
48% Would Prefer Next Sonic Game To Have Adventure Gameplay
Late fall and early winter is always a very calm period for SEGA regardless of how the rest of the year goes. But next year will likely make up for it with the 25th anniversary of Sonic and what will likely be a new main game. We asked you in the latest poll, now closed, what gameplay formula you would want the next main game to have. The results were as follows:
Which gameplay of Sonic would you like the next main game to have?
Adventure (Sonic Adventure 1 & 2) (48%, 427 Votes)
Boost (Sonic Rush games, Unleashed, Colors, Generations) (27%, 234 Votes)
Classic (Sonic 1, 2, 3&K) (19%, 164 Votes)
Parkour (Sonic Lost World) (6%, 57 Votes)Total Voters: 882
There is now a new poll to vote on. Feel free to leave a comment on the previous and/or current poll down below.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
Why not all the things.
Becaaaaaause that’d be a clusterfuck..?
Not if they did it properly, but they’d need a lot of time and console power for that.
To be fair, the Adventure games are infamous for their variety of gameplay styles. 😛
Sonic Generations 2? No thanks, I rather have something entirely new or Sonic Adventure 3
I’m with you there! All the things could work if they took the time and console capability to make them work and fit together well enough. And hey, if I have to choose between a Sonic game looking like a past game and not playing like one or a Sonic game playing like a past game and not looking like one, then I’ll pick the one that plays like the best of the best. They’ve been trying to hard to tap into the classic aesthetic lately, they need to apply that more to the gameplay rather than the environment.
That would be ideal, but… you know, SEGA.
I am both surprised and not surprised at all by this turnout. The Boost gameplay is better for speed and presentation, but the Adventure style truly was a Goldilocks style for Sonic to use. Especially when split among multiple characters. They just need to refine the system and iron out the recurring glitches and maybe trim some of the fat so that things can run more smoothly, like…Sonic Adventure’s original engine with better collision, tighter physics and possibly more intuitive gameplay structure so that the different characters work better together. Maybe something like what Sonic Boom/Heroes did where you have access to multiple characters, but you only presently control one and can switch out on the fly instead of being shoehorned into one character without any input.
Blah, I’m just rambling…
I prefer the Boost gameplay much more for that reason, but in a sense it’s just a hyper-evolved form of the Adventure-style and the ideas that introduced, so in a sense the Adventure style of gameplay is a pretty comparable standard to the series. I’d even go as far as to say that it redefined the series in the same regard that Super Mario 64 did for the SMB series. That said though, I would still probably prefer something that takes the best of all styles and combines them into something great that really works amazingly well. Maybe something more heavily based on the Adventure style with bits and pieces of the Boost style thrown in, at least in terms of speed and presentation. Hopefully the Anniversary title next year feels like it touches upon those ideas while still feeling like a step forward in terms of ideas and appearance.
Couldn’t have said it better! I agree with everything you said! By the way, totally off-topic: you are an awesome writer. Maybe you should try applying for one of the openings TSSZ News has?
As tempting as that would be, I’m afraid that at this point in my life I lack the kind of work ethic to really stay on task and keep up with whatever would be put on my plate. Unless the sort of positions available were along the lines of “just come in and write something whenever you feel like it and have time to spare” I’m not sure if I’d be able to make that sort of a commitment. College is tough enough to keep up with right now anyway, and I’m sure most of these guys are a bit beyond me in terms of seniority. But who knows? Positions become available all the time. Maybe when the day comes where there’s an opening and I actually feel more confident about the idea I might just take it up. In the meantime though, I find the most time I can devote towards this site is as an open-minded commentator.
Although I’m sure writing for this site would be much more fun than writing for The Sonic Stadium (Hogfather seems kind of intimidating…).
I would not mind the boost gameplay if it was not for the fact that it was introduced in a game where the abysmal idea of 2D/3D hybrid was introduced. (Hopefully things like “wisps” don’t count as “boost gamepaly” either.) In fact, all Sonic games that ever featured the boost gameplay had to have those 2D sections that were basically incompatible with the very idea of boost.
Both the speed and the presentation works very differently in 2D than how it works in 3D. Boost has no place in 2D game. And 2D/3D hybrid game further confuses your brain while playing. The 3D sections were faster than in any Sonic game before and the 2D sections were slower than in any Sonic game before. Gotta love the transition multiple times DURING the level…
In addition, I always felt as if the boost gameplay was basically robbing you of all the freedom you could have possibly had. And by making you a fast moving unstoppable overpowered tank, it felt way too automated. I am sure that this could be improved though.
The question is if improvements for this formula are not way too hard for SEGA, since SEGA is known for half finished, half featured and half concepted games.
I swear, if they put 2D in a main console Sonic game one more goddamn time…
Like seriously… advertising Colors as if it was 3D game?
I don’t think that SEGA making statements that are only about “10% true” is gonna earn them trust of their customers. Not at this point.
“I would not mind the boost gameplay if it was not for the fact that it was introduced in a game where the abysmal idea of 2D/3D hybrid was introduced.”
Since when did Sonic Rush have 3D stages?
“Boost has no place in 2D game.”
Like Sonic Rush, which has a Metacritic score of 82%?
Being fair I’m pretty sure he was refering to the Boost gameplay of home console titles.
Actually I love both Sonic Rush games to pieces, I like the Boost gameplay of home console titles but I find the 2D sections quite awful, personally I would pretty much prefer the boost gameplay if they replaced the 2D sections with 3D Adventure-like sections.
