Sonic HQ Could Partner with Mario Site
This is not good. The best Sonic site on the Internet may partner with the biggest Mario site on the ‘Net.
The webmaster of the largest Mario site on the net: Mushroom Kingdom, wants an affiliation with Sonic HQ (as in cross advertising, holding contests, events), the question is should we? Take the poll and submit opinions to Sonic HQ. Thank you. This poll will be up for only 2 days.
NEW INFO: Jon Gray has posted an explanation about the possible “merger”:
OK This is the deal with the TMK / HQ affiliation
It goes just like this: Sonic HQ will NOT become a Mario Site and we will NOT have anything Super mario related or whatnot. This will remain a PURELY EXTENSIVE SONIC SITE just how it has been, with no changes. TMK will do through the same thing in perspective. No Sonic stuff, and it will remain the same as how its always been.
The deal for now is this. The plan is for Sonic HQ and TMK to become “Sister Sites” to each other. In effect, while we will not interfere with each others content, we WILL help each site to promote each other.
We will hold contests, promote each site on Yahoo and other things and such under the title of “Videogame Mascots” and all that. In other words – its all about having fun and doing promotions. No anti-Sonic or anti-Mario stuff involved. You still have your same HQ and they still have thier same TMK.
The only difference is that now – we help each other out under a common goal. We have other plans that we cannot go into here, but this is the nutshell of what will happen. And if this works between the two of us, who knows, perhaps in the distant future, we could ask other sites if they would like to join help promote thier mascot as well under teh title of “Great Gaming Mascots” as well. The affiliation is a MASCOT WIDE THING, but none of the separate pages like Sonic HQ will be affected in content, design, or anything else. And thats that.
My reason for posting that was because of a lot of things.
We seem to have a lot of emails, signatures in the guestbook and basic flames that think we’re making a Sonic AND Mario site. Thats NOT WHAT we’re doing at all. We’re NOT adding 10,000 new banners, we’re creating one thing that will link to both sites. We’re NOT adding Mario info on our page, we’re only helping each other, to promote each others site.
That’s it. We SERIOUSLY need to post an explanation under that poll and leave it up for a day or so to see if it will effect votes in any way as well as to dispell all the stupid rumors and flames….
When the decision is made, I’ll tell you ASAP. For some reason I think that if this pulls through, some people may be/have have been talking about monopolization…but for now, “What’s your opinion? We’d like to know…”
June 21 Update: The poll has been taken down from the page, and at my last check (which was at 10:30 last night), Yes had 53% of the vote, while No had 47%. When an official announcement is made, I’ll let you know.
This post was originally posted on TSSZ News.