First Sonic Boom Rating Numbers Now Known
TV By The Numbers has been our only source of ratings info for Sonic Boom this past month. However there hasn’t been an idea of just what the numbers are. Until now. The site has posted cable ratings for this past Saturday and Sonic Boom is among the shows listed.
The number given? 998,000. Nearly one million watched the final new episode that aired before the holiday hiatus. What is impressive is that the number doesn’t even include the whole crowd that watched. It only counts a particular demographic. Even more impressive? That demographic was not kids as the site mentions:
The list below is the top 100 cable shows for adults 18-49 for the whole day.
After a whole month of just getting rating percentages for kids we now have our first info at how much the adult demographic has been tuning in and not just kids. With what we now know it’s possible that the show is more of a success than originally thought. Despite this there’s still one glaring fact: we don’t have the whole story. The number is only a partial amount. The rest of the weeks do not have any number amounts that can be of assistance. For now there is still room for speculation but at the very least one piece of the puzzle has been put into place. Time will tell on whether the rest of them will follow.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
what the what
It a big world, it doesn’t surprise me an adult would wake up at 6:00am to watch sonic. Most kids who are actually interested waits for youtube the ultimate source of quick entertainment.
Yeah. But still that really shocks me. I thought the show would do good but not THIS good.
Props to SEGA and everyone, especially OuiDo! (I think that’s how you spell it?)
Hope this keeps up, wonder what the future of this franchise will be.
Yes, you spelled it right.
This doesn’t shock me. Here’s why.
I feel like SEGA keeps screwing up and over kiddyfying (new word) Sonic. I don’t have their data on their market, but I feel like a HUGE percentage of their market aren’t just kids — they’re adults. They’re adults because the adults who were once kids grew up with the franchise. Just like how there’s a ton of adults who love and play Pokemon, Mario, and Zelda.
If SEGA could understand this, we’d already have a Sonic Adventure 3. We’d have new platform games for classic fans. But, they don’t. All I see is, “Okay, Sonic is for kids, so let’s make stuff for kids. The adults can deal with it or grow up.” Again, I don’t have their market research, it’s just how I feel.
I agree. Sega needs to get their heads out of certified pompous a**es and get with the program. Sonic isn’t just for kids. He’s for everybody. I understand the need to get younger blood into the fanbase. But dumbing and watering down this franchise is not the right way to do it.
Sonic Adventure 3 was 2006 by its execution.
In reality it’s Sonic Unleashed.
I know this because it’s said so in the History of Sonic the Hedgehog book that has interviews with multiple Sonic Team and SEGA staffers.
So you can shut the fuck up about wanting it. It exists under a different name but it was actually called Adventure 3 before settling on it.
Sorry to burst your bubble but neither game were Sonic Adventure 3 either by the lack of quality or concept, if any of those games was called SA3 we fans would be dissapointed and would want a Sonic Adventure 4 that makes justice and evolves from the concept of the first two Sonic Adventures.
I think the only legitimate argument that anyone can make against the “06 was actually SA3” line of thinking is that ’06 didn’t Chao or Chao Gardens in it… That’s pretty much the only thing that kept it from straight up being a Sonic Adventure game.
@Chaos Controller
The thing is Sonic 2006 is far from being as good as SA and SA2, doesn’t matter much the name, if Sonic 2006 was called SA3 people will be claiming for a SA4 true to the first two, fans don’t have issues with the name of the game but for the quality and content.
Quality has nothing to do with it. It’s all about the design.
You can’t that Sonic the Hedgehog 4 isn’t Sonic the Hedgehog 4 because it failed to live up to the standard set by Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
06 wasn’t called SA3, just like how Sonic Advance wasn’t called Sonic 4. Serpx and other SA3 fans are in full right to ask for the game, and I’m actually on board mainly because the Adventure titles including 06, were better and more successful titles and content we have now.
Now, if anyone here needs to shut the fuck up, it would be you.
“Serpx and other SA3 fans are in full right to ask for the game…”
Ugh, that doesn’t mean a thing. What I will never understand about you Sonic Adventure 3 fanatics is that you think Sonic Adventure 3 will be some God-like elixir that would save the franchise. News flash! Sonic Team isn’t reliable anymore! If Sonic Adventure 3 did happen it would most likely be awful, and destroy any hopes and dreams the fans had left. “But Kabam!, SA3 would run on an established formula! It can only be good!” Oh really? Look what happened with Sonic 4 episodes 1 and 2. Those were supposed to be continuations of an established formula and they turned out very underwhelming and disappointing. There is no guarantee Sonic Adventure 3 will/would be the great game you guys predict it would/will be. Now please, no swearing. It ruins your reputation.
The thing is all we SA3 “fanatics” want is the concept of the SA games to return to make the franchise more appealling again, hopefully Sonic Team would be able to make the gameplay as good or better than recent Sonic titles but the thing is most people nowdays don’t care about the Sonic anymore, fact is Sonic Colors and Generations are a ton of fun to play but I don’t know who idea’s was to turn Sonic into a generic kid’s cartoon when it was already its own thing and fans and gamers loved it for what it was. Is sad seeing how Shadow the hedgehog and Sonic 2006 had much more sales than Colors and Generations, also I as a fan hate to play a Sonic title while skipping every cut-scene when back in the day I enjoyed the story as much as the gameplay or in some cases more than the gameplay when the gameplay was really bad… well that’s how I feel at least, I’m not only hoping for a SA3, as cool as that might be I’m really hoping for a game that is as appealing in concept as it is in gameplay even if is not called SA3, is part of the whole videogame experience; not only fun gameplay but also the narrative, the characters, the epicness, the world building and the overall joy all this features can deliver together, and I believe the lack is the reason for lowers sales in recent Sonic games.