Since when was Sonic Rush considered a “boost game” by anyone? I swear, you see boost absolutely everywhere!
By that logic, I can assume that Sonic 06 is a boost game too because of the blue gem.
Yeah OK, so it’s in the poll said explicitly. Point taken.
Yet I don’t really see why is it generalized like that. I mean, does it even play similarly? Playing in 2D and playing in 3D is fundamentally different. It’s not that one is better than the other. It’s just that individual people can prefer one style over the other… and some people can even find one of the two too obnoxious to tolerate it.
So in this case, if people voted for “boost” thinking it’s the 3D boost and they get 2D boost, they will feel completely betrayed. And vice versa.
I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. But I can’t stand the mindset that every Sonic has to have 2D in it “if it wants to be good”. Why can’t they make one game fully 2D and another fully 3D? Is it that hard?
Actually, I think it’s easier that way for the developers and designers.
With logic like yours, I’m surprised you can even type coherently.
Personally I think the 2D Boost thing is subjective, it all depends on what you’re looking for. For many it allowed for that creative platforming pace that was missing since 1994, and it kind of gave you a quick little breather between the fast-paced 3D sections. Plus, I really love how creative it made some of the level designs in Generations, re-imagining some areas in a 2D perspective. And if it worked well for Rush it works well for me in the console games as well. Yeah as much of a 2D fest Colors was half the time, it was still pretty fun as a game, it was just a little more heavy on the platforming side, which is probably why so many classic fans were praising the hell out of it. And no, I wouldn’t necessarily consider the Wisps to be part of the Boost Formula, it seems pretty arbitrary which gameplay style they appear in. They were only a major part of Colors, they were a one-level gimick in Generations, and then they were just shoehorned into the different gameplay style of Lost World. They’re almost akin to Item Boxes in that they only appear in whatever game they feel like putting them in. Again, the idea of a 2D/3D hybrid isn’t “abysmal” in of itself, how you receive it is largely up to your tastes and opinions. The fact that I and thousands of other people approve of it while you think it was a mistake to begin with just proves that there are going to be different ways to receive something. That said though, I don’t think that makes it inherently bad though, I think that’s just how you’re interpreting it.
Throwing around the word “subjective” doesn’t make your point very reliable. Especially when you state that “Colors was still a pretty fun game” and forget to mention that this statement is subjective too.
People who just don’t care about one of the two perspectives will not like the game. Even if you call them out on: “bah, you are just biased, it’s SUBJECTIVE to think it’s bad”… it changes NOTHING for the people who really don’t like it. They will not magically start to like the game just because you tell them that: “Well, there are thousands of other people who like it so… suck it up!”
I don’t know. I am just tired of being constantly told that I need to praise the new Sonic games for the little bits and pieces I can enjoy and that I need to ignore the stuff I can’t care for (which is more than 50% of the game most of the time).
Some people could say that this makes me “not a Sonic fan”. Makes sense right? I no longer like Sonic games, so I can’t be a Sonic fan.
Though I still like the old games and I never ceased to. In which case I believe that there is something wrong with the new games.
And throwing the word “subjective” around may explain why I don’t like it… but it won’t explain why Sonic games keep selling less and less every year.
As gamers, don’t technically need to care about how many other people buy the games (except in cases like: “the 2D/3D gameplay is enjoyed by thousands of other people so… there you go! Can’t say anything to that, HAH!”) But there is the thing about the Sonic games being cheaper and cheaper every year because of that (in development costs, not in the actual price).
>SEGA is known for half finished, half featured and half concepted games.
The Yakuza series would like to have a word with you sir.
Same with Sonic games of old. But unfortunately, we live in the present.
I’m always concerned for the future of the comics, because it seems like every other year there’s always some jackass trying to stir up more trouble…and ironically enough it’s been the same jackass multiple times. XP
adventure style game you mean like boom?
oooh! fans are wanting boom 2!
This reasoning is the prime example why is Sonic hitting the rock hard bottom.
This is just what SEGA executives think.
Stop baiting. Also no, Boom’s gameplay was nothing like the Adventure games. The Adventure games were not beat ’em ups.
There’s a reason why Boom’s gameplay wasn’t put up there, and that’s because most people would just associate the idea of the gameplay with all the problems that the game had on it’s own, so no one would vote for it. If Rise of Lyric wasn’t so broken and incomplete of a game, the style they had MIGHT have been interesting, it certainly is the most varied of all the Sonic titles. However with only two titles out so far and only one of them being a console release, it’s kind of hard to say whether that’s a style that will stick for future Boom titles, so we might not even have an identifiable “Boom gameplay style” to speak of yet, aside from the handheld side of things from the looks of it.
Didn’t think that Boom gameplay not being mentioned was because of the bugs. After all, Adventure gameplay is always shamed for the goddamned 06. And it’s not like the the first Adventure games never had some pathing glitches as well. Yet people can still recognize it.
I think that RoL just can’t be interesting no matter if the bugs are there or not. It’s just a slow beat them up without any excitement (if you make me move slow, make the fights at least spectacular and make them feel like they have an impact, geeeeez!) mixed up with a heavy dose of repetitive puzzles (man, and I thought that a “Sonic game” would be the last type of game to incorporate puzzles).
And the handheld title is just a maze run that forces you to visit areas because “LoL, we have exploration! That means fun!”
To be fair, can’t say that people would not like it (people in general surprise me many times for liking something I find completely irrational). I just don’t believe so.
Didn’t know the Adventures were slow beat em ups.
