Turbo Drive Live

Long before Turbo Drive Live (TDL) was Turbo’s Twitch stream, he was busy being Mr SS:R, Mr Friday Night, the true mainstay of the SEGA and Sonic livestreaming community.
Turbo Drive Live was a staple of the SEGASonic: Radio ‘LiVEcast’ line-up for many, many years and was one of the last bastions of the station before it ultimately closed. (We think… Actually it just sort of stopped existing one day). Not one to mince words, Turbo told it like it was, and his fiery opinions in his familiar Scottish twang combined with great music and discussion was a popular touchstone for the community. Friday nights became the time to shift into Turbo.
Turbo eventually made his way to RadioSEGA for a short spell, before ending things to concentrate on his streaming. Wrapping up the series with a final show as part of the station’s 2019 WinterFest.
Take one highly successful satirical panel show from the UK, rip the format off shamelessly and quickly sellotape some video game posters over it.
No one said Mock The Geek was subtle; least of all host Fastfeet and regulars Kevin, JJ, Roareye and Vger.
Whether you’re for the Horde or for the Alliance if you’re a Warcraft player this is one podcast definitely for your ears as Titanscreed and Frazley go through all things Warcraft – from updates to the surrounding game culture.