SEGA Planning Movie Adaptations For Other IPs
It looks like the Sonic movie isn’t the only one SEGA has planned. IGN has found out that SEGA has turned to former Break Media executive editor Evan Cholfin and hired him to be “head of development and production at Stories International, a production company started by SEGA and ad agency Hakuhodo DY Group in 2011”. IGN explains more:
What SEGA game titles are in line to get the silver screen treatment? So far, Stories has decided to start with Altered Beast, Rise of Nightmares, Streets of Rage, Shinobi, and Crazy Taxi as English-language live action and animated spinoffs. Virtua Fighter and Golden Axe have also been mentioned.
Cholfin’s hire is part of SEGA’s initiative to expand Stories and move into filmmaking. A deal with All Nippon Entertainment Works will also help Stories gain access to 20 Japanese rights holders who own movies, books, TV shows, and manga titles.
Yep. A live action/animated Crazy Taxi movie. It seems SEGA sees the silver screen as a venue full of potential. We’ll keep you updated.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
B.D. Joe will be played by Chris Rock. 😀
They should get Chris Tucker instead, he’s big enough for the role now. They’ll probably try to get the hottest actor they can though which would be Kevin Hart, who doesn’t fit at all.
Calling it now, we’re gonna have an entire Sega Cinematic Universe. Just think, their version of Avengers would be Sonic and Sega All-Stars.
Dude, as ridiculous as that sounds, I’d actually love to see that XD
I don’t know whether to be frightened or excited.
Woah there SEGA, you haven’t even finished the first movie yet.
They haven’t finished House of the Dead yet?!
So why don’t they just make new games for each respective series instead, you know, the thing SEGA used to fucking do? Leaving most of these franchises to rot for well over a decade then suddenly deciding to quack out a live-action movie randomly? I don’t think I’ll ever understand their mentality.
Probably something to try and spark some interest in their old franchises towards a wider audience, as stupid as that may sound.
This made me laugh xD
Gotta agree. But honestly, you also have to remember that the dead IPs SEGA is stuck with were all created during the Hardware era. All those IPs had a home on SEGA hardware whether it be home or arcade. What I would imagine is keeping SEGA from performing some resurrection voodoo in the SEGA graveyard is the fact that many of these IPs would be scattered all over multiple platforms and perhaps in constant rotation depending on which system they perform best on. SEGA is in NO shape for this undertaking. They don’t have dev teams large enough to produce all the classic titles we would like and constant outsourcing would be expensive I think. Now if SEGA let this console generation play out and observed the aftermath in hopes of staging a coup, then that would change things.
Long story short, It would be a huge mess in the long run. Nintendo can do it (even though they stupidly choose not to) because they have enough in-house/2nd party dev teams for the job and are all producing for 3 types of hardware at the most (3DS, N3DS, Wii U)
For SEGA it’s a different and more complicated story.
I remember way back when there were initial plans to make a Crazy Taxi movie, back when the game was at its prime. Apparently Richard Donner was set to direct it, but plans fell through when the writers realized there just wasn’t enough material from the games to make a decent movie from.
I would LOVE to see a Crazy Taxi movie happen, but only if they could really do it justice.
Honestly though, I always envisioned Crazy Taxi having an anime aeriea, drawn in the style of Redline. Story would be about a new cabbie learning to be the best taxi driver ever with B.D. Joe as his mentor. But enough with my stupid fanfic…
“I always envisioned Crazy Taxi having an anime aeriea, drawn in the style of Redline.”
…Where did I put my wallet?
Shinobi????? SHINOBI???????
This might actually be the best move for Sonic (completely unsure about the other IP’s). Considering how Sonic’s game career has been going and how the TV show is being received, they may need to be branching out to a lot more media forms to keep the series… relevant.
This seems like such a terrible fucking idea. They can’t even make the games…at all for most of these series let alone good.
…Gimmie an Altered Beast anime done by Studio Madhouse and get out my face.
Also, isn’t Rise of Nightmares that terrible 360 Kinect game?
Also also, I just found out (from the recent Sony Pictures hack) that Sony is ALSO making a Mario movie, they closed the deal and shook hands with Iwata and Miyamoto and everything. So now once more, Mario and Sonic shall
settle it in Smashfight to the death. Well, they’re both from Sony so there’s no way they’d release at the same time, and the Mario one is fully animated (Gendy Tartokovsky might be involoved) as opposed to a mix so they’re not competing in that aspect either.You would be correct about Rise of Nightmares. It wasn’t exactly selling Kinects off the shelf much less its own copies.
Rise of Nightmares was one of the better games for the Kinect. Most problems with it stem from the limitations of the system itself.
Just get ONE fucking movie out first.
And give us a new Streets of Rage assholes.
I’d love to see a sega cinematic universe if done as well as the mcu
so, SEGA just confirmed the unannounced Sonic Movie 2015?
Great treat for the fans but not for the general public since no one besides the SEGA fans known anything besides Sonic plus I’m surprised Super Monkey Ball, NiGHTS and Jet Set Radio aren’t in the list hopefully they get the movie treatment too
The Ryu ga Gotoku would translate well into a film and would be great tie in to promote the games and maybe boost their sales in the West.
You know SEGA, some new games from those ip’s would be nice too. Just sayin’.
Do anyone know if Sega could have the rights to make movies based on Vanquish and Bayonneta?
They already did a Bayonetta movie
SEGA owns those IP’s so it should be possible. Bayonetta got an animated adoption even.
I’d like to see a NiGHTS movie, but only if it isn’t done just like how NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams was handled. I heard that game was not so good in many aspects.
The gameplay was pretty good, especially the flying segments, the kids sections weren’t so fun. But the weakest point was the story and its presentation, as well as aspects of voice acting.
Yeah, the story and presentation (and voice acting) was what I was talking about.
Sega screwed up the game by forcing the team to port it from 360/PS3 to Wii veeery late in development. Blame SEGA.
@100Rings: Yeah, I heard about that. I also heard rumors of something like that also happening to BRB with Rise of Lyric, with Sega possibly forcing them to move development from other systems to Wii U, and having to start from scratch. I can see why Naka and co. left to form Prope… Sega just hasn’t been the same since Sammy bought them out…
That would PERFECTLY explain why RoL looks like a low grade PS2 game.
I think that it is a good way ” to take the temperature ” of a license IPs. It would allow to know if a IPs could in blow on market or not.
Sony is planning to make a 0000 load of video game ip motives. Strange but interesting.
Sega, if you are reading this, please make a Phantasy Star movie!
Shining Force anime movie please.
You’re reaching for the low hanging fruit there.
Hey Sega. How about that COMIX ZONE anime, thanks.
NiGHTS into Dreams the Movie~. . .
NiGHTS into the Silverscreen. .
A Shenmue movie?
I can see it.
Now a Shenmue live action series just to wrap up the series would be better.
Cause Sega’s too afraid of money and success to make Shenmue 3.
I can’t be the only one who wants to see a Jet Set Radio movie can I?…