Inside the Pages: Sonic Universe #13
With thanks to a news tip from 2reason2, we have the cover and first five pages of Archie Comics’s Sonic Universe issue 13, which will begin shipping to subscribers tomorrow.
The issue begins the four part Journey Into the East series. We also remind you that Universe issue 13 will tie in with this month’s main Sonic comic, issue 210. You’ll see below some spider ninja K.O.s and a golden Khan statue. Ian Flynn penned the script, and Tracy Yardley handles primary art duties. You’ll also note the cover for this issue is markedly improved from last we saw it.
The images follow Archie’s official synopsis. We thank 2reason2 for sending this tidbit in to us. If you have news to share, be sure to share it with us by clicking News Tips at the top of every page.
“Journey into the East Part One: Endless Reach of Fate”: After a fierce battle with the Spider Ninjas, Sonic rescues Sally, Tails and Monkey Khan from the Gossamer Clan Cave in which they’ve been imprisoned. Things get introspective as Sally blames herself for the recent turn of events, but when they all meet the Bride of the Endless Reach, our heroes realize they are in the middle of a much bigger picture than they thought! Ties into this month’s SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #210
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Tracy Yardley.
Shipping Date: February 10th, 2010
On Sale at Comic Shops: February 17th, 2010
Newsstands: March 2nd, 2010
32-page, full color comic
$2.50 US