Those are my two cents on the matter…
Agreed! If anything this news make me happy because it demonstrates that Sonic isn’t just for kids, is for EVERYONE!!
I say let Sonic Boom live, the cartoon has potential, but now change the focus of the main Sonic series to the kind of tone and plot it had prior Sonic Colors, that way the kiddy Sonic fans and the Sonic fans from prior Sonic Colors would be happy, and Sega would expand their target market.
“Agreed! If anything this news make me happy because it demonstrates that Sonic isn’t just for kids, is for EVERYONE!!”
Not really, because that would mean adults who aren’t already Sonic fans are also watching it. This is like saying Sonic Colors and Lost World is for everyone, despite them being targeted to kids and mainly adult Sonic fans are playing them, and most of them are most likely Nintendo fanboys who bitched about Sonic “Trying to hard to be cool”. Your post as zero insight on who’s getting into this shit, you just hear adults and get a hard on, not even considering most of them are the same few who would’ve bought these games even if they were still “Trying too hard to be cool”, just to go on the internet and bitch about them, which at that point, would make no mention of Sonic being for everyone.
At this point, Sonic is not for everyone, he’s targeted towards Nintendo fanboys, and most of the people tuning into this cartoon or buying the new games(with failing sells) are most likely just bystanders.
BTW, going by this logic, COD and GTA is for EVERYONE! WOOT WOOOOOT!
You completely misunderstood my point, I meant that the Sonic fanbase is compromised mostly by adults, not just kids and because of that it should be aimed to everyone and not just kids, let me put it this way:
Sonic 1991-2010: For Everyone.
Sonic 2011-2013: For kids only.
Sonic Boom: For kids only.
Now that Boom exists they should leave the “only for kids” approach of Modern Sonic and shift it back to being “For Everyone”, that way Sega could keep bringing new younger fans to the series with Boom and recover the fans AND sales they used to have with Modern Sonic.
serpx….you win TSSZ
Well obviously there are adults in the Sonic fanbase; the series has been around for 20+ years now. And SEGA is completely aware of it too, otherwise they wouldn’t have bothered actually making Sonic 4 which is meant to be a follow up to the original trilogy that came out WAY before kids today didn’t exist. They also wouldn’t have bothered to make Sonic Generations which is meant to celebrate a lot of milestones, some far before a lot of kids would even know what they are, even if they were just skimmed over briefly. Even still though, the demographic that largely enjoys Sonic will always be the kids. Always was, always will.
Besides, SA3 would an unnecessary addition to the series. There isn’t anything the adventure series had exclusively that was done in later titles, and the story has since far progressed forward away from it. Seems really stupid to blame SEGA on focusing on the kids as the reason for not making SA3 when all they want is to move forward the way a lot of franchises do.
“Even still though, the demographic that largely enjoys Sonic will always be the kids. Always was, always will.”
I really don’t want to be offensive or excessively blunt, but really ? You still believe in that idiocy ?
If “Sonic is and always was for kids”, how come Generations hasn’t a much different tone from the idiotic Flash-animation parody one of Colors and Lost World ?
If Sonic 4 was supposed to be for the older fans, why did they screw it up so badly ?
Sonic has pretty much always aimed for an teen audience. Nowadays, it’s aiming “for kids” you say ?
Then where are they ? Are they speaking up ? No, the kids attracted by the last games are too few. Sonic’s only audience right now are only the cheerful crowd, a.k.a. those basement-dwelling nerds who think that “SANIC HAZ ALWAEEZ BEAN A CAWMEDEE 4 KEEDZ LAWL” and use AoStH and Colors for their baseless argument.
No, Sonic was supposed to be cool. Nor extremely kiddy, nor extremely dark.
Riding only on nostalgia and kiddiness won’t get SEGA/Sonic Team anywhere. This direction has FAILED.
Kids never asked for “Baldee McNosehaeer LAWL” or “Eeeeeevil Ham”. They want cool stuff. Action, explosions, chases. You know ? All the stuff Sonic used to have until Colors.
TL;DR edition : This picture : http://wewantsonica3.deviantart.com/art/Iizuka-Logic-480681694
So much for the “Sonic is 4 keeds” argument. Sonic is (or was supposed to be) for EVERYONE.
“If Sonic 4 was supposed to be for the older fans, why did they screw it up so badly?”
You seem to mistake SEGA’s poor efforts on making their games as though they just throw it out there because kids don’t know any better. It’s not just Sonic, but SEGA hasn’t been doing a good job of maintaining the same kind of quality for a lot of their other games and are met with lots of poor decisions and lack of marketing, which has made SEGA of Japan hold back on localizing a lot of their games that are, at the very least, decent. It’s a goddamn miracle we’re getting Yakuza 5 over here even if it is just digital only.
