Fan Fridays: MiiTara
This week we here at TSSZ would like to point the spotlight on Russian artist MiiTara, whose extravagant lighting and compositions have offered some of the most unique and charming pieces I’ve seen to date. Her brilliant brushwork adds a new sense of depth and softness to the characters that’s truly a sight to behold. We’ve included a few of her pieces in the gallery below, showcasing various different aspects of Sonic’s world, ranging from swift sprints, a mid battle stance, and even just enjoying the beauty in the breeze.
You can take a look at MiiTara’s full collection on her deviantART account, as well as some exclusive sketches on her Tumblr and Instagram. As always, we’re searching for fan work to spotlight, so if you have a project you’d like to share, be sure to send us a link at!