Sonic Revolution 2016 Announced
And so it begins anew.
Sonic Revolution 2016 was announced today. You can read more in the official announcement below:
Tickets: http://sonicrevolution2016.eventbrite.com/
Fundraiser Page: http://gogetfunding.com/sonic-revolution-2016-a-sonic-the-hedgehog-fan-convention/
Facebook RSVP Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/103217306715180/
After a hiatus in 2015, the Sonic Revolution team are proud to announce that the event will be returning for Summer 2016!
Where: Century Ballroom, Holiday Inn LAX (9901 S La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, CA)
When: June 12, 2016 10 AM-6 PMWe will have confirmations of talent and activities in the coming weeks and months. Given that this is the Sunday prior to E3, however, we’re hopeful we can get some very interesting faces!
Our last event’s guest lineup was quite robust: Evan Stanley of the Archie Sonic comics, Tommy Tallarico of Video Games Live, well-known fan artist Elson “Darkspeeds” Wong, and the band Serenity Seven. This is to say nothing of the surprise (they came as regular attendees) appearance of Aaron Webber and Stephen Frost from SEGA, who were kind enough to give a panel.
We can definitely confirm the standard event fare of cosplay and trivia contests, as well as at least one vendor booth (hosted by yours truly). We will be having raffles and are interested in hosting a variety of tournaments, showcases, and panels as part of our event.
Regarding tickets, we understand that the fact we’re charging this time around may come as a bit of a surprise. Bear in mind this was not an easy decision, as we had desired to keep the event free in the same vein as Summer of Sonic. However, a combination of tighter finances and a desire to ensure a good headcount (we gave away close to two hundred tickets last time, but only about 50-60 showed up) have caused us to re-evaluate this position.
We felt the second was especially important, however, as we do not believe it is right for many fans who want to go to be denied guaranteed entry when tickets are not used yet not returned.
All guest passes will come with swag bags consisting of a poster, postcard, and thank you letter, with the designs TBA. These swag bags are available in part or in full from the fundraiser for those who are unable to attend.
As I conclude, I must give the standard disclaimer that Sonic Revolution is not affiliated with or sponsored by SEGA or any of its subsidiaries. This event is run entirely for the enjoyment of fans, by fans, and is administered to be both not-for-profit as well as family friendly.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.