“Wait And See” On Amy, Shadow Or Metal Sonic In Sonic Project 2017
Sonic Project 2017 news has been very little since it was announced last July, but we did get a small teaser at something from today’s Hedgehog Day stream:
This post was written by the author for TSSZ News.
For those characters, I’d hope they’d get actual appearances rather than cameos.
Couldn’t agree more!
Some characters always get a actual appearances since sonic generations.
Shadow better be playable. “we want to focus on Sonic more” they been saying that since Unleashed
Last year they said that sonic will not be the only playable character before they are gonna announced it a few days later.
They said Sonic wouldn’t be the only playable character? I don’t recall hearing that but I hope it’s true, really want to play Shadow in a main-series game again. Do you remember where you heard this tidbit?
TYRANTLIZARDKING. I heard last year back in early July, they said that sonic will not be the only playable character.
They never said that.
I do recall someone saying that a new character will be introduced, not sure if they said he/she would be playable or not, but we should expect so if it’s a Shadow-like situation.
Those characters need to be playable or they need to have a role within the games plot!
Absoulutely, Sega should get the hint by now, people actually enjoy other characters and the world they have build around Sonic, don’t let it go to waste! Don’t trap yourselves on a corner with Sonic-only gameplay/story.
*attempts to hold back tears of sadness over underutilized characters*
Oh soooo exciting! Maybe, if we hope hard enough, we MIGHT have more than 5 seconds of them in the opening! Who knows?! We might just get a line of dialouge from them!
Oyi, don’t turn this into stuff like Generations/Lost World where they’re just THERE and serve no real purpose. If you have the effort to give them a glorified cameo, give them more relevant screentime. Even if they AREN’T actually playable.
Yeah gotta agree there, the main role of storytelling should always be to make sure that each character you include has at least some roll to play in the overall story, apart from appeasing fans. Even Marvel knows how to give even the most minimal impactful characters at least SOMETHING to contribute towards the overall story, even if it isn’t much. Amy and Knuckles nearly dying and then being alright after a whole game of not doing anything productive does not count.
Didn’t they confirm a brand new character for the game?
Yeah but that doesn’t prevent them from bringing other established characters back. At least, not if you’re a capable and competent writer, unlike Warren and Graff.
Hopefully It won’t be a Cameo but actual roles in the story, Judging by the “Eggman dominated everything” vibe from the Trailer, it’s the absolute perfect oportunity to bring Metal Sonic back as a main threat!
also Shadow playable please! (I’ll even say I’d like to see Amy Playable too! all you need is better hammer combat!)
Playable or support, as long as these characters are written and used properly, I don’t care whether they’re just cameos or not. Each character you place in a story should have a meaningful role to play apart from just feeding into fan service. That’s the problem Sonic Generations had, and oh boy did that stain so many fans experience.
Sonic Unleashed was a bit closer as to how supporting characters could be used, even though the Sega Sonic cast was pretty minimal (just Sonic, Amy, and Tails). Everyone had their role to play, and though Tails and Amy kind of got ignored for a while, they still somewhat payed off in their inclusion, Tails backing Sonic up as his intel and transportation while Amy managed to bring emotional support and hope when things seemed hopeless. I’m not saying it’s perfect, but it’s much more thoughtful than any of the Pontac/Graff stories that came afterward (Knuckles and Amy pretty much provided nothing in Lost World).
Don’t make the same mistakes with these characters. Because fans tend to forget that even with a very controlled small cast, it’s still very easy to misuse and ignore whoever you include in the story. Yeah Sonic is the priority, that’s always going to be the case, but that doesn’t mean you have the excuse of demoting any other characters you included into just being footnotes in the story for the sake of saying “hey look, you’re favorite characters! Wasn’t that a fun 1 minute cutscene that amounted to nothing?”.
Be smart when writing these characters, whether it’s just a few, or the whole main cast crammed into one game.
Imagine spongebob without any other characters. Worse, imagine spongebob with watered down versions of the other characters who do nothing g but say “I’m here”. That’s where sonic is as of right now
That’s why it’s better go with option 3 don’t have them at all. The only thing they’ve done for bordering on a decade now beyond mobile games and sports/racing spinoffs is appear on merchandise having them cameo in the game feels like a running gag more than anything and trying to cram them into the game design which leads to nothing good, maybe another dev could figure out to make them work in 3D without turning it into a mishmash of random game genres that steals precious dev time away form what the majority are buying the game for but Sonic Team clearly can’t.