“Then where are they ? Are they speaking up ? No, the kids attracted by the last games are too few.”
Apparently the lack of any kids speaking up is solid proof enough that SEGA should just stay away from them. Never mind the fact that kids tend to speak more with actions than they do with words, especially through the internet. Don’t know about you, but wherever I go, I tend to see kids far more involved with Sonic than the teens and adults. From kids on their phones playing the classics to wearing the clothing and having all kinds of merchandises like the toys the gear. These are the ones that SEGA choose to go for because while they may not speak up, it’s pretty obvious they are the ones that adore Sonic far more than we do, even if they don’t know any better.
That’s not to say you can’t have a Sonic game aimed for kids but still have the suitable quality for the adults to enjoy. The Mario series can do just that, and for a while, Sonic did too before falling towards mediocrity, but don’t for a second think that sort of mediocrity is all thanks to SEGA focusing a lot more on just the kids, as they do try and throw a bone towards the older fans, usually in such a terrible matter. It’s always been that way, and I think anyone who’s getting far too upset over that are folks who’ve long since outgrown the series in general.
You seem to have such a major grudge over Colors, apparently that being super kiddy. I never saw it as a kiddy game despite the cheesy dialogue. What about the action behind the gameplay for Sonic? You can’t seriously think that the gorgeous environments that you’re able explore, like the futuristic Japanese inspired aquariums, the tropical parks with planets in the distance giving it light, or the lush forest overrun by mechanical equipments would be something considered kiddy, all things considered? Seems like the grudge here has more to do with the story, and while I’m all for a more engaging one, I’d prefer the actions of the gameplay be solid enough for anyone, kids to adults, to enjoy.
“Even still though, the demographic that largely enjoys Sonic will always be the kids. Always was, always will.”
The demographics that largely enjoyed Sonic were people of all ages. Ever since before Sonic was released and just a demo, kids from as young as 3 to adults in their 60’s were attracted to and enjoyed the game, or more specifically, the character. Sonic being turned into a kids series is nothing more the the byproduct of idiocy from Sega and the fanboys who bitched that Sonic was “trying too hard to be cool”, which ironically, the kids enjoyed a lot more back then.
Seriously, you grown ass people need to stop using kids for you own dumbass agenda, because this shit is just pathetic, and this meme spelled it out: http://psyco-the-frog.deviantart.com/art/Sonic-Iz-4kids-397283941
All this implying as though Sonic was never designed for kids to enjoy. It’s pretty obvious that when it came to gaming back then, it was always targeted for the kids. That didn’t mean the adults couldn’t get in on the fun. The Sonic games of the older days were extremely simple to understand, making it far more welcoming for anyone to try. Same thing holds up for mobile gaming today, what with adults turning to stuff like Candy Crush to pass the time, and THAT looks so kiddy what with its colorful, candy look.
There isn’t anything about the Sonic series today that still doesn’t make it at all welcoming for the older audience to continue enjoying, even if the whole image has long since gotten more “kiddy” as you all want to put it as. It’s real big issue is simply a lack of any better quality to make sure the games are as solid as the classics. Seems like you’re blaming the series for becoming something for kids as its issues and not simply because SEGA just doesn’t care enough to make the games as solid as the classics.
It really makes me sad knowing that kids today think the games I played growing up are “babyish”. They’re in such a hurry to grow up too fast, and as such they aren’t interested in the likes of Mario, Sonic, and Mega Man. It just feels so weird to me.
Well, most of us were kids back when we were first introduced to Sonic. That was because we were part of the target demographic back then. Now that we’re older, we aren’t part of the general audience anymore. Sega hasn’t changed its direction, WE’RE the ones that changed.
So no, your point doesn’t stick.
While there is some truth to that, it doesn’t really hold up when you consider franchises like Super Mario and Donkey Kong Country.
We grew up with the series as well and still keep coming back, because they’ve remained true to their roots. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Mario has stayed the same. Sonic has definitely not.
Please don’t kill me or bombard me with hateful insults, as this really is just my opinion and it does not have to reflect that of others.
I kind of like Sonic for it’s diversity. They DO hop around WAY too much, like with SLW and Boom, but I like games like Generations, Colors, and Unleashed (Day stages). They’re all different gameplay without going too far off the track. The only Mario games I can play are some of the older ones on my SNES. The newer ones just look… Same-old, and it looks to me like the mindless sheep just flock to it because it’s what they’re used to. And man, you can’t tell me Sonic sucks lately because it’s kiddish and then go on to play a Mario game. I can’t sit down to play a Mario game without cringing at the overall cheesiness. Yes, it does have an overall charm, like with the classic games. But lately I can’t help but laugh at how much it hasn’t changed. It’s like they’re playing it safe all the way and not bothering to add anything slightly engaging to it.
Anyways, this is just a 13 year old’s opinion, though I think my opinion is something to be considered, not just that of an adults.
I like your opinion as a matter of fact, the thing is there are tons of fans asking for a more serious Sonic like the one from the Adventure era and other that ask for a cheerful and kid friendly Sonic, in my opinion Sega should focus to the light-hearted audience with the Sonic Boom universe, then get Modern Sonic back on track with the more developed stories and tone of the games prior Sonic Colors, that way everyone wins, even Sega, what do you think about it?