Troll harder next time, k?
this poll was very strange indeed. What does “adventure” gameplay even mean? Bad controls, bad camera, and lots of speed pads? You guys should have honestly grouped Adventure gameplay and SLW gameplay together, they both represent leaning towards traditional 3d platformer controls.
There’s still a very big difference between Lost World and Sonic Adventure.
Lost World is obviously more a Mario game than it is a Sonic game, right down to the Run button and overall level design being practically Mario Galaxy mashed with a bit of New Super Mario Bros with a coat of “Classic Sonic” paint.
sonic lost world and mario galaxy are so different in there gameplay that theres no connection between the two wonna go faster spindash and hold the spindash button. so level design oh well guess u never played sonic adventure 2 did ya hint:mad space
If I wanted to play a game where everyone played the same, I could just play Runners/Dash or any of the other Sonic iOS games.
There is the fact of, I dunno, fixing up the character gameplay for everyone else?
Again, I bring up the Sonic World fangame, which is pretty much doing that to a T. Take everything from Adventure and all other parts of Sonic and fixing and meshing it all together. You need a lot more than just “HEY LOOK BASIC PLATFORMING” to keep me invested in a game, that’s why I don’t like Sonic Colors that much, it just ends up being a one trick pony, and said trick gets boring.
I agree but from a different perspective.
If Adventure gameplay strictly adheres the 3D platforming gameplay of Sonic’s levels alone then I’d happily take that over almost all of the other options. Sonic’s Adventure 1 gameplay I thought was a decent translation of Sonic into a 3D space that never got the fine-tuning and polish it got in its camera, controls, and level design. Adventure 2 fixed collision detection issues but I think made everything worse, and later games followed suit until 2006 reached the nadir.
If on the other hand, “Adventure gameplay” means the Adventure games’ genre roulette of emerald hunting, treasure shooting, kart racing, and Chao Gardens being lumped in with Sonic’s 3D platforming as what defines “Adventure gameplay”…than I really hope “Adventure gameplay” stays buried. The unneeded and poorly designed content bloat of everything that arguably entailed what started the downfall of Sonic games and the stained reputation of “Sonic’s crappy friends” is the last thing I want this series to go back to.
Pretty much how I feel, Gabe. SA1’s Sonic gameplay in the action stages were great, though a bit rough around the edges. Not the genre roulette, not the Chao Gardens, not the Hub Worlds, etc. Just some good ol’ fashioned momentum based platforming.
Couldn’t agree more with this!! This is exactly what I want from an hypothetical Sonic Adventure 3 or any similar game, also if it has multiple playable characters it would be better if everyone played on the same stages as Sonic (like Tails in SA1, Shadow in SA2) just with their unique abilities each.
Well, and there I love Adventure for everything you hated about it.
Well, I could mention the word “opinions” and “subjective” like the other guy, but who the hell cares at this point. It’s all about what SEGA choses to do now.
Adventure gameplay wins the poll? Who cares! The Internet commenters still crusade against it, still make jabs at Adventure and try to bury it even despite it’s basically long buried…
And then you have SEGA who doesn’t give a ****. They didn’t initialize this poll, they didn’t manage this poll, they don’t care for this poll. They will just make another 2D nostalgia trip of a game and say: “What you gunna do about it?! We own Sonic, we can do what we want!!!” And then you will have SEGA defenders who will shout: “Shut up haters! Sonic belongs to SEGA! They can do whatever they want! If you don’t like this amazing game, you are not a Sonic fan!!!!”
And that’s basically it. Everything is pointless at this point.
Given the demand for Sonic Adventure 3 (seriously, we already had it; it’s called Unleashed), it’s no surprise to see Adventure winning the poll. However, I feel that would be a bad direction to go in. For me, the Boost gameplay is more akin to what made the series great in the early 90s: smooth momentum-based physics.
If we already had it, there would be no demand for it.
And in the hypothetical scenario where we really already had it, there would be a demand for Sonic Adventure 4.
The “Sonic game X was Adventure 3” is a subtle way of saying: “I don’t want YOU to have the Sonic game you like ever again because I personally don’t like it!!!”
And the smooth momentum-based physics is the complete opposite of boost gameplay. The original games employed the pinball physics, where the acceleration was fairly slow, you were not invincible during the speed sections (unless Super Sonic) and the terrain played a huge role (it was not all just a flat surface, there were horizontal and vertical segments that were interconnected in a smart way… and there were big differences between Sonic 1, Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 in that regard anyway).
I must have imagined Sonic Unleashed a.k.a. Sonic World Adventure having hub worlds that are used to access the stages; thanks for clear- oh, wait, that’s *exactly* what Unleashed had.
And you have completely missed my point about the Boost games. The Boost style sees you start at one end of a stage and get to the other by flowing through each section in turn. Which, by the way, is exactly how the Genesis games played.
What do hubworlds have to do with anything at all?
And yeah, seriously, I had to miss your point because I don’t understand your new explanation either. This hardly sounds like anything that defines the boost in the first place.
“What do hubworlds have to do with anything at all?”
Are you saying I imagined the hubworlds in Sonic Adventure as well?
Ah crap, posted in the wrong place.
Can someone nuke the post above please? And this one too.
Well said man! I’m getting tired of people saying “Sonic Unleashed or Sonic 06 is Sonic Adventure 3 because it has a similar name/concept” but is not since it either lacks concepts, style and quality from the original Sonic Adventure games.
