WordPress Conversion Update – 25/04/10
The latest conversions over to WordPress yield a few new items and some forgotten gems, for instance I completely forgot about the “Wreckscon” countdown of inter-site relationship status and the glorious day we got a bit miffed with TSS resulting in a change to Wreckscon 4 – “Raised Eyebrows”. Anyway we’re down to 437 Cutenews posts now, and have hit some of the ones that didn’t transfer over initially, so that means new archived posts are now being added with full tags etc.
Additionally, two Music pages were converted yesterday over to WordPress and restored to the site. These are Sonic Spinball (8-Bit) and Sonic and Knuckles, the later of which facilitated a new background wallpaper being added to the site rotation which you may (or may not) have already seen.