It’s truly what I’m hoping for. Cause both versions of Sonic appeal to me, so having both would please me immensely… SEGA/Sonic Team would be smart to start aiming the Sonic games at teens since their movie, which is supposed to represent the main franchise and not Boom, is going to be PG-13. They’d do good to slightly reflect that in the main franchise itself.
Thank you for being civil in response to that.. I appreciate it. 😉
Don’t mention it, there are still some rational and educated fans that doesn’t bash everyone with different/strong opinions.
And yeah, I hope the Sonic movie is more aimed at teens and young adults with that spirit of youth and excitement it had before, and there is nothing bad about it, that’s what Marvel Studios movies do for example and those are appealing to kids as well. Also I should mention I was 15 when I became a fan.
I had 12 when I first played a Sonic game and was 15 when I became a fan.
“Sega hasn’t changed its direction, WE’RE the ones that changed.”
>Looks at Sonic in the 90’s, in the 2K’s, and in 2010’s.
>Deduces this user is on bullshit.
The idiocy is astounding, it’s like you’re flat out lying in hopes that people who aren’t nuttier then a squirrel fart will believe this. What worse is that you seem to think adults didn’t enjoy Sonic back in the day to, and which many actually did. The length you fanboys will go to damage control.
The length fanboys like you go at insulting other people’s opinions.
Sega has tried targeting the older demographic by updating the series’ maturity, and look where it got them (06 and Shadow). It’s no wonder that the games with younger demographics in mind get less criticism; it’s a far more suitable direction that fits the tone the series presents itself.
“The length fanboys like you go at insulting other people’s opinions.”
The length fanboys like you go to bitch about your opinions being disagreed or argued against. Welcome to the real word, where opinions aren’t worth as much as you think they are.
I’d rather have Sonic Battle 2. Or better yet, Sonic Chronicles 2. Yeah, that would be pretty cool in my opinion. In fact, I wouldn’t mind a Sonic Advance 4. That’d be awesome! The problem with Adventure 3 is that there is no need for it, there never was a need for it, and there never will be. The Adventure games’ main purpose was to transition Sonic into 3-D. That mission was accomplished so it’s time to move on.
I agree that a Sonic Battle 2 and Sonic Chronicle 2 would be great, but you lost me at your reasoning on why there is no need to make a new Sonic Adventure game, the main purpose to make the Adventure games was to create a great game, with cool characters, an engaging story and a strong sense of coolness and epicness that most Sonic games lack nowdays and I’m all for it, even if the game isn’t called Sonic Adventure 3.
Alright, ’cause I like you, I’ll take it back. A Sonic Adventure 3 would be cool I suppose, just as long as it’s done right.
Excuse me sir, we are having a peaceful and rational discussion in here, do you mind lowering the tone of your typing and adressing other people with respect please? Thank you.
I’m sorry but where is all this hate towards it coming from? Seriously they make amy rose sound better and for once eggman is truly a side villain and not ‘oh ho fooled you I was pulling the strings the whole time losers’ bull.
Am I the only one who thought that Sonic Unleashed struck the perfect balance between “light” and “dark” in terms of its story? Its fitting really, since that was the theme of the game itself. We had humor with Chip, Eggman, and the other human characters (which had excellent designs IMO), yet the plot could still be taken seriously with the world being shattered, and Dark Gaia monsters coming out at night. I’m disappointed that the recent games haven’t given the player as much of a reason to care about Sonic’s world as that game and the Adventure series.
Was Unleashed perfect? No, but I felt much more…involved…in the world it created than in the games that followed, if that makes sense.
I catch your drift.
Just start aired in Mexican Country and there you go! like old DBZ Days…
Let me guess, people are still going to try to denied this as fact?
Anywho, that’s pretty impressive. I’m not really surprise at the large number of adults tuning in, which are most likely sonic fans.
No, this proves everything.
It proves that only a bunch of man-children care about Sonic nowadays, and that their “4 KEEDS” experiment, along with the comedic direction started with Colors, have failed.
Even Teen Titans Go (Screw that monstrousity as well) had much more views than the likes of Boom in its 1rst season.
Here is why…
1. People hoping for the original Teen Titans tuned in to see if it catered to their needs
2. Teen Titans was well known beforehand so anything involving the continuation of that franchise was going to get some publicity
3. Since through a bunch of branches, CN is affiliated with DC comics, so naturally they would treat the series to better publicity and advertising.
I know you’re just going to answer “DIS SHOW SUX THATS WHY NOT AS MANY”, but I’m trying to make a valid point here.
Teen Titans Go is a CN original show, unlike Sonic Boom. Of course it’ll get more screen time and viewers. They show that cartoon everyday and pretty much all day.
Heh and I am proven right yet again.
In my last comment I stated that Ouido is depending nearly 100% on the established fandom for views and this only confirms it. With the kids data included, this is most likely 1.2 million views or around that range. Sounds reasonable, right? Meanwhile Teen Titans Go has racked in 1.6 million to 2 million and upwards of views….in the MORNING slot.
I hate to say it but these numbers aren’t impressive. With certain shows reaching 19 million views (X-Files) this is nothing. Yes I get X Files was not a morning show but my point is that networks need shows with big debuts to live on, regardless of when they air. And nearly a million viewers is piddly. Come on guys…..I’m sure you all know enough about TV ratings to know this is measly.
