Mike Hayes Assumes Jeffery’s SoA Duties
Mike Hayes, already Sega’s European head, will now add to his duties the oversight of Sega’s American division. That’s according to a report in MCV this morning.
Previous Sega of America head Simon Jeffery announced yesterday he would be joining iPod Touch and iPhone game developer NGmoco. Officially, Sega has made no such announcement, but it is expected later this morning and if true, the move means Sega’s American and European divisions may, in effect, combine to form a giant “Western” division.
Hayes would be responsible for strengthening the American division, which is still lagging along somewhat compared to their European counterpart, with less in development domestically. Hayes, considered one of Britain’s most influential industry leaders, could bring that creative spark to America.
We will keep on top of the story and attempt to sort out for you what it means for the future of the company.
This was originally posted on TSSZ News.