SA Casinopolis Info
Popcorn had an insight on Casinopolis when I asked him about it:
It’s pretty cool (I’ve completed the game with all characters, so I’ve seen all the levels). You play Sonic and NiGHTS pinball, and when you get enough rings you can take them to this big room. Then you have to dump all your rings there (you press a button and these big hands come down and shake ’em out of you) so they make a big pile, and you can climb up the pile to reach the Chaos Emerald. You have to have enough rings, you see, otherwise it doesn’t make a big enough pile. You can also go in the sewer to get rings– and there’s *loads* of them– but there’s also a lot of harmful things, so you can lose them all in an instant if you’re not careful. It’s a gamble! 🙂
I have asked him about Perfect Chaos…stay tuned.
This post was originally written for TSSZ News.