But what interests me the most is this “strong adult” following ranging from 18-49.
And no one finds this the slightest bit creepy? That 49 year olds are tuning into watch kids shows? Well whatever…all I know is that these numbers aren’t that fantastic and the show is relying on the adult fandom to live. My prediction is that once the next Sonic game is announced, this beloved fandom, with the attention span of a candy filled 7 year old, will drop Sonic Boom entirely and get hyped for the next trainwreck of a Sonic game.
For all my “hating” I sure turned out correct….yet again. I don’t care if it’s kids or aduts, if the max total for either demographic can hardly scratch a million should be very troubling for you Boom fans. Let me ask you this. Do you think with the kids included that the views will hopefully double to a healthy 2 million?? Of course they won’t. You people KNOW that the fandom is yet again the only people who care about this show andyhese numbers once and for all prove it. The rough estimate of adult Sonic Boom fans can hardly ren touch a million….that is extremely sorry. And not only that…kids aren’t even tuning in to watch KIDS SHOW as heavily as the adults! Proving yet AGAIN…KIDS DO BOT CARE ABOUT A LAME SONIC THE HEDGEHOG! If they really want kids they need to make Sonic action based and genuinely cool. But the ganja is telling SEGA to do othrwise so what can ya do? I just find it saddening that Sonic can’t get anything esided faux-success…pleasing a fraction of what the fandom used to be isn’t success…it’s utter failure. Do any of you remember just how massively popular Sonic was even when Heroes came out?? Theries was past it’s prime by that point but it still raked in outside attention…now Sonic is a cruel, derisive meme destined to be mocked by the non-autistic side of the internet. And to thnk it could be fixed so easily…but no. SEGA is…..ah nevermind…
Now time to research the numbers for other kiddie shows….howzabout that new Tom and Jerry monstrosity? What the data is for that thing….
Jesus Christ man, I don’t like the Boom cartoon at all, but what has got you so riled up that you have to bust into an essay about why it’s so insignificant, and comparing to X-Files of all things?
My gosh… Thanks for some more BS to read through.
I mean, under different circumstances you might make a bit of a point there. But what you’re not realizing is most kids probably don’t know Boom exists. Its not cause it so called “sucks” or anything, its faulty advertising and a horrible time slot. If 1. I wasn’t up at that unGodly hour or 2. I went to public school, I’d have no frickin idea this show existed. Its the people old enough to get on the internet and know it exists that know to look out for it. Before Wreck It Ralph, when I first decided to look Sonic up on the internet when I got home, I knew Sonic only from a Colors DS demo (that I loved so much as a 9 year old, need to get that game) and a Progressive commercial. Maybe you should stop jumping to the conclusion that makes you most happy and realize that there are other factors involved.
“Its the people old enough to get on the internet and know it exists that know to look out for it.”
Elementary school students are actually very proficient at using the Internet nowadays. So, I’m not really sure the point you were trying to make falls in line with that remark.
Also, you’re completely forgetting about the toys, video games, and comic books that tie-in to Sonic Boom directly.
Unless the world has changed in the last 4 years… Then again, this new generation IS total crap… Well, “back in my day”, so to speak, nobody was allowed free reign of the internet until 5th grade. Hell, I don’t even have free reign and I’m 13.
I was actually purposefully leaving those out as my point was focused on the show. I’ve not seen one of those things, sans the video games of course, in a store AT ALL. Therefore the marketing clearly isn’t doing it’s job, which was my overall point.
Anyhow, I think SEGA’s main issue is marketing, and understanding what the younger audience is out for these days.. I’m out for something serious yet lighthearted at the same time. Recent games haven’t really delivered that.. Yet I still enjoy them. There’s some kind of charm to it. I’d just enjoy it MORE if they actually knew what the OVERALL audience wants. You can make a story semi-serious without offending the younger audience, especially these days. Also, for what it’s worth, they probably could appease whatever responsible adults there still are out there who aren’t going out and buying their 9-10 year old COD or something. You don’t HAVE to make it SANIC 4 KIDZ.
But, I’ve talked enough. Thanks for not spitting crap at me, I can admire that from anybody on this website.. 😛
(But what interests me the most is this “strong adult” following ranging from 18-49.
And no one finds this the slightest bit creepy? That 49 year olds are tuning into watch kids shows?)
This is very similar to the bronies, and they are very creepy in their own right. What’s worse is that many of them are Sonic fans, making the fanbase look worse then it already was.
“And no one finds this the slightest bit creepy? That 49 year olds are tuning into watch kids shows?”
Listen here buddy, cartoons are NOT just for kids. I’m sure we all remember how shows like SpongeBob or Avatar the Last Airbender PERFECTLY struck the balance between audiences. Kids shows offer an innocent level of quality and humor you can’t find anywhere else. I’d rather watch any kids show, you name it, over the over-done live-action bores like “Game of Thrones” or “The Walking Dead” for example. And anything produced by that Seth Mcfarline guy (Family Guy for example) is total nonsense that makes you give up on humanity sometimes. The amazing cartoons (and/or nicktoons) I watched growing up rocked my world and left a lasting impression on me. Because of that, I’ll watch cartoons and kids shows until the day I die. There’s nothing else good on TV these days anyway.