Even though the Adventure games introduced the hub worlds they aren’t exclusive to them, other games like Sonic Advance 3, Sonic 06, Sonic Rush Adventure and Sonic Boom RoL also have Hub Worlds, and in my humble opinion I think the Adventure games captured the Genesis “momentum-based physics” better than the home console boost gameplay which actually felt more like a racer.
Please tell me where I said hub worlds were unique to the Adventure games. Of which, by the way, Adventure 2 did *not* have them.
No matter what people say, Sonic ’06 was Sonic Adventure 3. It’s structured exactly like Sonic Adventure 1.
Either way, we’ve had Sonic Adventure 3, which was the point I was trying to make.
06 and Unleashed were both originally intended to be SA3 at some point, but the idea was scrapped because Sonic Team felt that those games were too different and wouldn’t live up to the title. So no, they’re technically not SA3, not even by Sonic Team’s standards.
They both have far more in common with Adventure 1 than Adventure 2 ever did.
What…? Then have you been trolling the whole time?
Which means Hub World =/= Adventure gameplay. I could care less about Hubs being in a Sonic game, I just want the slower momentum based platforming from that era to return. The boost was fun, but I feel it got stale in Generations. I want a platformer, not a thrill ride that only lasts 2 hours.
@Raw: Something that is painfully transparent to anyone who has played those games for more than ten seconds.
@Tomoki: I never said Hub World == Adventure gameplay. Now, can we please stop making up shit?
“I must have imagined Sonic Unleashed a.k.a. Sonic World Adventure having hub worlds that are used to access the stages; thanks for clear- oh, wait, that’s *exactly* what Unleashed had.”
One moment you compare a game’s gameplay to the Adventure games because it has Hub Worlds, then you deny any comparission from your part, please make up your mind if you want your arguments to hold any water.
I’m not making up shit, because that’s definitely at least part of what you were implying. Yes, I’ll admit that 06 and Unleashed had some stuff in common with the Adventure games, but the gameplay was still really different. 06 didn’t have momentum based fixes that the Adventure games had. 06’s Spindash didn’t even work. The level design is more combat-focused in 06. The only thing Unleashed had in common with the Adventure games was a Hub World, a homing attack, ‘genre roulette’ and scripted set pieces, which is NOT what I’m talking about.
I’m merely talking about how Sonic played in SA1, and the level design that went with it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Then I’m clearly an incompetent moron, and should allow you to write my arguments for me.
Or maybe, just maybe, I was making a one-off comparison and you’re being a total shit.
Oh, and if you’re going to change the subject on me, make it a bit more fucking obvious.
I’m not changing the subject, I’m just specifying my argument further. You were going by a generalization of what ‘Adventure gameplay’ is, while I specified that I just want Sonic’s ‘SA1’ gameplay back, and there’s no need to be so rude, man. I’m not calling you out or nothing. Jeez, calm down.
Then maybe people should stop giving me shit over nothing.
I’m not giving you shit. I’m just adding to discussion. Calm down.
“Then I’m clearly an incompetent moron, and should allow you to write my arguments for me.
Or maybe, just maybe, I was making a one-off comparison and you’re being a total shit.”
Another bright day for a healthy discussion with the distinguished memebers of the Sonic fanbase *sigh*
It’s alright, man. We’ve all had bad days. Undertale looks great, but guilt-tripping people into buying a product? That’s not right.
Honestly, it seems most fandoms today on the internet aren’t that great. At least with Sonic, I know what I’m getting into when I join discussion, but with other series, I often find myself going in blind and getting a bitter taste in my mouth after the fact.
Maybe you should just take a break from discussion for a bit, eat some nice food, watch some stuff that makes you happy, and come back later.
Wait wait wait.. So the comment about Unleashed having a hubworld was meant as a proof why it’s Sonic Adventure 3? Well, ignoring the fact the like nobody ever said that the presence of hubworld defines Sonic Adventure game… we must realize that Sonic Adventure 2 didn’t have a hubworld… So Sonic Adventure 2 was not a Sonic Adventure game. That would make Sonic Unleashed Sonic Adventure 2. Wait no… we have 06 which also had hubworlds. So it’s like this:
SA1 = SA1
SA2 = not really an Adventure game
StH06 = SA2
Unleashed = SA3
OK! I get it now!
So if it’s officially confirmed that this is the way it is, can we please ask for Sonic Adventure 4 already? It’s been 8 to 10 years.
And after reading your other comments, it’s funny you claim that it’s the OTHER individuals who are guilt tripping people. Yet you are the one trying to convince everybody that you are being hurt by being argued and that people should just stop giving you a hard time or something.
Yes Shadow, the way you win an argument is to deliberately twist other people’s words to say something totally different to their intention.
Well done.
Who decides if the argument is won?
And besides, you can’t blame me for doing that. I have a hard time to “not twist” your words because I see absolutely no other interpretation in what you say.
Basically, I want the Sonic gameplay from Sonic Adventure 1 polished to near perfection. But with things that the games after it brought (Grinding, Slide Attacks, etc). Then for the other playable characters like Tails and Knuckles, have them play similar to how Sonic does but with their own unique abilities, like in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. And have every character just go for the Goal Ring. No Treasure Hunting, no Mech Shooting and no Fishing. Just get from point A to B with whatever abilities the character you select brings to the table, while moving fast and doing some sweet platforming.
Not really all that surprising, it seems that nowdays there are still more fans of the Adventure games than about any other style. I would absolutely love a new Sonic Adventure kind of game, to have a Sonic Adventure 3 game right now would be awesome and a big step in the right direction in my opinion.
