Inside the Pages: Sonic Universe #33
This week, Archie Comics released a preview for Sonic Universe #33, which begins the Babylon Rising arc written by Tracy Yardley.
It is Yardley’s first crack at the series, and it features the Babylon Rogues in search of the Babylon Garden. But the Battle Bird Armada is also hot on their heels. Yardley also handles artwork inside the issue with Jim Amash, Steve Downer, and Phil Felix. Yardley and Bun Hunzeker drew the cover. The guy’s a machine.The cover
and first five pages of Sonic Universe #33 follow Archie’s official synopsis.
“Babylon Rising” Part One: The Babylon Rogues have been searching for their long-lost ancestral city of Babylon Garden. Now, deep in the forgotten ruins of the Gigan Mountains, they find their first solid lead! But will they survive to put their new-found knowledge to use? And what does the Battle Bird Armada have to say about all this? Don’t miss the beginning of this thrilling saga written by legendary Sonic penciller Tracy Yardley!
Script: Tracy Yardley!
Art: Tracy Yardley!, Jim Amash, Steve Downer and Phil Felix
Cover by Tracy Yardley! & Ben Hunzeker
Shipping Date: 10/5/11
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: 10/19/11
On Sale on Newsstands: 10/26/11
32-page, full color comic
$2.99 US.

Ha. Listening to Gigan Rocks theme right now, no coincidence.
Ugh. Got this issue yesterday, but still waitin’ for #229.