Radio Redux To Leave SS:R, Will Be RadioSEGA Only In 2012
Those of you who follow us will know that we publicly mooted a while back that I was considering what to do with Radio Redux with the forthcoming series; specifically both where and how it was broadcast. This was also discussed amongst ourselves privately.
The reasons for this were several, including proposed changes in base content and production techniques of the show itself. However, I have also been very frustrated by instances where SS:R has been rather clumsy in its workings. For example: The recent post-Project 24 issue with changing the server details… and then not informing the DJs at all. There’s also been more than one occasion in the past where we’ve been signed up for things without actually being asked. Crikey, I didn’t even know who was in charge of SS:R it had seemingly been hot-potatoed so much down the years.
There was also a feeling that Radio Redux has become such a part of the “Super Sunday Line-Up” it has in effect been swallowed up by it; losing what it was and that it seemed more of a part of SS:R than being on SS:R which doesn’t help our site in the long run. We were a part of the furniture, when in actuality we joined SEGASonic:Radio as a favour to help keep the service going back when livecasts could be numbered on a severely frostbitten hand and are still an entity not tied to TSSNET. It’s why Radio Redux shows were not allowed to be downloadable via TSS’s FTP all that time ago. We’re not here to produce free content for TSSNET. After all, don’t they have enough people going there as it is?
So yes, I was rather leaning towards leaving. Especially since in contrast RadioSEGA have been highly promotional of Radio Redux as an entity from the moment we joined and became the first livecast to broadcast on both services.
This morning however there was an incident in which certain statuses and means were removed from myself on SSMB. Considering that factor had been mentioned on there, plus previous tweets on the matter (specifically that we were leaning towards indeed leaving) and other private factors I won’t go into here this did rather suggest the final decision had been apparently made. Hence my immediate response was, funnily enough, “Well nuts to you then!” This reaction hasn’t won me many friends surprisingly. I was later informed this change apparently was a mistake, unfortunately though it was enough to tip the balance from stay onto leave in my mind.
So here we are. As of season seven Radio Redux will be exclusively live through our friends at RadioSEGA whom we are forging a closer partnership with and we will be looking to explore exciting new ventures at both show and site level in the future.
Though not fully understanding our reasons and whilst the air is not entirely clear either, we have privately been wished well in the future by TSS management who mentioned sadness as Radio Redux “made its name with SSR”. This left me with a bit of a sad smile to be honest, as it does rather sum it all up really. Radio Redux didn’t make a name for itself on SEGASonic:Radio chaps, we already had one.
Radio Redux – Season 7 will commence from the beginning of March at our traditional Sunday seven o’clock time slot.
I remember this show being alongside The Sonic Billboard Countdown over at Sonic Style through only past history and once it landed on SEGASonic Radio it made the station better in terms of quality and keeping up with the Sonical style of the station (since other shows don’t really scream “SEGASonic” when it came to their programming especially in this day and age, but that’s just me 😛 )
But yeah RR was kinda just there once the station started getting into a decay of sorts. I mean sure, when the show became duel-streamed with RadioSEGA I thought to myself, “Whoa, maybe this show gotten more into the SEGA side of the community than I thought!” But then the SSR shedule started to fall apart and look what we have now…..even the Project 24 event only fueled a minor spark in the station, even when Redux wasn’t part of it this year…..
So I for one is happy that RadioSEGA is kind enough to be the new home for all your crazy goodness and banter for this season (and perhaps more seasons in the future). Sorry but SEGASonic Radio isn’t what it used to be back in the day….and I think it’s for the best that your show AAUK should “fly the coop.”
EDIT: Um..are you still gonna be part of the Sonic Stadium IRC once the new season starts, AAUK?
We’ll be using the RadioSEGA chat only I would have thought.
I won’t be suprised if the next couple of months we see others jump ship and join RadioSEGA where its not solely based on sonic news.
None the less, here’s to the impending season 7, and may it be a cracking hilarious one too.