Christian Whitehead Uploads Video Of S3&K HD Prototype
On this day in 1994, SEGA released Sonic & Knuckles worldwide for SEGA Genesis and Mega Drive. To mark the occasion, Christian “The Taxman” Whitehead and Stealth have uploaded video of a prototype version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles HD for mobile devices.
The following description was included with the video:
Hey ladies and gents! In celebration of Sonic 3k’s 20th anniversary, we thought we’d show you a prototype from our personal vaults that we developed early this year.
Please note that it was created independently, and is by no means official or indicative of an official SEGA release. This project can not be continued without legal and financial backing from SEGAFor more information about Sonic 3k and this project, read Simon’s in-depth write up here: http://hcstealth.tumblr.com/post/100311283757/sonic-3-knuckles-20th-anniversary
The Tumblr post linked in the video goes to a blog where Stealth goes into more detail about the prototype, including some things they experimented with the game, and some history of Sonic 3 & Knuckles‘ development. At the end they explain that, while they’ve done some work on it, the project is independent and entirely up to SEGA from here on out if the project is to continue:
To respond to the biggest question that I assume is on many people’s minds, the future of this project is uncertain. Three important facts that were already mentioned are that this project was created independently of SEGA and is in no way affiliated with them, that any release whatsoever would have to be licensed and approved by SEGA, and that this game is massive; what we have here is already the product of months of work, and that’s time that wasn’t spent directly working to make a living.
Enough of this project has been completed to prove a point. The only way that it can be continued is with both legal and financial backing from SEGA.Unti
Whether the game is ever revamped in high-definition or not one thing is for sure. The original has left a legacy on its own. From the elemental shields to the debut of Knuckles the Echidna. From the lock-on technology to the infamous relationship SEGA had with Michael Jackson for the game’s soundtrack. Happy birthday, Sonic & Knuckles!