Ryo Hazuki now available on Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed PC
It was just a matter of time since it was leaked by the Yogscast crew. Ryo Hazuki has zoomed his appearance to Sonic & Al-Stars Racing Transformed, this time for the PC version of the game.
Steam prompted an 81Mb update download earlier today, with a clear goal: Bring the Shenmue main character to the roster of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, as it was promised.
But not for free, unlike almost all the other addition to the roster, Ryo is a paid DLC, but one with a pretty reasonable price: for only 1’59$/’099£/1’59€ you can have Ryo and his classic SEGA arcade games cabinets vehicles for you.
SEGA has still not announced it officially, so maybe there will be some surprises regarding a console release, maybe not. Until then, you can grab it at its steam product page and rev up your engines with Ryo.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News
I hope he shows up on the other systems. I know it won’t be $1.59 on the 360 or PS3 though. Possibly on the Wii U.
I kind of wish they’d stop tweaking the motion controls for the plane every time they update, on a related note. Each time I get used to it, it changes again.
No one cares about this… I want know what’s up with the next Sonic game……
Hey, I still care. This is a multiplayer-oriented game, meaning it will have people playing for a long, long time.
Consider that there are still packed rooms in Mario Kart DS and Mario Kart Wii, let alone Mairo Kart 7.
People aren’t willing to pay $1.59? :/
Unless they expected it to be more expensive, which I can understand.
Miku could come next…. she was the other one in the top 3 of the poll, and segata is already kind of excluded for legal reasons….
Vectorman would also be interesting tho
Really? How come?
i dont really remember but i think it has to do with the fact that the amn who played segata is no longer alive. so that creates problems. Remember when they had to remove the vocals from the sonic CD opening song because one of those vocals had died too?
Sweet. More content for the best version of the game 🙂
How come I have this bad feeling that all the rest of the real DLC is just characters from the past game.
*sigh* I just want either Blaze or Segata Sanshiro playable in here, is that too much to ask?
You can ask all you want, but you’re not always gonna get it. It’s part of life.
Yeah, let’s totally ignore the hundreds of people that wanted Segata in the game yet give us characters we don’t want and have us pay for ones that were already in the last game.
Maybe I and others wanted Ryo in the game because he was fun to play as in the last game. You can’t always please two majorities with the amount of time and resources you may have. The sooner you learn that, the less stress you’ll have for yourself, just sayin’.
The point stands, he was still in the last game, so why not just have him from the start in this game? No, we have to wait till 2 years after the game is released, and then, we have to pay for him. A character that was free to use in the first game, is now paid DLC in this version. That really doesn’t sound like a smart choice if you ask me, especially with the choice of characters that were put in place of those that were dropped.
TSSZ you make me chuckle sometimes. All this fuss for the past month about not knowing if or when Ryo would come to steam and just minutes ago you post this.
I know you just post the news as it comes but still, it’s kinda funny in a way… well sorta …kinda… well whatever, I thought it was funny …ish?
Anyway I still have my fingers crossed consoles will get support for this one character at the very least. It still feels odd that this game is getting so much support 2 years after it released (I was always under the impression most everybody who bought this game played it and moved on over a year ago) but for the sake of supporting anything Shenmue related, I’m in.
Seriously what gives with this game anyway? I mean not to knock on the die hard fans but I thought this game was just ‘decent’ at best. I mean it’s a great kart racer don’t get me wrong, the musics great, the stage designs great, the character rosters diverse… but compared to the first game this one always felt unfinished to me. The visuals lacked a ton of polish, there are glitches everywhere, the worlds don’t look and feel as colorful and vibrant… heck the JSR battle stage is flat out unfinished! The buildings are just floating in the sky!
Well for whatever reason Sumo are determined to keep this game in the spotlight so hey, more power to them I guess.
