Mario & Sonic Rio 2016 Is What SEGA Like To Call “Modern Sonic”
One angle we haven’t covered these past 24 hours is that main series Sonic is now “legacy Sonic” due to yesterday’s events, primarily the USGamer interview that was posted referring to main series Sonic as such. However it seems there’s some conflict on exactly what it’s called now, something that has arisen due to the interview from GameSpot. Unlike the previous interview it is labelled as “modern Sonic”:
GameSpot: So does the original Sonic still exist? We recently learned about Mario and Sonic at the Rio Olympics, and that looks like the Sonic that we’re familiar with from previous games. Will these two Sonics co-exist?
Aaron Webber: Yeah, they essentially run parallel, so obviously Nintendo just announced the new Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic games, and that is like what we call modern Sonic. He’s got the green eyes; the tan arms, instead of the blue arms; and no scarf. So for the really hardcore vocal fans, they can be happy with that Sonic. But likewise, Sonic Boom as a TV show is doing extremely well on Cartoon Network right now so there’s this new generation coming up watching that and really enjoying that. This game is built in that universe. They both exist simultaneously.
Whatever it is called, we haven’t heard much from it other than Sonic Runners. Whatever the case it seems the wait will continue for the next main series Sonic game.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.