Luden.Io Takes Pumpkin Carving To The Extreme In Latest VRobot Update
As you might expect, and certainly as you might already be familiar with if you’ve read us at length over the last few days game developers everywhere are getting into the holiday spirit.
By that I don’t mean by that we’ve had Christmas updates aplenty; Though those are, no doubt, on their way soon enough. We are though experiencing a glut of updates which add a touch of something spooky to the average virtual reality (VR) title. Halloween is approaching rapidly and behind every virtual corner there could be something waiting to leap out at you.
The latest developer to add a touch of things going bump in the night is Cyprus based studio Luden.io, who are never ones to turn down the opportunity to update their city destruction sandbox title VRobot if the option to add in some extra fun presents itself.
But how do you add some Halloween flavour to a game where you destroy things in a giant robot? For Luden.io the answer was obvious. If you can carve lanterns out of pumpkins why can’t you carve an entire city out of them? For a limited time owners of VRobot can take out their frustrations on an entire city built from the orange squash plants and also terrorise its citizens. Who have, thanks to the update, been transmogrified into ‘robopumpkins’.
Luden.io also gave something of a ‘storyline’ explanation for the change to the VRobot world.
“Through studying the history of mankind, robots found an effective way to prevent an annual universal catastrophe. While seeds are inside of their heads instead of microcircuits, you can take an advantage of the situation and hit them in the ‘pumpkins’. When the portal is closed, everything will return to normal.”
The Halloween shenanigans are the latest in a number of updates and stories regarding VRobot covered in recent months, which have also included the title getting a free demo on Steam, a New York City themed update, two film related updates in the form of content inspired by both Transformers and (most recently) Thor: Ragnarok. Whilst last week also saw a confirmation via the developer’s Trello account that it was working on bringing the currently PC-based title to the PlayStation VR.
This story was originally written by the author for VRFocus.