Sonic Boom Q&A Reveals No S3&K Mobile Port Planned
A largely unfiltered question and answer session from last Saturday’s Sonic Boom event in St. Louis yielded only a few noteworthy items. Unfortunately, much of it isn’t good news for Sonic fans looking toward ideal upcoming releases.
Among the questions asked was whether Sonic 3 & Knuckles, in the wake of the original 1991 Sonic’s recent remastered release from Taxman, and the upcoming remastered Sonic 2 for mobile phones, would see a similar treatment. From the attendee who originally inquired:
Q: “is S3K coming to iPhone” i asked this A: “no plans” #SonicBoom2013
— Trilliam Turdsworth (@Mega_Turd) August 11, 2013
Given some of the rights issues surrounding the late pop icon Michael Jackson’s involvement, it may be no surprise a re-release of the game may not be as feasible as it once was.
But there was more bad news at the show for fans wanting a proper combined Mario and Sonic platformer. Allegedly, that too was shot down, citing stark differences in the franchises’ gameplay.
Our poll question the next two weeks focuses on the impact of not releasing S3&K on mobile. Tell us whether it’s worth pushing for a proper remaster of the combined two games in the comments.