I’m curious now if this is it for all the ASRT DLC or of they still have more on the way but like most of everyone else here, my only one concern is if said DLC is ever going to come to consoles or if we’re just going to have to suck it up and get the PC version or go without.
Or–Or–maybe our kvetching about Ryo helped it come to PC sooner?
A guy can dream.
Screw Ryo, I want to see Blaze, Silver, and other Sonic characters who didn’t make the cut. I don’t want to see any more characters that I don’t care about.
Blaze needs to be in here, she should have been in here from the start since they dropped Big, why not replace him with a character that people like more? (no offence to Big, he’s alright with me)
Slow your roll, Sonic is their mascot but we already have a lot. Sega isn’t just made of Sonic learn how to accept that. Sonic is shoehorned with tons of games where other characters like NiGHTS and Billy Hatcher and Ryo get barely jack shit. Stop being a whiny Sonic fanboy and be considerated that there are also fans of Sega’s other franchises, that have been waiting for years and time for their favorite series, or the character of the series to get some recognition which Sega fails to acknowledge sometimes. People have been waiting for Phantasy Star Online II which was promised since last year to be still unknown or likely to be over the western region and Sonic Lost World just came out not too long ago.
Yeah, and not many people are happy with Lost World, including me.
Also, if there was actual Sega representation in here, then where’s Vectorman? Where’s Ristar? Where’s Segata Sanshiro? Where are these characters that should be playable yet we get Nascar racers and Minecraft LPers.
The comment wasn’t directed towards you. It was directed to the fanboy claiming we need more SAWNIC characters. I know ppl aren’t happy with Lost World. But then again Sonic had his moment to shine and who knows what the 3rd game will be like in the Nintendo exclusive deal? Sonic Team puts so much time and effort in in trying to find out a middle ground for Sonic. Sonic Team could work on a new Nights or a traditional Phantasy Star game and hell it could be good for all we know but we would never know if the team always focuses on Sonic. And that’s why this game is more needed so people can recognize these other Sega stars rather than just Sonic and his pals. Sega and Sumo are just horrible at selecting the cast of characters. And that’s why we needed the poll to tell those guys we want actual Sega representation of the old classics and not some chick that’s sponsored by Go Daddy.
I just have the feeling that they don’t even care about that huge poll since they aren’t even mentioning it much and none of the others except Ryo which was from the last game got in.
I just want a new character in here from either Sega’s many other franchies that’s interesting or Blaze the Cat.
If the next game in this Nintendo deal for Sonic isn’t a Rush 3 with Blaze playable, this whole deal was for nothing. Just have them head back to the Generations formula with other characters playable for once and toss out the wisps.
There’s already too many Sonic characters. No need for any more.
Oh no! Just six characters! Even though the last game had seven, and just putting at least Blaze wouldn’t harm them that much.
Then again, you wouldn’t mind since the game isn’t Nintendo exclusive.
There’s seven. Which is more than enough. There are too many other SEGA characters that should be prioritized over Sonic related ones. We still don’t have any rep from Phantasy Star, Virtua Fighter, Valkyria Chronicles and tons of others. Putting another character from the Sonic franchise that already has the most representation would be a spit in the face to SEGA fans.
bring thiw to frikken ps3 and xbox now..HURRY
Seriously I just have to ask, what is everyone’s obsession with Blaze the Cat anyway? I mean she’s a cool character and all but, I just don’t get why everyone gets upset when she’s absent from any spin-off Sonic Title.
You’d think Silver or Rouge the Bat would be in bigger demand or something, I mean she even has that car from Sonic Adventure 2 she could use.
I dunno, I get wanting Ristar or Vectorman (Surprised Bayonetta doesn’t get much demand) But Really Blaze? I just can’t picture her being that interesting even if she was in the game to begin with.
I mean, she’s purple I guess… but y’know? ….I just can’t think of anything else she could bring to the game other than… that?