Thank you for a valid opinion on that… My mom, who is in her mid to late 30’s, will sometimes sit down to watch TTG, Phineas & Ferb, or Sonic Boom with me. It’s not like she’s staring at the screen with her eyes glued, but she enjoys it more then crap like Family Guy, good Lord, that show WILL diminish your faith in the human race. 😛
Anyways, I always found kids shows to be made to appeal mainly to the kids demographic but also to the adults. Not ALL shows, don’t get me wrong, but some.
Exactly. 😉
“I’d rather watch any kids show, you name it, over the over-done live-action bores like “Game of Thrones” or “The Walking Dead” for example”
Your comparing a show that is specificaly aimed at kids ( yes its aimed at kids not adults, that has been stated ) to shows that deals with death, blood and a lot of dark stuff? Not only that but you say that these shows are boring when they are not “comedies”. I would be surprised if you laughed to shows like these. they are not meant to make you laugh but make you tense and upset which they apparently do since they still continue going. Is this one of those “too edgy, too serious” comments that basicaly boils down to thinking that people who want sonic to be more of this wants gore and melodrama? if so this statement is just flat out ignorant of what sa fans actualy want.
Its also funny that you mentioned family guy when the latest episode pretty much took pages from that show with the whole stupid flashback thing that never makes sense.
Im sorry but your credibility is extremely low.
Sorry. I am not saying SA fans are crazy or anything. I’m simply saying that I’d rather watch an innocent children’s cartoon instead of an inappropriate and mature TV show. In fact, my comment actually had near to nothing to do with Sonic. I’d be thrilled to see the stakes raised a little higher in Sonic games actually. That’s why I think this Movie being rated PG-13 is a good thing. No hard feelings. Now how about be bump that credibility back up! 🙂
“Sorry. I am not saying SA fans are crazy or anything. ”
And you’re credibility is even more low now then before, having to call out SA fans as if it’s just them or anyone who likes them who have something negative to say about Boom, but in fact, a lot more people were bad mouthing Boom.
“I’m simply saying that I’d rather watch an innocent children’s cartoon instead of an inappropriate and mature TV show.”
I know people are just going to say I’m spitting bile again, but you really sound like a loser dude, especially when the kids show in question is garbage.
Y’know, I was just trying to apologize. No need to attack me further, but have it your way.
Haha ok thats totaly fine, credibilty established ;p
oh, you’re one of those people who think 40+ yr olds watching cartoons is weird.
We would not get along since I don’t watch any of those overhyped live action pieces of ****?
O_o Holy shit, man. Calm the hell down. Your taking this children’s cartoon show way too seriously.
The most ironic part about your whole post is that it makes the fact that *you’re* actually the one in denial very obvious….
Yeah, the guy pointing out the actual facts is the one in denial. Seriously, man children like you are truly mental if you think any of this shit is successful, or even worthy of any praise. Just admit you’re just trolling for your undying love of a shit cartoon so we can move on.
Let me tell you something, Heatseeker0: I’d say that you are the man-child here. Let me tell you that what you think of the cartoon is not fact, but opinion, and you keep acting like your opinion is fact when it is not. Plus, you seem disrespectful to others who like the show, which is not good at all. It is not bad if others like something that you dislike. Plus, even if those who like the show were that bad (and they are not), you are acting no better than those people with that post of yours and the other posts you have made. You are acting worse than those you say are in denial. I recommend that you grow up, and learn how to interact with others better and learn that your opinions are not fact, and that you are not superior to anyone here.
BTW, I can say that what danidado says more of what he thinks and what is based on his perspective rather than what is fact.
It’s a Sonic cartoon. Chill out, man. Yeesh….
“Let me tell you something, Heatseeker0: I’d say that you are the man-child here. Let me tell you that what you think of the cartoon is not fact, but opinion”
Sorry, but you lose the debate the moment you tried telling me what’s fact or opinion. It shows you don’t have the backbone to make your own argument without having to depend on a fallacious arguing tactic, and you somehow think an opinion and be both right or wrong at the same time.
@Chaos Controller
“It’s a Sonic cartoon. Chill out, man. Yeesh….”
Yet you’re here commenting along with everyone else, and seeing your post, you’re not fit to tell someone else to chill out.
@Heatseeker0: Says the one who keeps treating his opinion as fact, and says that it is factually wrong to like Sonic Boom and defend it. I don’t think it is fallacious as well, because it is true. I have a feeling you are just trying to ignore it and not listen, which, if true, is quite a shame. I don’t think you are fit enough to set the rules for arguing here.
A quality that was ruined by titles such as “Shadow the Hedgehog” and Sonic 06.
Because, as we all know, we totally didn’t have Riders and Rush at that point. Shadow and 06(More successful titles then anything after Unleashed), just ruined everything.
Yup, let’s not forget those! The Rush (and in minor extent the Riders) games were a sweet beacon of hope during the time of Shadow and Sonic 2006
“Yup, let’s not forget those! The Rush (and in minor extent the Riders) games were a sweet beacon of hope during the time of Shadow and Sonic 2006”
Well, while Rush was praised(For god knows what, the level design is cheap as hell), fanboys back then were bitching about Sonic being on a scateboard, or just ignored the game. Point is, fanboys just targeted 2 games and made overblew everything about that, but now, you got these people hyping up Sonic Boom and in complete denial about it’s success, as well as the games since Sonic Colors, with sales being as fucked up as they are.
