SEGA Holding Secret “Year of Sonic” Press Gathering
There’s a reason Aaron Webber, Stephen Frost, and other Sega personnel teased a trip to New York City this week on their personal Twitter pages. It turns out the travel is more for business than pleasure.
In a video posted today, Machinima.com– the same outlet that brought the recently completed Sonic for Hire series–revealed something they probably should not have: A virtual invitation to an exclusive 2014: Year of Sonic reception at ESPACE, an event stage for rent in New York City. The address is clearly printed on the video Machinima posted, though the RSVP date is well past. We can determine two things from the invite: One, this appears to be organized in part by a third party PR firm with Sega’s help, and second, the upcoming Sonic Boom television series appears to play a role, judging from the artwork used.
If you’re in the New York City area and want to try and crash the party, now you can–but we never encouraged you to do so (in fact, this story may be subject to our Sensitive Materials Policy as we never received an invite.) Otherwise, we’ll keep our eyes and ears close to our sources and see if we can get any information out of the event here first.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News – the video reference has since been deleted by Machinima.
Intriguing! I don’t live anywhere near NYC, and I certainly wouldn’t crash a party, but I can’t wait to see what comes out of whatever this is.
you guys sure this is the real deal? Machinima could just be playing some prank.
I mean they were just playing sanic music in the background lmao.
Regardless, I’m interested to see whats gonna come out of tomorrow, given its actually happening. I still wanna see how dumb that hunky stud knuckles looks lol.
I’m honestly rather worried with this news, especially with the Sonic Boom teaser on it. I just hope they don’t announce some huge re-boot based off Sonic Boom or something like that…
I live right near New York! I’m in New Jersey’s Essex County!
R.I.P Sonic
June 23,1991-February 6, 2014
I don’t think many people agree with you. 😐
A little quick to jump on the “this will suck” bandwagon, are we? Not that I’m saying this will turn out good, mind you, but there’s no room in saying it will turn out bad either. We will just have to wait and see what comes out of this.
Jump on the bandwagon? I was the first one here to leave a negative comment.
I think you misinterpreted what I said. Not to mention assumed that I was only speaking of here when there’s other places like Stadium that had gotten negative comments.
My point still stands, however, that it’s too early to judge the outcome of this gathering. Anything could happen.
Really excited about this. Can’t wait to see what they have to show tomorrow.
Well that french vanilla root beer float is the closest I’ll get to a cocktail tonight *hic* =D
Okay okay I’ll behave… XD
tick tick tick tick
tick tick tick tick
tick tick tick tick
but one thing I can’t resist saying though is….http://fav.me/d6oymda
“Other possible revenue models our source discussed was for these physical toys and collectibles to have an interactive component with a new cartoon series”
Oh Dear God.
Oh gosh…please don’t let them go the Skylanders route with this…
I live in Brooklyn but ehh, I’m not trying to get kicked out of a press event like that, seeing how the exact same thing happened at E3 last year when me and a few other people got kicked out because it was invite-only.
Still, I’m looking forward to it, hopefully the whole thing isn’t devoted to that Cartoonetwork show because I’d rather hear more about the third title and the Next Gen game.
*me and a few others got kicked out of the Pokemon Presentation because it was invite-only
I see Sega’s inability to keep a secret continues. Not that I’m complaining mind you.
They’ve been talking about “Wiping the slate clean” with Sonic for a while. Originally, I thought this was referring to Lost World (as that game was almost as clean-slated as possible), but now this was just revealed.
Sega, don’t ruin my favorite game character even further… I’m excited and scared at the same time…
NOOOOO! I want to completely forget about that rumor in hopes of it never coming true. Dear Lord, I remember how horrified I was the first time I read it :b
Oh! Sorry about invoking fear into you. It was supposed to invoke fear into SSJSonicXX14…….oops.