Still I wish they could come out with a yet better kind of gameplay someday, better than any of the gameplay styles mentioned above, in an ideal world my ideal Sonic game would be similar to the Sonic stages od the Adventure games but would be a more faithful transition of the Genesis games into the 3D world, with immersive stages, almost 100% momentum and physics based gameplay and an outstanding level design, not to mention that it should take some inspiration from the Boost gameplay for the speed sections so they don’t feel too simple or linear, and I’m all in for multiple playable characters as long as they play the same stages as Sonic, just with different abilities (like in the Genesis, Advance and Rush games), so yeah, call me crazy but my ideal Sonic game is kind of a mix of the Classic, Adventure and Boost gameplay, perhaps even the “parkour” ability from Lost World could be great if it was activated in a more natural and smoother way and had a better flow with speed and monentum.
Adventure had the best gameplay ever. The stages were fun, each character had their own stories and unique abilities, the hub worlds were amazing, need I say more?
As for Adventure 2, it also had a decent story and gameplay. The only thing that I hated about the game were the ghosts. Like where the hell did SEGA get the idea to put ghosts in a Sonic game? And to top it off, the ghosts in the game are called Boo? The Super Mario games got their own Boos!
Now Sonic Adventure 3…oh my God, that would be the Ultimate Sonic game to have the Adventure gameplay AND the Chao Garden. Now that SEGA is working on the quality of the Sonic games, it would be beautiful just to imagine the graphics on PS4 and Xbox One.
And then there’s the Sonic Movie Video Game…I know that we haven’t gotten much info on the movie itself, since we were told we should be getting info this year, but it would be awesome to imagine the gameplay for that.
Man, can I just say something? The Adventure games have NOT aged well. They are not as good as fans say they are. Just because Sonic Adventure 3 would have been good back in the day does not mean it would be good now. I seriously hope next year, Sega DOES NOT try anything like Sonic Adventure or its sequel, and they just concentrate on releasing something new and enjoyable.
Both Adventure games are still more enjoyable than Colors honestly.
Not in my opinion. From a modern perspective, even just five years later, Colors was not as great as it seemed when it was first released, but I still consider it a decent game and better than the Adventure titles. But we’re all entitled to our own opinion. Personally, I think the Sonic franchise would be better off at least following in the footsteps of Colors rather than Adventure 1 or 2 (even though I’d rather them not). I think Sega’s idea of trying to make Sonic play as he did in his heyday and stop trying to make something work in 3D that simply cannot.
Oh yeah, repetitive and blocky stages, wisps that control like crap, a boost that’s pretty much worthless, and the only worthwhile unlockable being Super Sonic, and you have to get every single Red Ring in the game to get him. Add in a story that whist not as bad as Lost World is still pretty dull and I can TOTALLY see why we should have more of this.
In my opinion the Adventure games worked really well for a transition of Sonic from 2D to 3D, I enjoy them miles more than Sonic Colors with its bland level design and intrusive power-ups, and call me crazy but I think the Sonic Adventure games had better reviews when they were released for the first time than Sonic Colors.
Not to mention incredibly lazy, repeated boss fights that aren’t any harder when you fight them the second time. Yes, I know you fought bosses multiple times in the Adventure games, but those were as different characters with different movesets. Colors was repeating bosses with one character. And throw in a final boss that would be blatantly recycled in Lost World, and you have one of the most mediocre games in the entire series. I only like some of the level tropes and the soundtrack of Colors.
100% agreed! Though I didn’t even like the soundtrack that much, but I love every Planet Wisp related track to pieces!
Also, Terminal Velocity, because screw that aggrivating stage. It wouldn’t be so bad if you were given at least a bit more boost energy, but noooo. let’s have every single Mach Speed area from the rest of the game copy and pasted to this stage and attack you all at once.
I didn’t choose Boost because I ultimately don’t like the idea of instant speed by pressing a button (Also, I’m not very good at it in the 3D games which is kind of selfish but still). That knocks Parkour off the list as well although I wouldn’t mind giving it a second chance at all, especially the actual Parkour aspect of it. I probably should have voted Parkour now that I think about it because I want to give it another chance. Then it came down to Adventure and Classic. My problem with Classic is I like Advance better. I like how it’s 2D but with added bells and whistle to boot. So no, I don’t necessarily want Classic, I want Advance. Since Advance wasn’t offered here, that left me with one option.
It should be fairly obvious that when people say they want a game that plays like the Adventure games, they’re talking about the way Sonic functioned when you played as him. I feel it’d be interesting seeing how that style of play would be incorporated in a game that came out in 2016.
I want the treasure hunting stages to come back, not sure about mechs unless they make them more mobile
Yeah it should, sadly when someone says they like the Adventure gameplay style haters come and say things like “so you like treasure hunting/fishing/Chao Garden only?”.
I really wish we could get the Sonic stages gameplay from the Sonic Adventure games back with several improvements, better camera, controls, less glitches, also changing heavy scripted moments for more physics and momentum based ones would be really welcomed!
48%!? That sucks! Come on, we’ve been getting too many sidescrollers, or 3d games with side scroller segments forced in. I want more Adventure style Sonic gameplay, but with more characters.
Awesome! It seems that I’m not alone with my “special” needs for a change of content tone and depth after all.
Now everyone can see and process this result.
People want the Adventure styled stuff back and everything that those games represented which is not just the gameplay, but the atmosphere, characterizations and an action packed storyline with all the elements that are making up a decent story.
Not just random scenes filled with random jokes, but actual stories with stakes, suspension and occasional drama.
