Chun-Nan DLC Now Available on EU Playstation Network
There was a surprise for Sonic fans who decided to take a peek at the European PlayStation Network Store today. It seems after a three week wait since it was first released on XBL Sega saw fit to finally grace PS3 owners with some Chun-nan Adventure Pack action. Selling for £3.19 exactly the pack includes everything that the pack for XBL did; four new daytime levels and two new night stages.
As of yet the DLC has yet to appear on the American PSN but in the meantime readers in the US can keep a watchful eye on the store and send us a News Tip, like reader Venom did, should something Sonic Unleashed shaped appear to buy.
The Spagonia Adventure Pack was released two weeks after the Chun-nan pack on XBL so TSSZ will keep you posted as soon as it becomes available on the PSN. Following the same pattern we might be due some new DLC on the 360 next week…
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
US should be getting it sometime in the near future.
I’m guessing we’ll get some more DLC next thursday. I really hope to see an Eggmanland expansion, an Apotos expansion, or an Empire City expansion. What I really want to see though is a retro remake. I know I’m getting my hopes up for nothing but still.
Some Marble Garden 3D would be nice. Or maybe some Hydrocity? Just not Green Hill Zone please, it’s been done to death D:
Wait there is a bright side to this, mabey just mabey this means the Wii is getting DLC even if its a very small chance….what!?! I CANT DREAM GODDAMIT CANT I!!
If I hear one more fanboyish comment, I gonna… *takes out Ryno*… Somebody’s going to get it.
Back on topic, seriously though, where the PS3 version DLC.
Im not being fanboyish I just think it unfair
Oh and BTW this is Sonic not Ratchet and Clank, XD
Why even put it on Ps3? That seems like a waste =/
Because some people wanted a PS3 instead of a 360 ass.
I think the question should be if Sega were planning on releasing the DLC on PS3 anyway, why is it 3 weeks late?
Probably since the PS3 version came out 3 weeks after the 360 didnt t?
Crysore: Stop…The Wii can get DLC you know that right but….
Sorry Keydown
but as long as this keeps going on, ill say the same thing over and over again (but I will gradually get less angry)
Yeah dont…..
Ok, ok, ill say it right now, i swear, THIS IS THE LAST TIME ILL MENTION HOW THE WII OWNERS ARENT BEING TREATED FAIRLY (which is true).
Im done whinning, it is getting to be annoying saying this crap over and over again. Sega wont here my Bitching so I wont say anthing more on the matter.
you down?
Needless to say, I have the Xbox 360 version, so I am fine.
And like PJMan said, I am expecting more DLC for the 360 version next Thursday.
I’m sure the US PSN will be getting the DLC soon enough.
@Crysore: I can understand that you feel Wii owners were shunned with their version of Unleashed- after all, it’s missing two levels. What I don’t understand however is why you blame SEGA for not releasing download content for the Wii version. There isn’t a practical way to do it. Hell, even Masahiro Sakurai said it himself. I’m sure if there was we’d see download content of this scale on other Wii games by now.
In the US, Sonic Unleashed for PS3 just got an update.
well there ya go…best to have patience instead of jumping to conclusions, they just neede to localize it, or simply they just waited till later to release it.
So let me get this straight, both Japan and Europe get their Chun-nan Packs while the US still get squat… I’m sorry but I’m beginning to find this ridiculous because let’s be perfectly honest, there’s no excuse.
No, we don’t get nothing, we just got a version 1.02 update for Sonic Unleashed. Not sure what it’s for yet since my bad connection keeps interrupting the download.
There really isn’t anything to be angry about. These DLC downloads aren’t entirely anything to be drooling about. I’ve already bought both of the ones currently out on XBL.
I didn’t think you’d have to pay for DLC, but yeah…. I’m sorta stuck, I’m in America+ I have the PS3 version.