SEGA Champions Mature Wii Games
Mention the Wii to many people and it will usually conjure up an image of a family friendly console for little kids and women trying to loose weight. The last thing on most peoples minds is a platform to release M rated content on but earlier this year Sega were keen to test the waters with the release of the decidedly mature House Of The Dead: Overkill and MadWorld.
Whilst neither game blasted open the doors for M rated content to sell in Wii Fit style numbers Sega have been suitably impressed with the performance of their games to dabble with more challenging content for the Wii in the future.
“House of the Dead: Overkill was a profitable title for us,”
…revealed Gary Dunn, MD of European development for Sega, speaking exclusively to GamesIndustry.biz.
“Whilst it had a rather sharp tail at full price, they do bubble away at a lower price point for a long time. You get your money back and a bit on full price, but over the years, if we do the final product return on investment, profits come from the lower price point.”
MadWorld could be considered by some to have been a retail disaster but it reviewed well and has amassed a big enough cult following to warrant the games soundtrack to be released to buy.
“You have to push boundaries and explore. I think whilst MadWorld commercially didn’t sell what we were expecting I wouldn’t say it’s game over for mature Wii titles from Sega.
“We’re taking a look at the resources we have now. We’ve got money to invest in development; we’re just considering where to invest it next,”
What could be waiting in the wings at Sega? An Overkill sequel seems likely and maybe some brash new IP’s. One things for certain, the onslaught of Mature games for Wii hasn’t even gotten warmed up yet.
Post originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
Sigh. Why can’t people support the development of GOOD Wii games?
Too bad Sonic Unleashed Wii couldn’t be as good as Madworld. And too bad that I’m not allowed to play Madworld.
Greg : Your underage ? Ya know if one of your parents are with you u can get the game
Edwin: Yeah but it almost goes without saying that his parents don’t want him to get the game cause if they were OK with it, he’d have the game now probably.
LOSE weight.
..friendly console for little kids and women trying to LOSE weight.
Sorry, couldn’t help it…!
MadWorld sequel or pre-sequel prehaps?
Good for Sega for trying something different on the Wii. Not my cup of tea personally, however it reminds me more of the Sega I knew and love that was around during the dreamcast. I still want to see some more surreal games like Jet Set Radio or Rez or something.
Even if you don’t like the games you got to have some respect for Sega for not following the flock and releasing one shovelware title after another. But they still have to learn that their company name is associated with the quality of the Sonic games. Doesn’t matter how much the other games are awesome, Sonic’s going to be the one that brings that company up or down until he dies
PJMan : Or if SEGA gives Sonic to Nintendo … like that will ever happen
Edwin Shy: Haha! LOL! No, that will never happend.XD It would just end bad for SEGA if they do that.
But I’m glad that someone makes awsome hardcore games for Wii.
But I want more! I want a game that is not so unbeliveable bloody like MadWorld.
I don’t really like that, I don’t think it is necesary at all, just stupid in my opninion.
I like animated blood much more, it is so fun with games when monsters with green blood for exampel explode or something. It looks funnier and it is funnier.
It would be fun if someone made I game similar to inFAMOUS on the Wii, or similar to Prototype.
Something like that.
But one thing that bothers me is that, The Conduit should have cars taht you can drive and so on. That would make that game awsome! It is too, you know same thing over and over again in TC, I don’t have the game, but it is the same thing all the time, it would been better if they gave you planes, tanks and stuff like that with many weapons.
Just my opnion.
if SEGA got rid of sonic then they would die. and if they sell him to nintendo, this equels crap AND I MEAN CRAP WII TITLES!!!! Until a WII HD is confraimed… I`ll hate the Wii`s quality…
WTF IS F****ING IP`s?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!
I don`t think Sonic is going to bring down sega besides he`s still cool but still wishing for Rush 3 , Rivals 3 , & Chronicles 2
Ugh I’d had Sonic being Nintendo Exclusive. 360 Unleashed was the best Sonic in years
I want mooooooore Sonic (but only day-like Unleashed levels), and an Alex Kidd Game would be really good :).
I always thought that many of the games were too “kid” oriented. Its about time.
MadWorld’s too bloody for my taste, but House of the Dead being a classic arcade on-rails shooter, I’d go for that. Don’t give up, SEGA! Also don’t forget about that blue hedgehog mascot you’ve got that everyone’ll pay attention to in spite of your other games and development teams. We still care about him; don’t sell him to SEGA.
Also, uh… yeah, make good games. Maybe even a mega-console in the later future when the time is right.
PJMan : Like or not Sonic is pretty much Mario`s cousin now & I`m okay with some of the Sonic games on Nintendo consoles like Sonic Rush & Sonic Heroes