Sonic & Shadow Costumes In Hero Bank 2 Demo
The demo to the upcoming RPG game Hero Bank 2 has released in Japan and it contains a nice bonus. Kaito and Nagare, the game’s playable characters, can suit up and wear Sonic and Shadow costumes to enter in the Hero Battle. While in battle players can collect the Chaos Emeralds and unleash a Super Sonic move as Sonic or perform a Chaos Control move with Shadow.
Hero Bank 2 releases in Japan on November 27th.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
three words about this…… : Whats……….the………point………. 🙁
Yeah but I’m pretty sure sonic games in Japan sell poorly
So? Doesn’t really stop them from giving him a cameo for those interested, and it is a SEGA published game.
Agreed! Also is not like they’re out of character or something, Sonic and Shadow appear battling in a high tech arena using their characteristic abilities.
I think the only reason why people would have a problem with this is if they didn’t like Sonic to begin with.
That would be the point of advertising then, wouldn’t it.
Sonic and Shadow look really cool in that game! I wouln’t mind that the next Sonic game had a similiar style, with that Adventure feeling.
Well that’s interesting
so is the game coming to the US or staying in japan
If Level5 brings over Yokai Watch and it’s a success, there’s a chance we’ll see it (and Capcom’s Gaist Crusher), otherwise don’t hold your breath. These companies are global companies in name only these days it seems.
Reading about this makes me long for another Sonic Chronicles. One with better enemy balance, more sidequests and less QTE’s.
I would love to see a battle system similar to the one of Tales of Symphonia, wich is a full action battle system (some times it feels like a fighting game) where you control one character and tell the others what to do by preset commands, here is an example:
Sega could even borrow elements from Sonic Battle combat system and add it all the RPG elements needed, also I would love to see Shade returning and Blaze being playable ^^
This. All of my yes goes into this.
Hmm…Interesting. Another style I think could work would be a cross between that and the turn-based stuff they had in the previous game. Where everything is controlled within menus and the like, but with characters having warmup and cooldown times and the like and as the fight goes on, the characters run and jump around a battlefield with certain moves forcing them to jump into the fray or make some distance. The best example of this I can think of would be Final Fantasy X-2’s Active Battle system.
WTF is a hero bank? Oh just another Japanese only game slave made by Japanese people destined to never sale anywhere including Japan.
(leaves due to lack of interest. )