Penders to Stop Writing for Sonic Comics
In a question asked by UltraSonic 72 about Penders to leave the Sonic comics, Ken said this:
SONIC #79 will be the last regular issue of SONIC I work on for the foreseeable future, as I will be concentrating strictly on THE LOST ONES, KNUCKLES, and SONIC SUPER SPECIALS I have in the works. Justin asked if I minded letting Karl have the full SONIC book, and I felt that I’d rather write and draw longer stories for the SPECIALS than try to co-ordinate continuity on the monthly.
In other Penders news, he will be appearing at the Madison Square Garden Comic Convention:
For those of you who asked if I’ll be appearing, the answer is yes. I just couldn’t confirm it until all the paperwork had been taken care of.
The hours are Friday noon to 10PM, Saturday 10AM until 8PM and Sunday 10AM until 6PM. (I’ll be leaving Sunday at 4PM in order to get back to Buffalo at a decent hour.)
This post was originally written for TSSZ News.