Competition Winners – Super Monkey Ball, Classic Collection, All-Stars Racing
As announced on last week’s Radio Redux here are the winners of the previous three competitions active on Sonic Wrecks
- Aean
- Xeric
- SilverDragonwolf
Runners up
- Frobman
- Exu
- Damonta
- SonicNKnux
- Kori-Maru
- Fox Gungrave
- Scarred Sun
Special Mention – Sonicmark
- Concorde-Hedgehog
- T.A. Black and Highwater Trousers
- OvErLoRd Darkspine and Gamer18
Winner: Nyder
Contrary to common thought, Saturn game Sonic X-treme was actually completed. The finished game, boasted revolutionary graphics and epic boss battles. of course, it never saw the light of day. In translating the game for a US release creative tension flared up over the naming of a boss fight with Fang the Sniper. Against the wishes of SEGA of Japan, the character was referred to as Nack the Weasel. What followed was a violent, ugly legal battle which eventually resulted in the game being cancelled and all copies destroyed. Wary of history repeating itself, SEGA made sure to address the Eggman/Robotnik naming issue in the English dub of Sonic Adventure.
Special Mention – Gavvie:
The Gamecube version of Shadow the Hedgehog was originally set to feature Super Soakers, bubbles, unicorns and a special guest appearance by Captain N, as Nintendo didn’t like the vehicles and guns that SEGA had originally planned to put in the title. There was even talk of a lawsuit if SEGA didn’t comply. However, SEGA dutifully pointed out that Sonic Heroes had outsold Super Mario Sunshine AND Luigi’s Mansion combined, adding that Shadow the Hedgehog was the industry’s most anticipated title of the past three decades, so changing some of the features that had made it so eagerly awaited would be detrimental to the sales of the game. Nintendo relented, and Shadow the Hedgehog was released on the Gamecube in its original format. Ironically, the GC version ended up being the version with the lowest sales, and culminated with SEGA cancelling a proposed PC “DX” version, featuring improved graphics and 15 new levels.
Congratulations to all those who won a prize.
Yaaay runner-up yaaaaaaay.
Yes indeed, big congratulations to everybody! Out of curiosity, and at the risk of sounding odd, are all winners contacted through email?
They’re going to be yes.
Delighted you liked my entry, hope others found it amusing. I discover I’ve won this and then hear about a Sonic 4 announcment? looking to be a great day!
Its on its way Nyder.