Iizuka: Chaos Will Return, “Sonic’s World” & Human World Are Separate
An interview with Takashi Iizuka and Kazuyuki Hoshino that was done by Game Informer has recently gone up, which contains many questions about the Sonic lore, gameplay elements, and more.
Here’s some highlights. If you want to see the whole interview for yourself, where there’s plenty more to find out, you can find it at Game Infofmer right here.
Does Sonic live in Green Hill Zone, or does he just visit there often?
Takashi Iizuka: He does not live in the Green Hill Zone, he just enjoys running around it. He visits often.
Does Sonic have one eye with two pupils in it? What’s going on with his eyes?
Hoshino: [Holds head, laughs]
Iizuka: [laughs] He does have two separate eyeballs. It may look like they’re connected, but they are two separate eyeballs.
What about Metal Sonic?
Hoshino: It’s not eyeballs. It’s monitors with a camera behind the monitor.
Has anybody noticed that Mighty the Armadillo is missing?
Iizuka: Mighty is a part of the Classic world and the Classic group of characters, and some of the Chaotix did get interpreted for the Modern vision of the games. However, Mighty still exists in the Classic world, so maybe we’ll see him in the future in some Classic iteration.
What is Chaos up to these days?
Iizuka: Good question! We probably think you’ll see him again soon.
Is Mephiles still hanging around?
Iizuka: Mephiles was created for the Sonic the Hedgehog game we published in 2006. He existed in that world and was very useful for that narrative, but we don’t have any future plans for having Mephiles show up.
What about Princess Elise? Has she moved on to another Hedgehog love interest?
Iizuka: [laughs] She’s probably just hanging out in the human world, enjoying her life as a princess. Maybe she’s a queen now. We’re not really sure.
It used to be that Eggman was the sole human. Starting with Sonic Adventure, we’re seeing more and more humans show up in the stories. Where are they all coming from?
Iizuka: The world that Sonic lives in and the world the humans live in are separate worlds. But, some of the canon games do have Sonic and humans together, and part of that is based on what world is being portrayed when the game is developed. There are kind of different worlds that do exist and sometimes there’s some crossover.
What happened to all of the Super Emeralds?
Iizuka: The Super Emeralds really only existed in the Sonic & Knuckles game and that’s the only place they’re going to exist in the Modern versions of Sonic the Hedgehog we have now.
Hoshino: They’re gone. I don’t know how it happened, but they’re gone.
Has Dr. Eggman given up building Death Eggs?
Iizuka: Dr. Eggman does like thinking of sinister, malicious things to do and create, so most likely he’ll probably try it again.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
The thought of two eyeballs… that’s giving me a serious headache. I mean, I see it in some art, but others, they’d just be squished, and ow. XD
Sorry. The one eyeball theory has already been well researched and long debunked:
Have you NOT seen Pete from the Mickey Mouse cartoons? Or Goofy? They literally have the same eye style, I don’t see how people can be so fine with them having that and yet find it weird on Sonic. XP
Damn. no more Hyper Sonic I guess. And its probablt fair of them to stay away from ’06 characters. XD
“The world that Sonic lives in and the world the humans live in are separate worlds. But, some of the canon games do have Sonic and humans together, and part of that is based on what world is being portrayed when the game is developed. There are kind of different worlds that do exist and sometimes there’s some crossover.”
This raises more questions than this answers, Sir.
Also phooey on no more Super Emeralds, I like Hyper forms.
Well, I think both of those worlds are connected.
I think what he means is like the classic and modern world. His wording is probably a bit strange due to not speaking English well or translating well. I took it as meaning different commercial styles. Sonic 1 implies that other humans exist but they like to consistently mix up or change part of the world’s make up, such as going from realistic to cartoony. From sonic’s point of view it’s probably all the same
I’m sorry but this irritates me a little. Iizuka gives little to no information about the Sonic canon because he is so non-committal about it. That lack of confidence does not give hope for the future of Sonic in his hands still. Why can they not choose a canon and stick with it to develop upon, there is MORE than enough to work with in the Sonic history. Everything he says just seems like weak PR talk… opinionated rant over.