It’s cool. My heart eventually started up again after the sudden heart attack XD
I was talking about someone from Sonic Team publicly saying that but ah yes anonymous sources giving overly detailed leaks about upcoming games
Sonic Propel
Sonic Dimensions
Sonic Excursion
Cryptic Clock Zone in Sonic 4 Episode 2
First the Jazwares toy fair slip up and now this. All I can say is this:
I’m more afraid than excited. Guess we’ll hear of this soon.
In other words, the fandom will become just like this:
Assuming it hasn’t already become this, pffft.
Look over yonder
What do you see?
The sun is a-risin’
Most definitely
A new day is comin’, whoo-hoo
People are changin’
Ain’t it beautiful, whoo-hoo
Crystal blue persuasion
“Beautiful” meaning a beautiful disaster.
You forget my alternate name is Sir Stateth-The-Obvious
I love how the majority here is undoubtedly pessimistic about these events.
The future looks so bright
“Let the sky fall, as it crumbles!” XD
This would have been revealed at the private press event in NYC but…
Holy hell a storyline ripped from the headlines!
If at all possible, can we cool it with the YouTube embeds? Just a little? I’m sure everyone’s web browsers and RAM supply will be grateful.
No problem
A reboot is just what Sonic needs. Wipe the slate clean and sweep all that mind bending continuity garbage from Sonic Adventure 2 onwards neatly under the rug.
Then burn the rug, place the ashes into the tip of a nuclear bomb and fire it directly into the sun.
Even as someone who grew up playing Sonic 2+3, I certainly hope not. All the ‘deep’ stories they did and characters they added post Adventure are what kept me interested in Sonic. Does it need cleaning up? Most definitely, but if they wiped it all out I don’t think I could keep playing Sonic games.
Same here.
Me too. Sonic Team should be cleaning up that stuff for the better, not flat-out discarding it and alienating a good majority of the fanbase from it.
If they do wipe the slate completely clean and fully embrace the light-on-substance, overly juvenile and jokey direction they’ve been taking since Colours, I honestly think I’m just going to give up on this franchise, because it’s quite clear they don’t really want fans like me here.
Exactly, if the slate is wiped clean, I just hope they go as far back as Colors or Unleashed. The continuity was what made me a Sonic fan in the first place.
If the series is completely redone, and all future games have a story like Lost World’s, then sadly, I might have to abandon the franchise that first introduced me to video games.
Sonic Team doesn’t give jack shit about continuity
omg I’m dying. XDXDXD
In all seriousness though, I didn’t mind all the phooey continuity. 😛
So exited!!! Now we’re getting some awesome news.
renaissance of sonic brand:
– make sonic hair more fluffy.
-make knuckles GIANT shoulders and arms.
then make a CG animated serie about it.
That’s, for sure, a great renaissance! ^^
seriousely, SEGA, why the fuck not just use the CG characters we have in the recent games that are perfect, instead of making new shitty ones? And what about aiming higher than 4-11 years children? what about the old fans from 20 years ago, still caring about the brand and hoping a cool cartoon ?
Oh, also waiting for good GAMES to play, but we got used to it…
stop trying to get money with sonic brand at all costs, take time to think what made the fame of sonic. Think about the past to know where you should be going to…
i miss a lot the genesis era… i appreciated more or less most of the 3D sonic games… but damn, sonic games have never been as cool as the genesis titles to me. :'(
I’m gonna be one of the few optimistic people here by saying I’m really excited for this thing.
This is a pretty big deal, and I’ll tell you why. If the franchise is indeed rebooted, that means Archie’s version of Sonic will become the longest running Sonic continuity. It will also mean it will be the ONLY place where characters like Shadow, Rouge, Omega, and Silver are featured, since I doubt this new childish direction they’re taking will involve using those characters (and bar Generations, they haven’t used them at all in a main game since Sonic 06).
So it looks like I’ll be sticking with the Archie comic if a reboot like this is indeed happening.
Why they won’t keep making Sonic Generations is beyond me. So many great levels they missed out on.
I think I’ll sleep better if they take off that jacket thing Sonics wearing.
Well I feel a bit better about this after seeing the footage and knowing that it won’t replace the main canon.