More SA Details from Popcorn
The UK guy with the Japanese DC has told the Neo Green Hill Zone forumers about power-ups and mini-games. Here’s the list:
They return in all their glory! Here’s the different types:
-5 Ring
-10 Ring
-? Ring (gives random number of rings from 1 to 40)
-Super sneakers (same as in past games)
-Invincibility (complete with a new remixed classic Sonic tune!)
-Shield (think Sonic 1’s shield, but green)
-Electric shield (Drags nearby rings towards you, complete with nice electricity effect- you know those electric balls you put your hands on and then all the little bits of electricity shoot up and touch the glass? Imagine that.)
-Bomb (destroys all nearby enemies)
-1 UP
-Sonic Slot Pinball
-NiGHTS Pinball
-Ice Cap Snowboarding
-Sand Hill Sandboarding
-Twinkle Circuit
-Sky Chase Act 1
-Sky Chase Act 2
-Hedgehog Hammer
-Boss Challenge (attempt all completed bosses in order)
I’m going to try and get more info as soon as possible. On a related note, this may be new info no one has ever reported on before…
This post was originally written for TSSZ News.