Mike Pollock To Attend London Gaming Con 2013
At around this time a year ago, I – representing Sonic Wrecks – was busy helping out at the inaugural London Gaming Con as a stage manager/tech guy/security guard/writer of crappy quiz shows. Seriously I managed to make Benzaie impersonate a Goomba in front of an audience… thank God for Brentalfloss. Our attendance, along with that of Sonic Stadium (through Dreadknux) and RadioSEGA (through Gavvie) also led to the focus of Sunday being dubbed “Super Sonic Sunday” which included a lot of Sonic related activities and a Mario Vs Sonic finale with myself and Svend.
Now with the second London Gaming Con announced and with our involvement and a second Super Sonic Sunday confirmed we’re able to reveal some more details – specifically something we’ve may have had a hand in *cough cough*.
Ladies and gentlemen Mr. Mike Pollock will be in attendance! Mike attended Summer of Sonic 2011 in an unofficial capacity, but this time he’ll be a fully-fledged guest of honour at LGC so if you’re a Sonic fan or a Pokemon, Kirby, Yu-Gi-Oh! fan, etc, you should be all over this rare occasion to get to see the man who plays the devious Dr. Eggman among other roles.
Expect more details to come on the activities and how Mike will be involved in the day. London Gaming Con 2013 is on May 4th-5th 2013, tickets are available now.
Check out the current information on http://www.londongamingcon.com