Jun Senoue Confirms TGS Appearance, 3rd Sonic Generations CD?
If you follow us – and by us I mean the likes of the Sonic Wrecks account on Twitter (@sonicwrecks), Jun Senoue (@Crush40), Adam Tuff/T-Bird (@TeamChaotix), Dreadknux’s work account (@Svend_SPOnG) and my non-SW personal one (@thekevineva) you’ll have noticed we were having a big old chat recently with others about merchandise. You see Jun is actually a really big collector, in fact he and Naka-san arr are at T-Bird/Nemain levels of merchandising and as a result we all slipped into a “do you have this” mode. In fact Jun has promised to show us some of his collection in photos which we’ll reveal when he posts them up. An early photo showed the poster for Sonic Adventure’s launch party – sending us all fanboyishly orgasmic.
However Jun’s Twitter is a very busy one nowadays and this morning came two pieces of information. Firstly Jun has confirmed that he has a slot on the SEGA stage at the Tokyo Game Show on Sunday September 18th. Unfortunately there will be no Crush 40 or Cash Cash appearance on this occasion.
“No chance to have Johnny or Alex this time. Taneda will not be available either. I need to think about this next week.”
It certainly leaves a headache, hopefully we won’t have the sessions singer from the 2010 TGS appearance (if you don’t recall just how bad that guy was… click here to see him murder poor Reach For The Stars) however Generations music being played does seems likely.
“I need to think about the songs to play there and I know it will be a great opportunity to play some from Generations.”
Senoue also commented on questions about the Japanese soundtracks we revealed the other day, citing that, “They are sort of giveaway CDs. I will work on the soundtrack CD of Sonic Generations later.”
One can only assume by this that the two soundtracks we’d seen are not the Sonic Generations soundtracks and that an official one will indeed be in the works. SEGA have really been cranking out the Sonic soundtracks during this 20 year celebration, much to the annoyance of fans bank accounts. Whilst great there will be an official Sonic Generations soundtrack, hopefully a multiple disc release as recent offerings have been which incorporate all modern/classic and 3DS/console levels at the same time you have to wonder just how much more milk SEGA are hoping to squeeze out of this 20th Anniversary cash cow.