Our good friend, the gorgeous TRiPPY, has just posted a community call to arms on her NiGHTS social media accounts. For once its not due to a campaign as such, more how you can help her with her ongoing fan comic project “Descent Into Dreams” which we’ll be covering more as it progresses.
Guys I need your help for this idea! I want to do something really nice in my NiGHTS comic using a montage of photographs. I wont say what exactly yet (don’t want to ruin it) but if you want to help listen up:
I NEED – 1 Photograph of you (or a group of you) that sums up your love for NiGHTS/the community/the games/the fandom/etc. This can be you holding a copy of the game, huggin a Saturn, Holding a poster, wearing cosplay, juggling plushies, drawing a picture, I dunno, make it nice and personal and relevant to NiGHTS for yourself. It doesn’t have to be deathly serious, just make it sum up your perspective.
Techy stuff – Please make the photo size as big as possible so it wont get all blurry if i have to make it bigger/smaller to fit the artwork I’ll be doing. Send them as JPG’s, Tiffs, PNG or BMPS (anything that is non program specific).
Email them to me at admin@nightsintodreams.com label emails as ‘MONTAGE PHOTO’. You can either attach the files or send me a link in the emails. I’ll send you a reply when I’ve saved your photo to my pc.
You have about a week to get back to me on this – so get digging for your favourite photo or take some new ones and send them my way.
Share this with every NiGHTS fan you know so I can include as many people as possible!
Go Go Gadget cameras!