SEGA Has Plans To “Explore PC Port Options”
Bayonetta has released on PC, but SEGA isn’t done yet. Not by a long shot. And they have said such.
According to a press release that SEGA put out in relation to the Bayonetta announcement, they said they have plans to “explore PC port options,” and look forward “to sharing more news soon”. SEGA has been quite vague about this, but if one conclusion can be drawn from this news, it’s that we may get more PC news from SEGA in the near future. Whether this means PC ports for Sonic games or other SEGA IPs is unknown, but time will tell.
Either way, SEGA’s still interested in the PC platform. And boy is Sonic going to be making quite a scene with PCs this year, with Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania planned for release on PC this year.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
Said it before, and I’ll say it again. FIGHTING VIPERS 1 & 2, PC PORTS. Just give me this and I’ll be happy
Hell, get ALL of AM2’s fighters on there and I’ll be set. I’d kill for a version of Fighters Megamix. Now THAT was a real SEGA crossover game, not “All Stars plus Random Nascar Racer”
Sonic ’06! Sonic ’06! Sonic ’06! ;P
Bring on the mods/repairing of the game that almost was, lol. X)”
The xbox live arcade version of Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram. VF5: Final Showdown, The PS2 Shinobi. Knuckle’s Chaotix. Shenmue HD plz. Thats really all i can think of right now that are needed ports. Honestly i think a lot of the old ip need new instalments and i believe new instalments should be a focus at least for these handful of ip.
If sonic mania has taught me anything, it’s that it’s actually possible to make a new sequel to games from the 90’s and still keep the 90’s feel without any modern fat. A new Jet set radio doesn’t have to be a reimagined, hipster, dubstep littered, shell of what JSR is suppose to be. Put in the right hands, a sequel to Jet set radio future could actually feel like a direct sequel with a few modern conveniences like online play and better controls.
Another example is Shinobi. The ps2 version was quite popular with the group of friends i had at the time it came out. It was a great transition into 3d for a sega franchise and i have no clue why they abandoned it. Maybe because of sells, but that’s because it was a ps2 exclusive. A new Shinobi that is an evolution of the old ps2 game, with modern standards as established by devil may cry and platinum games, would be a beautiful thing to see. I could really see something like that taking off if it was multiplatform.
Another game that i have always been confused with it’s absence is Vectorman. A new 2d, hd sprite based vectorman makes perfect sense in today’s market with games like freedom planet, sonic mania, and shovel knight. A new Vectorman done right could fill the void left by mighty no.9.
Come on SEGA. Git Gud!
Also the racing games. I need my Daytona USA fix.
Could we get a sonic colors pc port??? Pretty please sega. I mean, its my favorite game ever. If it could get onto pc, like with HD/4K/whatever technical lingo people use graphics and like cool non-wii controller compatibility, that would make my year, if not my life
You can use Gamecube controllers for Colors tho. Besides, I’d rather they focus on a game that isn’t 75% bland 2D filler segements with horrible-to-control wisps
Actually I rather they DO port it, not for the game itself, but for the assets to be more available to modders so that they don’t have to build everything from scratch and can actually use more than just the Orange and Pink Wisps in stages. Just using the Generations engine on the actual stages without having to replace any assets or cut any corners from a lack of Wisps would be fun enough for me. Though I realize that’s more of a niche and gives little room for Sega to actually profit from the game itself. Still, I want the modding community to have more food.
Also, I would rather just use a PS4 controller when it comes to Sonic. Using Nintendo just never felt right to me for some reason. Not bad, just…weird. So yeah, getting to use my controller of choice for that game would be nice too, even if the GC controller is kind of okay I guess.
They said the same thing when Sonic Lost Cause was released. So don’t expect much from them, especially when we are going to have 2 PC Sonic games this year which are Mania and Forces.
“Sonic Lost Cause”
Was that really necessary?
For me, yes.
Good for you.
I’m hoping for Sonic Adventure 3 errr Heroes to come to steam. My disc copy works just fine on Windows 10 so I can’t see a reason not to.
Only thing it needs is a fix for Xinput support (so the triggers work) which already has a workaround with xinputplus.