companies have managed to pull off without a hitch. If I can smile and chuckle naturally without feeling like the humor is out-of-place, forced or overly cheesy, I’m fine with it, no questions asked. The problem is I feel like this is trying to be AoStH and SatAM at the same time in 3D animated form in a very terrible way and it’s just not reaching me at all.
Do you honestly think Amy and Eggman playing a fuzzy puppy MMO together is a story even worth writing? And I thought the Antoine episodes in SatAM were bad enough. The writing team obviously went skin deep in even coming up with the basic plot structures. My, how history loves repeating itself and it is so darned annoying sometimes. Heck, up to now, if anything like this was posted as fan fiction anywhere, it would be immediately laughed at and frowned upon. However, if this works for you, fine-oh-ree, but I can assure you you’ll be in a very, very small pool of viewers because the quality is highly lacking here.
Doh, where are my comments going? Please save and post them, moderating folks.
@Kabam!: Thank you for understanding and I really mean it. For a moment there, I was a bit ticked by the growing underlying tone here in the comments section that came across as if anyone who was not in favor of the TV series was a hater.
@LogiTeeka: As for your response, I’m at a total loss as to what to say. If those shows I mentioned are of Shakespearean quality for you, that’s disappointing and alarming to me to hear that some people can no longer evaluate their entertainment properly. To further put this into perspective, I also would include classic cartoons like Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry among my favorites and while they are classics in their own right, they are definitely not on the same level of Shakespeare.
Let’s be clear here. I’m certainly not expecting a draconian level of perfection, just some excellence and novelty in one form or another that other cartoon companies have managed to pull off without a hitch. If I can smile and chuckle naturally without feeling like the humor is out-of-place, forced or overly cheesy, I’m fine with it, no questions asked. The problem is I feel like this is trying to be AoStH and SatAM at the same time in 3D animated form in a very terrible way and it’s just not reaching me at all.
Do you honestly think Amy and Eggman playing a fuzzy puppy MMO together is a story even worth writing? And I thought the Antoine episodes in SatAM were bad enough. The writing team obviously went skin deep in even coming up with the basic plot structures. My, how history loves repeating itself and it is so darned annoying sometimes. Heck, up to now, if anything like this was posted as fan fiction anywhere, it would be immediately laughed at and frowned upon. However, if this works for you, fine-oh-ree, but I can assure you you’ll be in a very, very small pool of viewers because the quality is highly lacking here.
^Double post. lol. This comments section devours and even regurgitates. At least it came out right in both attempts.