Sonic 06 = No canon
Super Emeralds = No canon
It was that hard to understand, really.
THIS! Seriously, he sucks at what his actual job entails. He may have contributed to great titles in the past but that doesn’t make him the same level of creativity and thought that Naka was. And at this point I’d almost rather have Webber be the head of the series, or at least take Iizuka’s place in all of those interviews so he doesn’t randomly retcon the lore noncommittaly.
It’s like he works with the drive of a mediocre fan fiction writer, the kind who never figured out a solid plan for his story and keeps changing it up with each chapter…after 3 years have passed within each chapter! This guy seems to do nothing but make 3 questionable/awful decisions for every one good decision he makes. I’ve almost had it up to here with his BS at this point. XP
Yup, thats it. I’m done with sonic canon/timeline. This is clear that they give no shits about it
I honestly understand his statement, but I don’t think some of those characters are not gonna return in future sonic titles, but mighty on the upper hand, he might return and we can find out why is he missing. Besides, the fan base is just going pretty good for the series.
I liked Sonic X, but the whole “two different but connected worlds” thing never stuck with me… Iizuka made it sound as if Sonic lore is just as convoluted as Zelda with that statement…
Think of the humans and locations of the Adventure games as a lot like our world. Now would it make sense for GHZ-esque locations to be nearby from Time Square or the San Francisco incline, much less three-foot Mobians (lack of a SEGA-canon name) as common as your average human minority. Next, they’ll be your teachers, your cops, your employers, your spouse, movie stars, web reviewers, game developers, hell even the judge, mayor, or president.
“and was very useful for that narrative”
That’s the biggest joke I’ve seen in quite some time. If anything half of Meph’s involvment in 06 was waving his hands around, spouting jibberish, and getting in a cheap back-stab to Sonic. Basicly, he got lucky because of how hap-hazard the plot was.
Btw, lemme guess, half of the characters mentioned here they said “We’ll see them again” will be the equivalent of Amy and Knux’s involvment in Lost World. Tho tbh, I’m surprised someone like GameInformer even cares about that after how much they complain about anything that isn’t 100% Classic.
So, Iizuka knows as much about the canon as Sonic fans do. Makes sense.
The games in the human world are not necessariky canon to the games outside the human world.
HOWEVER, crossovers may happen, and characters may or may not remember what happened outside tgeir own continuity.
So, it isn’t a big deal if writers portray other characters as out of character… different games, different continuity… that may or may not relate.
Silver the Hedgehog remembering Sonic makes sense
That….just makes things even more convoluted than they need to be. Besides, that means that half of the games verge on being non-canon. That also brings up sooooo many questions regarding the time-travel of Time Eater in Generations AND Classic’s inclusion in Sonic Forces. And that’s not even getting on Blaze’s dimension.
Silver remembered Sonic because they met officially in Sonic Rivals.
And that game alone saved Silver from being non-canon and tied to one of the worst Sonic games.
They ever were fielded those questions by obsessive 06 crazies or wanted to use them as leading questions to get Iizuka to talk about that dumpster fire of a game.
So… As far as I can tell, not literally separate universes, but more like how the ‘world’ of an American man is different from, say, the ‘world’ of a Japanese man, or how the ‘world’ a rich man experiences is different from the ‘world’ a poor man sees.
Mobians (or whatever) and humans both exist on the same planet, but the societies are disparate enough that portraying only one at a time is a valid option.
Or that’s how I interpreted what Mr. Iizuka said, at least. Maybe I’m just trying to justify what I previously thought to be true in the face of new information, or maybe I’m onto something. I dunno.
Oh! But I’m excited to hopefully be seeing Chaos again sometime soon!
Makes sense that the ‘human’ world and “Mobius” are different but interconnected worlds, that makes SA makes sense and is part of the plot of the Sonic movie according to Van Robichaux (subject to change).
Talking about the Sonic Movie maye that’s where we will see Chaos again if the movie takes inspiration from SA, otherwise it could be a competitive spin-off where he would actually fit (fighting game i.e.), in a game with a lot of playable characters (Sonic Heroes 2), or in a SA remake, other than that I don’t really think he would appear in a new game just as part of the plot and not playable.