Seriously I’m right now trying to picture her in the game. All I can think of is that she’s purple and would probably be riding a quad-bike shaped like her own face… I can’t think of any other interesting qualities she could bring to the table.
You know, there are some of us here that like a character that isn’t a damn hedgehog or a Sonic Adventure 2 character and want someone that doesn’t get enough of a spotlight.
Why not the waterbike from Sonic Rush Adventure that is altered with land and air modes as well as Burning Blaze as her All-Star Move. If you ask me, that’s a great way she could be but in here.
You’re probably right, I just never personally saw her as that interesting of the character.
The only thing she really had going for her was that she was as fast as Sonic, but hell, so was half the cast of Sonic Heroes/Shadow the Hedgehog.
Character wise I just don’t see much of anything she doesn’t bring to the table that isn’t already there in some degree from Shadow, Knuckles or Espio apart from her gender and her design.
She’s just that girl who sits quietly in the corner and blends in, y’know?
Everyone’s totally entitled to their opinions, I just don’t personally get why there’s such a vocal demand for her to be DLC in this very specific game. Hell I’d personally take Sega Saturn’s Clockwork Knight over her if given the chance.
“She’s just that girl who sits quietly in the corner and blends in, y’know?”
Sits quietly and blends in? If anything she’s a far bigger stand out of a character than a lot of the other characters in Sonic like Shade, Silver, and WAY better than any of the Deadly Six, and what about her own set of emeralds? As well as her pyrokinetic abilites? And the fact that she hails from another dimension that still has so much that could be expanded upon. Those don’t add to who she is?
If any Sonic character is a character that’s “Just that girl who sits quietly and blends in” it’s someone like Cream or Cosmo.
@RobotHobo64 Again, they’re good points but it doesn’t really add to the fact that there’s little to nothing she can bring to All Stars Racing Transformed that isn’t already in there to some form of degree from the other 10-odd Sonic characters.
like @Ophelia said, it makes more sense to even out the ALL star side of things and try and keep the roster as diverse as possible or if they need to bring more Sonic characters, then they may as well bring in more of the main/core cast.
Cream the Rabbit and Rouge still make more sense IMO then Blaze as they’re more established characters.
I’d gladly take Blaze over the likes of Danica Patrick, Yogcast, Football Manager or War General guy but I can still think of at least another good 10-15 Sega characters who deserve the spot a lot more than she does. Even from the obscure titles like BUG, Fighting Vipers or Clockwork Knight.
Okay, Rouge I understand, but Cream? Even if she’s been in a few more games she’s still done very little in them compared to characters like Rouge, Blaze or Silver.
If the roster wasn’t a mess of these other characters that make no sense being in here, like the football manager, I wouldn’t be complaining. But the fact that a character from the last game needs to be paid to be used just to have these other crap characters in it from the start just drives me up the wall.
I’m just tired of having my favorite character only playable in Olympic games and IOS cash-ins and nothing like another Sonic the Fighters or another Sonic R and maybe if Sega and Sonic Team stopped pulling the same shit from Lost World and making a game that actually has more than freaking Sonic, we could actually have her contribute to the series more.
Again, I don’t hate Blaze, I just don’t get what all the fuss is about.
If you look on this article, it’s just RoboHobo64.
I like Blaze too, but I feel like the game does need to cut back on Sonic. Smash Bros. tries not to have more than 4 characters from the same franchise (though they sometimes have to twist what constitutes a separate franchise), for instance.
That being said, SEGA is in a different position from Nintendo. Nintendo has a lot of brand names. Sonic is the only franchise SEGA has that can consistently turn a profit worldwide.
Ideally, I would like the game to have as diverse a cast as possible, and I mean visually too–having too many Sonic characters hurts that too because most Sonic characters fit a rather narrow range of designs. The original game executed that better because you had guys like Opa-Opa, the Bonanza Bros., Billy Hatcher, and the Chu Chus, who look VASTLY different than anyone else. It’s why I’d root for characters like Miku, Vectorman, and Arle–they don’t look anything like anyone currently on the SASRT roster.