Couldn’t agree more with you my friend, I really want everything that made Sonic so special and unique back, not only the gameplay but the characters, the story, the epicness and the style.
I really hope Sega decides to go back to that direction, now that they released the Sonic Boom games and cartoon perhaps they’re ready to shift the focus of the main Sonic series from comedy back to action and adventure!
That’s exactly what I’m hoping for as well!
The comedy enthusiasts can still get their fill with the upcoming second season of Sonic Boom.
I honestly hope that the whole reason why Boom as a side-franchise was brought into existence is because that it can carry the comedy crap that had been poisoning the main series since Colors, so if Boom will keep up the comedy stuff, the main series can be awesome an epic once again. 😀
Sorry for answering just yet, didn’t see your comment on this sea of comments (I’m using my phone :P).
Yeah, that’s pretty much what I’m hoping for, also I would like to point out that the only game released so far after Sonic Boom is Sonic Runners and while the dialogues are still cheessy and too comedic (less than Colors and Lost World though) the game avoids a lot of problems of the current comedy focus, these are the ones on the top of my head:
-More respect to Knuckles, he isn’t the dumb muscle he has been lately nor get unlucky for the sake of comedy relief.
-Less forced jokes compared to Colors and Lost World, I think the worst “joke” in Runners is calling Eggman “Egg breath”.
-“Better characterization; Most characters are like they used to be before Sonic Colors, they even recognize Knuckles as a treasure hunter and martial artist, also he references his duty as Master Emerald guardian, Amy is not as bland as in Lost World nor as psychotic as in Heroes, she is in a nice middle point, similar to Sonic X, Tails is not only the geek friend that does nothing but provide info, explanations and gear, he also gets in the action and wants to improve his fighting/running skills, Eggman while still acts a little like a bufon he sounds more menacing and threatening this time around, Sonic is not making forced jokes all the time nor is a jerk, he has attitude and a strong sense of fun, he is not a jerk as he is sometimes in Lost World but he is still arrogant and a little egocentric like he used to be.
-Also I loved the lines of the rest of the cast during the birthday event, really spot-on! I’m talking about Shadow, Blaze, Rouge, Silver, etc.
-Lastly while this game’s story is forgettable if you remove the filler parts and included cinematics with today’s Sonic animations this game’s story would be much better than the story from Sonic Colors, Generations, Lost World and Boom.
So here is hoping for the future 🙂
Aside from some daft leaps of logic here and there (no prizes for guessing what I’m referring to here), there really wasn’t much wrong with the original Sonic Adventure in a conceptual sense. The flaws were mostly down to the shoddy execution and aged writing.
We’ve seen countless games succeed, both in a technical and receptive sense, with the Adventure structure and I don’t doubt that the current Sonic Team, if given the reign and resources SEGA as a whole are promising right now, could yet make a fantastic game out of it. They are certainly capable of ironing out the problems the old games have.
Denying the chance to do so purely based on the quality of past attempts – one of which being the original take – is like saying you can never bake a chocolate cake again because you overcooked the last one.
that said sanic bum fur and lice can die in a fire 😛
Idk. I feel as if ’06 didn’t get as much hate as it did, we might still have our basic platforming (Adventure) style gameplay. I could be wrong. But I can’t say i’m surprised at this poll lol. I know i’ll get alot of hate for this comment & some may not agree, but in the Sonic fanbase i almost feel as if there is more want of the Adventure era style gameplay than the Classic Era play style. Again, i say, don’t quote me on that. Only because their storylines were lengthy & pretty good, multiple characters, pretty epic finale, & all that good stuff that made it what it was.
Alot of people like to point out the faults with Sonic Adventure (bad camera, glitches out the ass, ect.) like you guys ACTUALLY compare stuff like Unleashed or Generations to Adventure… 10 year or over difference btw. OF COURSE it’s gonna be trash in comparison. Thats 10 years of improvement. Their FIRST 3D legit 3D Sonic game. That’s just like comparing Mario 64 to Mario Galaxy. Thats not a fair comparison at all. But i can say one thing.. i bet half of yall that talk stuff about the adventure games had hell of a good time playing it when it was a relevant game.
As for the SA3 people.. not gonna lie I’d LOVE an Adventure 3 but the Adventure storyline itself ended with Shadow The Hedgehog. I’m gonna word it as i’d rather an Adventure styled game rather than SA3 BUT I won’t say that they won’t have a story line. Going more detailed into The Echidna Tribe would be a perfect for that. That hasn’t been done before (Chronicles doesn’t count cause thats not canon).
Classic 2D gameplay or the series will never improve! =)
Well, there’s an oxymoron.
To SEGA, that translates to: “Get Dimps to make more lazy, low budget, overpriced titles like Sonic 4.” or “More Sonic Lost World / Runners stuff.”
Im sad i missed the voting in this poll. Unleashed/Generations gameplay because it basically is adventure sonic’s gameplay formed into a new thing. The 2d sections don’t need to go either there just needs to be less of them and be more reminiscent of the classic gameplay than they were. If sonic team would just buckle down and stick with a gameplay to evolve and improve over the next 3 main sonic games, there would be a lot less arguing in the fan base. The boost formula can change. Each game that had it, used it differently. You could focus less on the boost and more on exploration. You could make the non boosting run speed a bit faster. You could incorporate tails and knuckles with their own interpretation of the forums with the same stages. Coming up with something entirely new again just doesn’t sound wise or beneficial.
