IGN goes hands-on with Sonic Unleashed 360
Today, IGN got a chance to go hands-on with one of the most anticipated Sonic games, Sonic Unleashed. They began by explaining how Sonic is a well know character, and how most of his previous games haven’t really been any help for the series.
As IGN explains the day time portions of the levels, they mention you get an on-rails speedfest with good ol’ Sonic. I guess we all can say IGN enjoys the classic day time levels, as they remind them of the good old Sonic Adventure titles on the Dreamcast.
The daytime Sonic is a solid experience. SEGA has had a tough time moving Sonic from 2D to 3D, but the on-rails experience may be the best route. And indeed in the daytime you do play on rails, forcing you to focus more on reaction time than exploration. This isn’t a new idea for Sonic. The Dreamcast Sonic Adventure titles also had similar elements, though Unleashed is most like Sonic and the Secret Rings. Though not a new concept, SEGA is working to improve on past performances.
IGN also explains how the levels play. They said most of the Mazuri stage had narrow paths, and avoiding a lot of junk which they thought it was kinda easy but still fun! There are timing puzzles and moments when you’ll need to stop and hit platforms at the proper time
The Werehog stages….. IGN didn’t like them too much. They didn’t like talking about them because of how it made them depressed. Huh……………?
IGN also got to get into some neat boss battles. But all in all, IGN believes that if SEGA can pull the Night time levels together, they can make a Sonic game that which made him famous back during the 16-bit era. You can check out the rest of IGN’s Hand-On Sonic Unleashed 360 right here!
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
You cant spell ignorant witho–….. jk seriously really invalid points, IGN cant talk about a Sonic game without bithcing about something. Really bad hands-on, but at least we get some info on the boss!
@Soap Scum: IGN really isn’t the one to pay attention. They also believed that the Wii/PS2 version were using the Hedgehog Engine.
@Dabbido: Everyone has there own opinions. But IGN just has really bad ones.
Why did they even bother?
“Everyone has there own opinions. But IGN just has really bad ones.”
I couldn’t agree more Bonawitz-sama.
ign gave another hands on earlier and said the werehog portions of the game really wernt that bad, maybe it was just the reviewer, she is a girl and girls arnt usually fans of straight up beat em up games
I’m going to play the devil’s advocate here and say that there is still a very REAL possibility that this game will be mediocre.
Sure the “on-railsyness” of Sonic’s gameplay is fun the first time around, but I imagine it will wear on most people, becoming dull and predictable. Like it did for me in the Rush series. This is all of course, my opinion. And I do hope I am proven wrong.
As for the Werehog, I dunno. From what I’ve seen it looks like it could be pretty boring. Mindless button mashing with a little platforming thrown in? Ehh. I dunno. God of War never really appealed to me either. So..
Just wait for the demo folks…then we’ll be able to confirm or deny..
(And no, I am not by any means defending the preview. It was more like half of one if you ask me. =P)
The game could be terrible…or great…either way, IGN rarely ever has credible logic behind their opinions. And they screw up facts ALL the time. Journalism is dead in this country, guys. Even video game journalism.
i don`t think Japans is spring 2009! SEGA confraimed december 18th! and November 2008 for US & UK!
I say the same: Everyone has their own opinion. Man IGN sucks, I’ve never liked them. But I look at screenshots and stuff like that for upcomming games, that is the only thing IGN is good for. I’ll probably love the nighttime stages cus I love to climb and swing and you know that. And the battles dosen’t look that bad. 🙂
I agree with Oznic. I’m a sucker for beat-em-ups.
On rails? I never heard anything about that…
…but then again, if IGN can omit stuff that they didn’t want to talk about just because they thought it was depressing, then I guess they can put terms that don’t really apply to the gameplay just because they don’t know how to describe it!
I mean, it’s not like they actually fact check before they do their jobs, just ask Jason Wentz!