Help Wanted at SSRG
Andy Wolan put out a notice on the SSRG site last week about an opening for a new section:
I would like to expand SSRG with a “STH Video Game Archive” section. Basically, this section will contain full length clips of the ads used on TV to promote STH line of games, along with magizine scans, etc. However, I don’t have the time to manage this section.
However, SSRG has been flooded for the past month or so with requests from the public to join SSRG. So, I figure the best thing to do is to ask the public if anyone is interested in maintaining this section for SSRG. If you are interested, please email the following to with the Subject of “SonicAD Application”. DO NOT SEND THESE APPLICATIONS TO SAXMAN OR YOUR APPLICAITON WILL BE REJECTED.
1.) Real Name (Tracking people by alias is a pain.)
2.) Age
3.) Brief description of your writing and webpage design skills. Links to your homepage a plus.
4.) Amount of involvment in the “Sonic Scene” on the ‘net. (IE, experience with the Sonic Community.)
5.) Brief description of your Graphically skills
6.) Brief description of your Organizational skills.
7) An answer to the following questions:
– Do you have a scanner or access to one?
– Do you have access to Video recording hardware for the PC and/or Mac?
– Do you have access to a AVI->MPEG or AVI->MPEG2 encoder? (Software or hardware.)
– Name a difference between JPG and GIF images and/or JPG and BMP.
– Which do you think is a better format for presenting a 150×150 video file running at 10 FPS with 8-bit@11Khz mono sound : AVI, MOV or MPG? What about 320×320 with 16-bit@22kHz stereo sound?
– You have been emailed a scan from a book in BMP format that is 2.5 Megs in size. It is 1600×1200 is size and 32bits in color depth.. The text is large, so reducing the size of the image is an ok thing to do, but you don’t want to sacrifice details. How would you present this image to public so that someone running a 33k dial-up connection does not have to wait 10 minutes to find out what the image is about? (IE: how would you present this image to the public such that those running on a slow connection will not get bogged down when trying to get a quick idea of what the image is of, while keeping those with a speedy T1 connection the ability to view the image in all it’s glorious detail?)
– Word Problem:
Sonic has 5 marbles. Dr. Eggman steals 3. Tails recovers 2 of the stolen marbles, but loses one in his dash to escape. How many Marbles does Sonic have now?