*duh Sega takin’ notes*
Off-Topic but here is the new trailer of Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games [3DS] from today’s Nintendo Direct:
It’s funny how most fans get excited because this game will have more Sonic playable characters (or when there is a new character in Sonic Runners) but Sega still refuses to include more playable characters in main Sonic titles.
I can sort of see what you guys are getting at here, but “momentum based platforming”? Hahaha
Replace spin-dash spam and extra dash panels with “the boost button”, and you’ve more-or-less got the same type of gameplay, just sloppier. The main difference is solely level design. Adventure was platformier, and Boost is more linear.
All this talk of “Adventure gameplay” is fueled solely by a nostalgic love for those games as a whole, a fervent desire to play as other characters for no other reason than to play as other characters, or some sort of misguided notion that Adventure-style gameplay means Adventure-style STORY.
Has anyone ever spent more than 10 seconds trying to figure out exactly what would need to be done to the “Adventure formula” to make Knuckles an INTERESTING playable characters again, and how that would function within an appropriately designed gamespace? Because both Adventure titles failed miserably in this endeavor.
If we want “momentum-based gameplay” again, the ONLY way you’re going to get it is to create a wholly NEW control scheme that involves rolling physics, and a level design philosophy geared to compliment that. Neither Adventure nor boost will be able to truly capitalize on this, so in lieu of that, your only options are to settle for an imitation of “momentum” (Boost’s speed run style gameplay), or admit that momentum isn’t really what you’re after.
Sans spin-dash spam (Boost?), all Adventure’s gameplay has to offer is “basic platformer with dash pads and homing attack”. Momentum?
Now, I quite like the Adventure game’s level design, and feel like it did a great job of bringing the series into 3D. But the controls didn’t compliment it (wonky physics, slippery characters, bad camera, etc). What Adventure excelled at was re-creating Sonic’s world as an organic interconnected space, and I would LOVE to see Sega reference that design philosophy again, rather than the sad excuse for a hub world we saw in Generations.
The levels weren’t necessarily LESS linear, but they felt that way, due to an increase in actual platforming (Lost World doesn’t have a clue), and substantially more level-specific gimmicks. I think what a lot of us long for is to put Sonic back in his own immersive world, rather than on something that feels more like a “track”.
I’m not opposed to bringing back other characters, but people need to stop and think about what that actually means, and how that might best be implemented. Just because the Adventure Games HAD other characters doesn’t mean they had an enviable gameplay style that complimented the experience as a whole.
“All this talk of “Adventure gameplay” is fueled solely by a nostalgic love for those games as a whole, a fervent desire to play as other characters for no other reason than to play as other characters, or some sort of misguided notion that Adventure-style gameplay means Adventure-style STORY.”
While I’m pretty sure that precedent exists for some of the fans that want a new Adventure game but most people want it because the Adventure games were overall great games, you can look no further than this comment section to see why people prefer their gameplay to be brought back over any other kind of gameplay from the Sonic series, and that’s just talking about the gameplay, let alone all the people that want a Sonic Adventure kind of game to be made because some other legitimate reasons like their big, epic, interconnected stories, good characterization, fitting tone, style, scope, etc.
Now perhaps you may think people want those things because “notalgia glasses!” but those are legitimate things people like about videogames and is undeniable that today’s Sonic games lack those things.
After reading through every comment, I didn’t really find any that clearly or explicitly cited anything (true) about the “Adventure gameplay” in particular that was the reason for their desire to see some kind of Adventure sequel/answer to the poll, other than, perhaps a change in level design.
I saw a handful of people incorrectly cite “momentum based gameplay”, which Adventure probably has LESS of than most other games in the series, and more than a few people decrying OTHER styles of gameplay (boost), but when your most rabid fans can’t even articulate what MAKES “Adventure gameplay” distinct or desirable, it suggests that what they’re after is, in fact, not a gameplay style at all, but rather a fervent desire to recreate the past.
I’m not here to comment on whether or not the Adventure games were good or even warrant a sequel, but I think it’s obvious why the poll turned out like it did.
I think a game that hits a lot of the same beats people are clamoring for from SA3 could very easily be great. More characters are never a bad thing, if you can figure out a way to meaningfully integrate them into the story & gameplay without major/frustrating shifts (Werehog, fishing, etc.)
Likewise, I don’t think anyone would complain about a more involved story – Contrary to popular opinion, you actually CAN have it both ways and keep Sonic fun and cheesy while still upping the dramatic ante and allowing characters to actually develop.
But it begs the question, if we GOT a game with all of those things, would it even be enough?
Would still give us something more worthwhile than the entirety of Colors.
Then read the comments again, most people agree that we prefer the Adventure gameplay but it could use some improvements like it being more physics and momentum based than it already is.
Why when people want a new Adventure style game there is always someone that thinks we want the same game of 15 years ago without any improvements and tweaks?
Then read the comments again, most people say we prefer a new game with Sonic Adventure style of gameplay but that it should feature better physycs and have a more momentum based gameplay than script based, imagine something like this video but with more work and polish to it:
Wonder why when people say they want a new Sonic Adventure kind of game there is always someone who thinks we want the same game from 15 years ago without any improvements and tweaks?
Clearly you need to read MY comment agains, because you have responded to claims I never made, without addressing a single thing I actually said.
Tell me what “Adventure gameplay” MEANS to you, because you – nor anyone else here – has really defined what separates it from any other style. What does Adventure HAVE that Boost/2D classic/Parkour does NOT?.
In what way is “we want it the same, but with improvements and tweaks” different from other modern titles like Colors, Boom, or Unleashed? Boost could be seen as an improvement over spin-dash spam.
