Hunnid-P To Be Out of Jail “Sooner Than You Think”
It’s been half a year since we last heard about Hunnid-P. Now it seems his jail sentence is nearing its end.
A post made by his fiance was put up on his Facebook page saying that he’s still in jail but will be out “sooner than you think”.
Exactly how soon was not mentioned.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
Best wishes! 🙂
So why was he in jail? Must of did something real bad to be jailed…
He was jailed for weapons possesion.
Periodically? Forgive me for my apparent ignorance, but what exactly do they mean by that?
@Lauren: If you are reading this, Lauren, I believe he was arrested for weapons possession.
Check the image included. It means his fiance will be monitoring his FB page from time to time. =)
Let’s try not playing with guns like a tryhard gangster, ok Hunnid?
that’s alright. i never gave a flip in the first place…..
“sooner than you think”
… Omg are we actually breaking Hunnid-P out of jail? Cos I’d be down for that
lol Let’s do it man.
Interesting… I wasn’t aware. Hope he gets out very soon! ^^
Oh wait that wasn’t supposed to be a reply xD Anyway, you get the idea.
We’re gonna need a helicopter and some massive speakers so we can blast Unknown to M.E as we fly off into the sunset with our precious cargo of gangsta.
So did he ever actually receive all those hot dogs that someone here tried to arrange into doing?
same old same old people. I do not wanna be one of them but someday I will do something very bad coz I feel… well , too sad about something.
I read that last sentence as “Exactly how was not mentioned” and assumed the wife was planning a prison break.
Actually I wouldn’t mind if he sings in the new theme/stages of Knuckles, if rumors about him being playable in the next console game are true.
*Imagines somewhat reversed scenario where Knuckles is in G.U.N. prison needing Sonic to help him break out*
Seriously, though, she probably meant he will be out early for good behavior.
Well he must of been doing something with the weapons if he got caught. Selling illegally? Did he like shoot or stab someone?
Likely, he just had them. It’s not that he had weapons but special ones. It’s illegal in many states to have certain grades and varieties of guns in your possession. I mean, a Gatling gun or an armor piercing machine can literally shoot through the walls of a modern home and kill someone or at least maim them. I sure you wouldn’t want that to happen to you or your family.
*machine gun
He might get out on good behavior. I have it on good authority that he takes the guards’ orders very seriously and respectfully, and does not chuckle at them once.
He’s been getting really buff in the prison gym group, flexing his muscles day by day until they are literally booming with volume.
“…booming with volume.”
That wordplay was fucking tight.
Assuming you did that on purpose, anyway.
I did. Spoiler: It was mainly influenced by Unknown from M.E.’s lyrical line “I like to flex my muscles” and this Sonic Boom fan-created meme: http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Knuckles+redesign_244940_5008647.png
And, of course, the meaningfully multilayered couplet there of “booming” “volume”, which appeals to the auditory senses in a visual way, and “Sonic Boom”, which alludes to the newly added Sonic universe, is what I thought was a real stroke of creative genius and I just had to share!
Not to brag (prepare for a wall of text), but I just studied an entire intense, fast-paced semester of Portuguese poetry and prose literature from antiquity and the modern times, in a language which is not my native tongue but I hold a collegiate mastery in, doing so competently in various archaic and current orthographic forms of the language. Literary giants which, in my opinion rival Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and Mark Twain, such as Machado de Assis, Luís de Camões, Fernão Lopes, Fernão Mendes Pinto, and hundreds upon hundreds of pages and countless books I scoured over.
I feel like, to some small degree, I came out of that course enlightened linguistically and communicationally on so many levels. I opted for this of my own choosing while still carrying the heavy load of my primary major which is computer engineering. I feel there is power in always trying to be well-rounded, open-minded and well-versed and I highly recommend to anyone the very same thing, no matter their area of interest or field of expertise.