New ToeJam & Earl In The Works
It looks like the first new SEGA game has been confirmed following the restructure and it’s not Sonic.
The official ToeJam & Earl Facebook page has been rather quiet lately. This same page is also run by the developers. The silence was broken today, however, as the following message was posted:
“Greetings from Funkotron! We haven’t been posting as often lately because we’ve gotten really busy with the new TJ&E game. We will be making some announcements in a probably 3 or 4 weeks, when we have something we can show, and will be able to share lots of information with you.”
That’s right. A brand new ToeJam & Earl game is in the works! The announcement even came with a few pictures. You can see them below.
It looks like March will be the beginning of what may be a busy news month.
Thanks to ChaoticFox for tipping us. If you have news to share be sure to share it with us! Click Send Tips at the top of the page or tip us on Twitter!
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
I certainly can’t claim to have recognized that TJ&E was a “rogue-like” back in the day–it was just a strange and fun game–but I think anyone can see now, given the popularity of unique spins on randomly-generated-permadeath concepts, that it was way, way ahead of its time. I’m really glad they’re jumping back into it.
What’s wrong with Earl in spedos? :V
Curious as to how this will work outside of its native habitat of the 90s
Most likely isn’t going to do so well, just look at 3
Mobile game?
Fuck yeah. Cautiously excited here, just the fact that it will most likely be a micro-transaction ad-filled freemium cash grab app, which kind of kills me a little on the inside, but we’ll have to wait and see.
I hope no SoA means more good games. Ecco 3 should be pitched again.
HECK YEAH! This is cool! Can’t wait to hear more of the game!
If TJ and E are making a come back does this mean we might see other classic IPs make a return like Ristar or even Alex Kidd
Please, don’t let it be a mobile game like” Help toe jam and earl find the right beat by tapping at the right time”. I swear if it turns out to be like that i will be horribly disappointed.
I love ToeJ am and Earl but if this is going to be some freemium pay to win mobile garbage that uses nostalgia to try and trap you like that awful Dungeon Keeper game that came out last year then fuck it I’m done. If Sega is going to go the same route as EA screw it I’m done with this company.
The creators of Toejam and Earl own the characters, not SEGA. SEGA is just the publisher of the original games. (That’s why TJ&E don’t appear in SEGA nostalgia games like All Stars Racing. They’d have to pay the creators for the rights to use them again.)
It looks like this is an independent title being made by the creators, without any involvement from SEGA or any other publisher.
From the Facebook page: “Here are a few pieces of concept art from a Toejam & Earl game that I pitched to a publisher some years back. I’ve pitched new TJ&E games every few years without much luck, which is why we’re going to go indie. You can sort of tell a bit about what this game was going to be like.”
I gotta say, it looks like it is from the 1990’s.
‘Cording to what I heard, TJ and Earl’re the prop’ties of HumaNuture Studios. Sega might or mightn’t be publishin’ this game, considerin’ if the folks there wanna. I dunno!
I’m…not hip, am I?
Holy shit!!!
I did not expect this! Hopefully it turns out to be good and encourages SEGA to bring back more old franchises like Streets of Rage or Vectorman.