I wouldn’t consider this “THAT GOOD” because the kids demographic could only make up a small percentage. Cartoon network doesn’t deal with shows that attracts adult. Toonami may not foster Boom if it is removed.
I don’t know what’s more pathetic, Sonic Boom’s cartoon, the man children that’s actually watching this shit, or the very small number of them who are damage controlling for this shit cartoon in the first place.
I don’t know what’s more pathetic, fanboys like you, or the people who don’t seem to realize that Sonic has always been for kids. Wait, they’re both the same people.
Sonic was for all audiences man. Even if kids were the main demographic, they did this by targeting teens in order to make kids who wanted to be cool like them, also get into Sonic. Even then, if Sonic was always for kids like say, there’s still a huge difference in the content from back in the day compared to the games since 2010, when Sega actively aimed Sonic at kids, but only attracting man-children, and thereby losing sales in the process.
Well, I see a battle going on here over whether this show is a success or not.
Here’s my opinion:
Compared to the rest of the Sonic Boom Series, the cartoon IS a success. Rise of Lyric is a complete failure (it only sold an abominable 25k copies it’s first day), and Shattered Crystal is mediocre-bad at best. So the fact that the cartoon has around 998k watching is good.
But for television? That’s abysmal. There are around 316 million currently living in America. And of that 316 million, children ages 0-14 (both male and female) come at a little more than 62 million. Boom was only able to attract 1 million people- that’s bad for television. And as the ratings show, many of them are us older Sonic fans (most likely internet Sonic fans). NOT kids.
If anything, these ratings PROVE what I’ve been saying for so long. Sonic does not attract kids, the majority of people supporting Sonic are us older fans. Sega’s attempt to attract a new audience has once again failed. They need to drop this “Sonic is for kids” ideology they have started since Colors and go back to making Sonic cool enough to be appreciated by everyone, or they’ll continue to fail.
Completely agree with everything you said here Ash. Sonic was aimed at all audiences, and Sega and Iizuka have been making this mistake of trying to gain new fans for a long time. It started with not making SA3 right after SA2 because Izuka thought only hardcore fans would by it, and made Heroes instead, in order to attract a more casual audience. This mistake, to me, is why we ended up getting Shadow and 06, even though I still like them, and shows Sega’s management is in the shitter, and has been since the 90’s when the Japan side got pissed off at the U.S. side’s success, in fact, it could be the main cause.
Far as Sonic Boom, from what I’ve heard, it might’ve been a promising project, if the comedy didn’t become mandatory and programmers had been in a lot sooner for the project. These people will go out and damage control for this garbage now, but their only promoting corporate slavery.
Pretty much agreed with these!!
Also I see some hope on the horizon, namely the recently released Passion and Pride music album with songs from the Sonic Adventure games, Sonic Adventure games inspired skins for the Nintendo 3DS and most of all the fact that the Sonic movie will be PG-13, now I don’t know if the movie will be bad or not, none knows at this point, but being PG-13 and half Live Action tells me they don’t want it to be like Sonic Colors nor like Smurfs or Alvin and the Chipmunks, and if Sonic Boom already exists and is already aimed at young children then the main canon should shift back to being cool, epic and for everyone.
Not to mention the writiers of the film are looking back to past Sonic games like the Genesis games, SA1 and 2 and such for reference, as well as the same animation team that made Night of the Werehog and all the CGI scenes from all the Sonic openings will be animating the film. I still wanna see a trailer itself before I really pass judgement, but I as well can’t help but be just a little interested with the details given.
Yeah, I mean the movie has high chances of being bad but at least it looks like they are trying and caring now, and if its Live Action at least that means we could get a Hollywood caliber quality in scenarios like this:
And with animations from the studio that brought us this:
Not to jump into a conversation, but I agree 100% with all of this. There is great hope on the horizon for this movie, and if they’re able to mesh CG and live-action the way they did in that Rise of Lyric/Shattered Crystal commercial, I’m totally in. I will not support the movie like a blinded fangirl before I know what we have in store, but I really look forward to the final product. Honestly, my only fear is they’ll pull a Sonic ’06 with a human love interest, but I hope not. What I’m hoping for, but which won’t happen of course, is actually more of a “All Dogs go to Heaven” kind of thing, where Sonic befriends a little girl or boy and eventually has to say goodbye when he goes back to his world, assuming they do a Sonic X-esque kind of story. My guess is we start in a full-CG version of Sonic’s world and switch over to Earth. Or maybe Sonic’s world has humans in it like back in Shadow or the Adventure series… Hoping for them to do the first option. 😛
Agree 100%.
For some reason most of my comments aren’t being published…
Not to jump into bed with Boom supporters, but Colors is really good and Lost World, mechanically, is solid if a bit flawed.
You mean gameplay wise or are you talking about the tone and plot?
Gameplay wise, both games, tone and plot too for Colors.
