Fanart: Tonight We’re Gonna Party Like Its SOS 08
I’m taking more and more notice of Umiyuri’s art thread on the Entherial Online message board as she scans more and more stuff in (I’ve been promised the Chibi NiGHTS she drew at Alton Towers which I thought was exceptional and that sent TRiPPY into a squee-fest will be coming up soon) and a recent entry showed off some art I’d completely forgotten about.
Umiyuri at SoS 08 had a very fancy custom t-shirt on – just like she did at Summer of Sonic 2009… although admittedly I was distracted on that occasion by the sparkly aquamarine wig she was wearing and SOS 08 is such a blur that it might as well have been some sort of Salvador Dali picture in my mind. Anyway Umi, whose mother tried to convince me to adopt her at one point that Alton Towers weekend – very tempting but we’ve already got Blake practically as our son – has put this artwork up and its really awesome.
It’s incredible that she’s so young yet she’s already developed her own style. Well done girl 😉
Lol, she’s not THAT young. 🙂
I don’t know which to laugh at more, the fact that Umiyuri’s mom wants you to adopt her, or that you using Blake Draco as a practice son lol