Revealed Sonic Jump release date for Android
Sonic Jump was released a few days ago in AppStore for iOS devices, with a rather good reception among fans.
But Android users were left out in the dark, as no official port to the Google OS were announced. Or at least, not a completely clear reveal.
Back when Sonic Jump was released in iOS, in the game product page there was an Android version revealed, but labelled as “Out Now”, clearly an error as the game is not released to the Google Play store. But the intentions are there, and now the game is now “coming in November”. So there it is, the game is dated to November.
No further info was given but we can expect to see it released the next month, probably without much fuss of Sega’s part like they’ve done before with similar releases in the past. At least, Android users can rest easy as it’s coming for their devices.
@Amuro: And people on this website can stop whining about there not being an Android version.
Please, tel me it’s gonna work on 2.1, please, tell me it’s gonna work on SE X8! PLEAAAAAAASE!!!!
yes! YES! HELL YES?! thank you sega
@MetaRyan: That too.
Always glad to see Android get app support, but is the game even any fun?
Now people with crappy Android can quit whining like babies over an shitty app they’ll play only once.
I own an ipod touch and a ipad (technically my mom’s ipad 3 that she won and never uses) but I still haven’t bought it because im waiting for the android release so I can play it on my nexus 7. Infact the only thing i use my ipod touch for anymore is my car music player (my car lets me attach it and charge with the ipod cable)
Why not play it on the two awesome iOS devices you already have now?
Hey like my aunt says, “God has great rewards for those who wait.” So hey Sonic Jump APK could be better than the iOS version or maybe even contain better features.