E3 2017: “YouTube Live @ E3” To Have Exclusive New Look At Sonic Mania & Forces Monday
E3 is largely a small deal when it comes to SEGA/Sonic news, but there looks to be one exception. YouTube’s official E3 stream will be having exclusive new looks at both Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania. If you want a better idea of times, it will be happening at 5:15 pm Eastern, 10:15pm UK on Monday.
Considering we are specifically told “exclusive new look”, it’s safe to say that this won’t be just any old segment for Sonic fans. We will be getting new gameplay, but what that means exactly is up in the air at this time. We don’t know if this will mean a new zone or level, but one thing is for sure. What we will be seeing is something not seen before.
2:15 PM — 3 PM: Ali-A and Extinction, Tim Schafer, Sonic Forces & Sonic Mania
Tim Of Legend himself, Tim Schafer, comes by to update the YouTube audience on all the latest projects at Double Fine. The team from Iron Galaxy is here to demo the newly announced Extinction, and Ali-A is live with us at E3 to break down his thoughts on the announcements so far. Sega also visits to show off an exclusive new look at Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
There will probably be new info for Forces. Now that all the playable characters have been revealed, they’re probably gonna be more stages.
Honestly, yes. That’s what I was hoping for.
There will probably be another Sonic Forces trailer and Mania along with the gameplay on Monday. So, I think some levels will have vocals but not all of them exactly. Maybe the next sonic title for 2018 will have crush 40 by then because he is not gonna be involved with this project.
Hoping for more stages, one or two bosses, more of the ost and hopefully some pieces of cutscenes of Forces.
I’d love to see a cutscene. I wanna see how they handle customs characters.