New Wreck-it Ralph video talks about Sega partnership
There is only a week until Wreck-it Ralph is finally released at cinemas around the USA, and the very first details about Sonic’s involvement on the plot are surfacing thanks to private screenings of the movie.
The critics are being very good for the movie, and Some sonic fans who had seen it have told around several sites that Sonic’s role in the movie is not as prominent as it might seem thanks to advertisement the movie, but he has an interesting role. Also, one of key parts of the plot is revealed by him.
Also, our blue boy and the egg shaped doctor appear at the official Wreck it Ralph website, revealing some funny stats for them and also, a new version of Sonic’s art render used at the posters.
Last, but not least, G4 revealed today a video in where,among other things, the Sega partnership is discussed, and Sonic & all-Stars Racing Transformed is mentioned.
You can see the video and some screen caps for the website, in the gallery below.
Personally, I think Eggman’s maniacal laughter should rank higher than his IQ. The Great Clement would probably punch me over the internet for saying that, but still.
Nice screengrabs, by the way.
Updated Sonic 06 render, maybe?
If you put your mouse over the screenshots, apparently their names are “eggman” and “ojjJP”. So OjjJP the Hedgehog?
“Also, one of key parts of the plot is revealed by him.”
Darnit, you got me excited. Then I remember it’s just the PSA.
For some reason he looks good but “WHY DO YOU LOOK OLDER?” Eh slightly older? lolz
I hate that they have Sonic as the Unleashed and onward model…but they tried having him do a stupid “Sonic Adventure, early awkward pose” artwork type of thing for him. The two do NOT mix and the only time it did was in the SA Cover pose trick in Generations.
Because it wasn’t like they tried to slant his quills all weird either.
The classic Sonic finger point would’ve sufficed better.
I do not agree with your Haru.
The plot of the movie is about a videogame character that did not evolved during 3 decades.
The view of the modern Sonic in Central Station is a bit like a generation flagship, a hero that evovled over 2 decades, shown has a success (compared to Ralph).
So this Sonic picture is ‘very effective’.
@Haru …… What..?
What are you talking about? That pose isn’t from Sonic Adventure. It was from 06, but they made it look a million times better with the Modern Sonic model. I don’t know what you mean by “Awkward” here….
I smiled when I read “Swimming: 20%” and “Maniacal Laughter: 40%.” I wonder what other characters are on the site.
Jesus Christ. What I’m saying is that the way he appears here is all awkward-ish LIKE the artwork in the early Adventure titles.
Learn some god damn reading comprehension.
zikzak: Whatever you say.
Am I the only one who thinks that the idea of an anthropomorphic cartoon character making an “epic, larger than life hero” pose feels not just off but also pretentious?
I think that his old pose with the pointing finger felt more in character with him.
God damn Haru, why does everything seem to piss you off?
I lol’d too hard at Sonic making public service announcements.
@Haru …..You didn’t say that… at all….. -___-
And again, what’s the akward part of this? He’s just pointing at the screen….
@Nuzamaki: Well, it’s most likely a callback to those so-bad-it’s-good Sonic Sez segments from AoSTH.
@Sonic Warrior: Agreed.
@Haru: Some writing clarity would likewise help in its comprehension. You said “‘Sonic Adventure, early awkward pose’ artwork type of thing for him” which would be naturally understood as Sonic was in a Sonic Adventure-esque pose according your point of view. Yet you could have said it looks awkward like the pose of Sonic in Sonic Adventure and then we would have understood without any misunderstanding.
No need to make a fuss about it–just try to be less emotional in your writing about this sort of thing by thinking through your emotions first and it will cause less grief for all of us. Exclamations and outbursts don’t make it any easier for us, either, after the fact.
can’t wait!!!! i’m sooooo excited!!!! XD