Colors’ tone and plot may have been lighthearted a bit thin (to put it lightly) respectively, but they worked for what they were, they didn’t get in each other’s way and were coherent and a decent break from the norm. I don’t think I have to justify it’s gameplay aside from the wisps, which were OK in that game
as a one time gimmick.Lost World’s controls have a steep learning curve but they work well if you ask me, also it has the best/smartest homing attack in the series (it’ll actually stop when an enemy shields or vanishes so you won’t bash into damage/nothing and it won’t turn into a homing shot either). Should the series continue using this set up, with some refinement it could be the best exploration based controls we’ve ever had.
I’m impressed. At this time full of other alternatives to television, you would have expected one to watch this on YouTube instead! What’s sad is, I was somewhat right! Kids aren’t interested in Sonic; adults are! The only reason my little brother, and my two baby sisters are interested in Sonic is because I told them! Hahahaha!
Live on, Sonic Boom! Continue to prove me wrong! 🙂
I SOMEWHAT agree with the user Dolphina16. But my opinion stays with 100Rings. I would agree with heatseeker0, but he’s so aggresive that he seems like he’s just spitting bile.
How can you agree with 100Rings but not agree with heatseeker? They’re both rude.
Hahaha, I guess opinions have names/faces attached to them now.
Good to know somebody has some sense. 😉
Just kidding. But thanks.
Well damn,that’s good to hear.Wonder how the other demographics are like.
What;s so odd is the obvious steps SEGA has taken to change Sonic, order to make him appeal to younger children… As if he didn’t already do that in the first place?!
Honestly, a CGI cartoon based off the current reboot of the Archie Sonic Comics would’ve been a great move.
Ehg. Maybe with the same tone, sans the Archie characters? 😛
What’s wrong with the Archie/SatAM characters? I think they supplement the SEGA characters rather well.
Relic the Pika, an archeologist that lives on Angel Island with Knuckles, in order to study its ruins and the ancient, lost Echidna culture? How can you *not* think that’s great?
I love most of the archie characters. But God knows they’d screw them up. Basing my opinion off of the current storyline of the comics, the cartoon would most likely force a relationship between Sally and Sonic that doesn’t even fit/work, Rotor would be some kind of dumb comedic relief worse then Knuckles in Boom, (At least he’s kinda cute in a dumb way) and Amy would drift into the background. Of course it’d be a great initiative, but it’d be TOO different from the main canon for my tastes. At the moment, I love the comics. They finally took the right direction. 🙂
For the timeslot Sonic Boom is in those numbers actually are pretty impressive. Teen Titans Go airs all day long repeatedly. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that it gets more views.
Even so, I don’t think it’s particularly fair to be so strung up on people enjoying the show. I’m not a fan of the direction the games have taken with regards to how Colors was either but I recognize that the major contention deals mostly with just how it’s written despite my personal gripe with how the tone doesn’t feel as middle grounded.
Though the adult range thing also doesn’t surprise me either. The series has been around for 20+ years and the majority of talks about it online as well as conventions do showcase a lot of the adult crowd. It’s important to remember going forward that adults do in fact make up a good chunk of this fanbase. That’s why I hope the future games do remember to write themselves in a way that makes it clear they’re for “everyone” and not just one side.
But as for Boom, it’s focus is comedy and I have no issue with its standing as a television show because I’m actually enjoying how the writing is for the most part. I wish it all the best. I just hope the actual series can get its head out of the clouds and have a better handle on what it needs to do. I don’t feel that Boom is the direction the games themselves need to go obviously. It’s even worse considering how bad Pontac and Graff are at writing comedy compared to the show.
I’ve seen defense for and opposition against Sonic Boom but this is honestly the only place online where I’m finding the comments people are directing at each other to be this vile and full of hatred and contempt for each other.
People making comments about how others are manchildren or stupid for enjoying it. Others who enjoy it can’t get a grasp on a good counter-argument for supporting it. Even when someone tried to apologize, it was responded to by the person who was receiving the apology having his words twisted to be something he hated and him calling him a loser again.
Any one of the essays from either side here could be taken and framed or shown to someone with a valid connection to the series and they’d rightfully react it by asking themselves why the hell should they have to be bothered with conforming to this whacked out of a fanbase.
I can see why people would like it and I can see why people hate it, but I’ve seen these arguments be carried out in a much more diplomatic way that didn’t make everyone involved look like rabid monsters.
I’m trying to douse out the fire a little bit…
Also, pray tell of such a peaceful place?
*Looks at comments*
Y’know what? I’m not surprised discussion of Boom turns into petty insults and “my opinion is superior to yours” type logic, this is the SANIC fanbase, I’m actually more surprised it’s this tame….other places are extremely worse.
And the fanbase just exploded. You’d think this was a Vertical Slice article from all the replies it got.
lol people want another Sonic Adventure 3? Have they even replayed Sonic Adventure? Those games have not aged well at all. Sonic colors and generations are far better games.
“Those games have not aged well at all. Sonic colors and generations are far better games.”
Graphically maybe. Nobody wants to play two lousy and bland Boost fests for man-children.
lol man-children?
You mean the games that got positive reviews. While the Sonic adventure titles that have gotten lousy reviews. Check out the recent reviews of Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2. They aren’t as good as you remember them to be. And i’d agree.
BTW, attacking people who like those as man-children make your case good.