Golem Team Look To Kickstart Musical Prequel
The team behind Golem, a PlayStation VR experience from Highwire Games is looking to expand their creation in a rather unusual way. Despite Golem obviously not being released yet, the team wanted to preface the release with a musical prequel that would emphasise the quality of Marty O’Donnell’s (Halo, Destiny) work. Echoes of the First Dreamer is seen as an introduction to the ‘themes’ of Golem, but is separate from it.
“I’ve known Marty twenty years, been his colleague and friend for almost as long, and I always thought I was a fan of his music.” Highwire Games’ Creative Director Jaime Griesemer explains. “Only it turns out I had never really, REALLY appreciated Marty’s music until last year, when I listened to an album he had composed and arranged specifically as a stand-alone work, recorded live in a single session, and presented exclusively as a listening experience. It was breathtaking. That’s why I encouraged him to undertake a similar project at Highwire and create a musical prequel for Golem.”
Highwire Games are looking $45,000 (USD) in order to fully finance the project, and at the time of writing are approximately $16,000 toward being funded. Backers can gain access to physical albums on CD and vinyl, t-shirts, original sheet music and a special deluxe reward for $2,500 pledged will see one individual get to attend the live recording session. Footage for the Golem game itself was released at the beginning of the month.
This post was originally written by the author for VRFocus.