Well Mobius is base on sonic comics. Maybe that’s what they got the idea from.
I’m saying “Mobius” in quotation marks just to refer to Sonic and co. world, not saying is related to the comics or any other different medium.
Well, if thats the case then ok. I honestly what to see how the future turns out for the series and the world being connected.
Iizuka does the two worlds asspull again but still insists on downplaying the super emeralds and now acts like Sonic 3&K existed in another alternate universe to explain them away?! Get this man off the franchise he will continue to run it into the ground and will do anything in his power to undermine Mania and prevent it from getting a sequel, he wants more Lost Worlds and Sonic 4s, Mania is his worst nightmare as it’s the true vision of classic Sonic he denied us that also makes the existence of Sonic Team look increasingly irrelevant.
HAHAHA That is funny
This is an utter joke. He took something that Sonic fans weren’t racking their brains over even nearly as badly as Zelda’s fan base has, and sunddenly made it even more needlessly convoluted. At least Zelda’s hedgemaze of a lore had actual thought put into it, this retcon feels so haphazard, half-assed, and noncommittal that I’m almost convinced that this was a mediocre fan fiction writer using “Takashi Iizuka” as his pen-name.
No one EVER questioned whether the humans in Sonic’s games actually existed in Sonic’s world or not, EVERYONE WAS ALL ON THE SAME FREAKING PLANET!! It’s no wonder he’s given Graff and Pontac so many chances after they’ve consistently mucked up the plot and lore of each game (“Eggman can chain up a whole planet!? WHAAAAAT!?” “Sonic! I’m sorry that I never once told you that I loooo…” Yeah, I doubt they even got as far as 20 minutes of cutscenes as research.), he’s just as uncaringly unfamiliar with how the series has progressed before he took over, to the point where Colors may as well be a series reboot.
I could keep going, but this rant has gone on long enough, point is that Iizuka is really trying my patience with how often he pulls dumb half-thought-out crap like this. I really wish they had put someone more capable than him in charge of the series after Naka left, because so far this has all felt like a half-committed attempt to turn Sonic into Mario.
Mario lives in the human world and they started back again in a new game. So, maybe fans got tired of sonic being in the human world.
Tired of being in the human world? Sonic was only in the “human world” in the Adventure titles, Shadow and 06(This shit’s somewhat cannon thanks to Generations). Fans barely complained about Sonic interacting with humans. Only time was 06. And Mario was only able to live in a new world because the story wasn’t developed. Iizuka’s explanation is completely unnecessary. Man, if there’s anything Hero and I can agree on, it’s about how much Iizuka’s habits tick us off.
Okay; SERIOUSLY. WHAT THE FRAK is up with that ” two seperate worlds ” thing ?
What, are you telling me that there is actually some kind of ” warp ” that connects the two worlds and that SOMETIMES Sonic and the gang go through it to mess up the human world ?
Seriously stop making no sense for crying out loud this is going to spread even more wild fire in the fanbase … Jesus …
Iizuka, What the hell? Just have Ian Flynn write the Sonic Lore because you obviously have no idea what you’re doing. separate worlds? REALLY?
Man, Iizuka really has no clue on Sonic canon.
I don’t care what he stys or dedice, the games speak for himself, Hyper Sonic and the Super Emerald are canon for example.
We need soon another boss in Sonic Team one who actually care about Sonic.
Actually there is no indication that Hyper Sonic is anything more than an extra for getting everything.
Sonic 3 has 7 special stages. Sonic & Knuckles has 7 special stages. So Sonic 3 & Knuckles has 14. Uh oh! There’s only 7 emeralds!! Oh let’s do an extra where Super can upgrade to Hyper! But really, you need Super to include the final segment of the story. Hyper doesn’t add to the story. It’s just an alternate Super Sonic… There ha no reason to include it again. This is all obvious. XD
Why are the Emeralds so BIG in past Angel Island? In Sonic Adventure flashbacks, the Emeralds are BIG…
Why don’t they just reboot this series already? The “canon” has become a fucking mess and almost nothing makes any sense anymore.
As long as the reboot is good, I’m sure few people would have much to complain about.