Keeping a fluid speed run at max boost could be seen as being more momentum based than… whatever the fuck you’re trying to cite as momentum in the Adventure games (seriously, what?)
So again, I’m simply asking: “what the fuck are you talking about when you say you want Adventure gameplay?” Is it really a control scheme, or is it the desire more story-character driven?
At that point, specifics like boost or no boost, brawler/werehog or enerbeam nonsense, etc. become irrelevant – so long as there’s a platform or two to jump on
How about, we just want both stated things? The control and playstyle that Sonic and others were in SA1 and 2, Sonic being great transition of his Classic 2D form to 3D, with each other character building off that to develop their own unique gameplay style so that it’s not just “play as Sonic, but with one different move” or “Here, have a bunch of poorly control-able wisps in place of other moves and characters”, adding more to play with instead of just slapping a whole bunch of Red Star Rings everywhere to act as something extra. As well as the more plot focused story, one that doesn’t decide to make Sonic a whiner like in LW or just constantly make jokes to compensate for a real plot like in Colors.
make sense
Maybe I’m just asking for too much here, but I’m still failing to grasp how “control and playstyle of SA1/2 (with minor tweaks!)” is different from, say, Unleashed without the X button. You guys are all just proving my point.
Similarly, I’d be interested to hear what KIND of alternative gameplay styles you would like to see for these other characters. Do you specifically want the awful ones from the previous Adventure games (do you miss fishing that much?) , or are you interested in something new? These cries to return to the days of shard-hunting, where “traditional Sonic gameplay” takes up a mere 3rd of the game (at best) makes me think that perhaps the Adventure fans like Sonic more as a character than as a video game.
.Like or hate the wisps, outside of LW they controlled with perfect precision. Poorly control-able my ass. Also, the argument that they are used to supplement additional characters is 100% bat-shit aburd. They’re little more than an extension of the elemental shields from the classic games. Just because Sonic gets a double jump doesn’t mean Sega’s going around saying “HA, FUCK TAILS NOW! HIS ENTIRE CHARACTER EXISTED SOLELY AS AN EXCUSE TO HELP SONIC REACH HIGHER PLATFORMS. PROBLEM SOLVED”
Also, the emblems and arbitrary achievements from the Adventure series would like to say hello to your comments regarding red rings. You have a good one, champ!
Sonic’s control in the boost games is specifically tailored for the usage of the boost, which makes the values of physics and control for sonic himself, different from the adventure games (it is also the reason why elements such as 2d-3d, and stages being designed less open, are done). barring actual button controls, a boost sonic without the boost isn’t adventure control. without the boost, sonic’s 3D movement is stiff when it comes to more open, less hallway-like areas, in comparison to adventure sonic. when at higher speeds, he becomes comparatively more slippery as well. The reason why boost sonic is like this, is because the control is tailored for using the boost most of the time, where you are more consistently moving forward at high speeds. For boost sonic controls, this is mitigated by the fact that the player goes through environments tailored for the boost, so it isn’t much of an issue on its own (environments being tailored to boost sonic is also why there are 3d to 2d sections, as 2d sections are the main way of putting platforming for sonic with the boost, as the change in perspective limits his movement while moving so fast). adventure sonic is less slippery, and more responsive to changes of direction in a full 3d environment. contrary to what people think, the aspect of sonic’s speed in the adventure games is also influenced largely by the environment (he moves downhill, he speeds up, he moves uphill, he gets slower, and when he is in ball form moving downhill, he speeds up even faster than normal), which is an aspect from the classics (it just isn’t as pronounced to be used for gameplay like how it was in the classics). by being influenced by the environment more so, his control isn’t slippery when it comes to moving fast with speed in general, as his speed is more responsive to the environment he is in, as opposed to being based on a move he is able to use all the time. the control from adventure sonic that people talk about, are his increased responsiveness to environment, the aspect of him being less stiff when turning and moving, and less slippery when at higher speeds, as well as obvious things like no boost (the boost wouldn’t be feasible for the more open environments anyways due to its nature). people also want the small aspects of “momentum based gameplay” that adventure sonic has (run faster down slopes, slower up slopes, etc) to be more pronounced so that is has more affect for gameplay and such.
i dont mind for 3D adventure next sonic game up to 67%
I read people who make posts about how “nobody has any idea what Adventure type of game is” or “nobody thought about this for more than 10 seconds”.
When you say that, I hope that you refer only to the official Sonic writers, developers, producers, copyright owners etc. That’s crystal clear they don’t get it. But saying that no Sonic fan whatsoever has any idea what Adventure game is after 10+ years of constant reforming and reevaluating of the franchise… You seriously think that nobody has ever thought about anything for more than 10 seconds despite we had years and years of time to think it through?
It’s just that the dissection of the fans are never heard because they are way too elaborate and nobody cares to understand them. That’s the only problem.
I spent around two years trying to decipher everything around Sonic franchise… and I had to give up. Not because it’s unfathomable, not because of “you can’t please everyone” mindset, not because “the games were never good to begin with”… but because of the sheer ignorance SEGA is displaying. Current Sonic fans only parrot SEGA’s misconceptions, that’s why everything looks so damn confusing and contradictory.
I don’t think this will ever change though… I hope I am wrong… but I don’t think I am.
These arguments here mean nothing because SEGA will never want to take them into consideration. They will only take into consideration the statements like: “it can’t be done” or “everybody has a different opinion” as a justification to do whatever they want.