@Ophelia My thoughts exactly. That’s one of the main reasons Ryo was my favorite character in the previous game. he just stood out so much from the rest of the cast as a photo realistic looking character surrounded by these huge bright and cartoony visuals, it was hilarious. Akira and Jacky were realistic too but knowing the game Ryo’s from and how it was meant to be taken so seriously it just felt so funny, seeing him turn up to a race with against the likes of Sonic and Billy Hatcher in a forklift/motorcycle. XD
Man… it’s great to have him back!
This totally. I can’t see Blaze in this game because she isn’t established enough as Rouge like you said. Where the hell is Rouge in the Mario & Sonic Olympic series??? As a rival?? Not a playable character yet she’s been apart of the series since SA2 which a lot of fans want a sequel to? But Blaze and Silver get in?? And nobody really complains but since Silver and Blaze are not in this game, it’s a problem why???? Blaze and Silver in my opinion, don’t contribute as much to the Sonic series and still don’t feel well established enough to be in a game like this. And other Sega franchises deserve a spot to be in there better than Silver and Blaze.
I just come here to give you my two cents on the topic.
Perhaps Blaze is not as famous as Rouge or even Cream but shes arguably a better character, her personality and stories are better developed than those of most Sonic characters; she also stays away from the cliche unlike most Sonic characters and is more stylish and unique in design and abilities, no wonder why shes got that many fans.
So talking about characters I will vote for quality over fame anyday.
$1.59? Heck, he might as well be free. All you have to do is play a few other games for awhile and get the Steam trading card drops, then sell them on the marketplace. You’ll make that in a maybe an evening or two.
P.S. If anyone is interested, I still have the bar chart for the SASRT character poll. It’s no surprise Ryo would take priority, as he ultimately got the most votes.
(That’s Blaze from Streets of Rage, by the way.)
@Opheila I agree with most of your post but I think you are missing the point of these crossover games, to make more brand names popular. If Smash Bros never existed I can tell you that many of Nintendo’s franchise would not be nearly as popular as they are now (Mother, Kid Icarus, F Zero, etc) hell Fire Emblem would have never made it across states if it wasn’t for a crossover. So they over abundance of Sonic characters is very understandable.
Sonic is clearly not as profitable as he was 20,10, or even 6 years ago. Judging on sales, he is losing popularity so attaching the Sonic name probably would not help. It may even hinder the performance based on Sonic’s not so stelar reception, thanks to Lost World for macking it worse.
And Sega has more profitable franchises than you think, only they NEVER import their good games.
Sonic is still profitable. He’s still the brand name everyone recognizes. It just takes a while for his games to make back the money spent because of lack of marketing, but Sonic games continue to sell decently years after they come out.
SASRT would be perfect to make the more obscure franchises popular. I think a lot of people here would argue that. However, SASRT has a distinct LACK of obscure franchises, at least among SEGA fans. It’s mostly familiar stuff that DOES turn a profit nowadays (Sonic, Super Monkey Ball) or stuff that turned a profit when games were still being made for that franchise (Jet Set Radio, Skies of Arcadia, Alex Kidd).
There is actually an article somewhere, though I forget where, that points out that, except for Vyse, every SEGA character in SASRT, at the time of the game’s release, has either had a game released or remade in the 7th generation (and thus then-currently available for purchase), or there are plans to release such a game in the then-near future. Even then, there were talks of a Skies of Arcadia remake, though I believe it got canceled. It was this article that pointed out why characters like Ryo Hazuki and Billy Hatcher were excluded from the game: They could not be used as publicity to sell games SEGA would get money from.
P.S. Nintendo tried to use Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a platform to launch Starfy, but that backfired big time.
I think it is because Stafy was only an assist trophy. Can’t use the game as a platform if Stafy was a minor character in the game at best.