Friends Of Dan Green, Sad News To Report
I’ve never had the pleasure to talk to Dan Green, the former voice of Knuckles, but word reaches me through his fellow voice actor Mike Pollock of a tragedy suffered by him.
I’m sorry to report that on November 25th 2011 Dan’s wife, singer and fellow voice artist Michal Friedman passed away whilst giving birth to the couple’s twins – a son and a daughter. The cause of death iscurrently being listed down on behindthevoiceactors.com as complications from a c-section procedure (caesarean). Both children are said to be healthy.
Whilst he has obviously been surrounded by friends and family at this most distressing time, his fellow voice actors have set up a website at http://dangreen.info/ and are appealing to fans of Dan’s work on Yu-Gi-Oh and other franchises like Sonic to leave messages of support for him via the guestbook. There is also phone numbers should you wish to give a more personal and private message whilst a paypal account has also been set up should anyone want to submit a donation to help go towards the care of their newborn children. Donations can also be sent via Mike Pollock.
From the entire team at SW we offer our condolences to Dan at this time and hope he can draw some form of strength from the thoughts and prayers of the legion of his fans around the world. If you can, please spare the time and leave a message for Dan at http://dangreen.info/
Rest in peace Michal.
I’ll post what I said from The Sonic Stadium:
Sent my support to the family, the best that I can do since I have no money at the moment. I hope the best for
the Green family.
Those two beautiful twins has a caring guardian who loves them dearly and the love and support we’re giving him, no matter if you’re a Sonic fan or not, definitely makes that love even stronger.
May his wife rest in peace, I know she’s smiling down at her daughter and son with tears of jubilation right now.