Or maybe, they should spend more time trying to at least write them into the story in a decent way instead of slapping together unoriginal new ones like the Deadly Six.
Gameplay wise, if Advance could give us 5 characters reworked for a new generation of handheld games AND add in Blaze soon after, I really don’t see why time and effort can’t be put into doing that same thing but with 3D.
But no, just get rid of ’em, because time and effort are things that shouldn’t be seen in a Sonic game unless it’s Solo-Sonic.
And if stuff like Colors is the results of that “effort”, then no thanks.
I agree wholeheartedly with that, having multiple playable characters doesn’t necessarily means having radical gameplay styles for each.
Make each character play through the same stages as Sonic, like S&K, Sonic Advance series, Sonic Rush series, Sonic Adventure (Sonic and Tails), Sonic Adventure 2 (Sonic and Shadow), Sonic & The Black Knight, every character can be played in the same stages but each have unique abilities and traits.
Also is not like having multiple characters in a game is bad or old fashioned or whatever, just look at Yakuza 0, GTA5, the Resident Evil series (just to name a few action titles) they have multiple playable characters with interconnecting stories each.
Remember when Sega PR said during E3 2008 that Shadow and Knuckles were in Unleashed?
They were gonna be in sonic unleashed but they were scrapped for unknown reasons.
They were scrapped because they were too edgy for Unleashed.
In terms of Unleashed, at least Tails and Amy could’ve been playable (since they where actually there for the main plot).
Tails could’ve done Sonic’s daytime speed stages, while Amy could’ve been combat focused and fought alongside Werehog Sonic. And because she doesn’t know its Sonic, she wouldn’t be constantly fawning over him every two seconds. It’s a perfect set up.
I hope they do something that would make me care for the characters. The storylines as of late aren’t really doing much with them. Unfortunately this may be the result of the American public relations and Iizuka.
The PR wants certain characters to be front and center at all times to represent the series and iizika will probably compromise a little bit to fit shadow or any other Japanese dev at the moment. This is kinda apart of the problem because a series like sonic just can’t coexist along Mario these days and the story. He will need his story or the fanbase will grow old and die out.
10 bucks says that characters will be just as useless as Sonic Generations. Another 10 bucks says that the game is going to be very similar to Generations, storywise and gameplay wise. I’m just giving out my expectations for Project 2017.
If I waited four years for a new mainline Sonic game and it ends up being Generations 2, I will be very turned off. If you enjoyed Generations however and would be happy with a Generations 2 that means you still got ripped off because you had to wait SIX years just to play a sequel! I personally have faith that it won’t be Generations 2, but the first trailer makes it very difficult to think that. Just got to be patient. 😐
Here’s hoping Blaze makes an appearance along with Big, Chaotix, and maybe Tikal and Chaos. They haven’t been used in so long.
After the end of Adventure 1, Tikal and Chaos have no reason to appear again. Their story is complete and they wouldn’t make sense much gameplay wise if it were a Generation styled game.
At least for Tikal, there’s always the option for Sonic Adventure 3 within Knuckles’ story. She and Chaos aren’t conjoined soul mates.
Chaos showed up again in Sonic Battle. I think there are ways in which Sega could bring them back, in the Archie comics adaptation of Sonic Unleashed (In the new continuity in which the games are all Canon except for Lost World and Chronicles) Tikal and Chaos are still linked to the Master Emerald and her voice sends Knuckles on a quest to find Light Gaia. and Chaos later shows up as an ally (saving Sonic on the ocean) and is revealed to be the responsible for keeping the oceans from spilling due to the world shattering.
Safe answers to safe questions.
I miss the excitement leading up to the release of Generations.
Granted, we now have more classic Sonic than we did prior to 2011, and we will probably get a game more true to that original play style thanks to Mania…
It’s weird not being pumped to see a potential sequel, but really, what the hell is this thing supposed to be?
I know they’re not wanting to hog too much attention away from Mania since that’s out first, but they need to start giving us something more to be excited about. Give us a reason to want this game as well. Show us what’s different outside of the return of Classic Sonic, because we have Mania and that will probably be enough.
I don’t know. I need more than cameos. I’m just parroting a lot of you guys, but it would be nice to have some play time with the rest of the cast. They’ve shown that Sonic can be good again, why not do the same with some of the others?
How about playable characters other than Sonic and his classic incarnation. They could at least port Sonic Generations to the Switch.
How about a Character Select option, or else, what’s difference between this game and Generations (other than tone, and Nintendo availability).
Well, he just said “Wait and see”, there wasn’t any confirmation that they will be just glorified cameos.
Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my end.