MCV Speaks On New Mario & Sonic, SEGA’s UK March Performance
A second story from MCV for today, after the early one relating to the latest line of merchandise, MCV have also made mention of not only SEGA’s market share but the growing buzz around the next (and as yet unannounced) Mario & Sonic title.
Acknowledging the buzz relating to the initial temporary packshot leak/reveal and subsequently giving out information for an unannounced game title is a somewhat unusual move for MCV as a trade magazine, and there are a couple of further reasons why this should be acknowledged. For a start the image used with the article, entitled “Will this be the biggest video game of 2012?” features a rather crisp looking logo, certainly crisper than those on the temporary packs which would indicate that the some assets are already in the hands of print and key online contacts – possibly for an imminent announcement in full.
Moreover, MCV goes on to openly imply it has details regarding a released date: “MCV understands the game could arrive as early as this Christmas.”
Now, whilst it’s not rocket science to guess that such a game may be in line for a Christmas 2011 release, epecially given the last two titles. However for MCV to actually say it in print is again somewhat unusual – unless of course you already know for sure. Incidentally this article is NOT up on their website.
The mag also makes note of SEGA’s market share increasing dramatically during March, perhaps not surprising with it being the end of the financial year and a period where SEGA normally pushes out a lot of product. In any case in terms of the software market share by units SEGA leapt from ninth to sixth, higher than both Sony and Microsoft with 3.9% of the market. In terms of actual value SEGA again made gains up the table, moving from tenth up to eighth with 3.2%, 0.5% ahead of Microsoft and Namco Bandai. EA top both versions of the lists with on average nearly a quarter of the market at this current time. Nintendo, boyed by the recent releases of Pokemon sit pretty in a clear second place.
- SEGA’s Total War: Shogun 2 dominates the full-price PC chart for March with evergreen title Football Manager 2011 in a solid 6th. Shogun snags 19th in the all formats chart.
- Sonic Colours hangs on to ninth place in the full-price DS chart, one of only three non-Nintendo titles in the top ten.
- Super Monkey Ball 3DS manages to beat out Ridge Racer, Lego Star Wars, Nintendogs and more to claim fourth in the full price 3DS chart.
- Football Manager 2011 also nabs 7th in the full price PSP chart.