POST-DEMO UPDATE: Source Confirms Near-Final Sonic Generations Level List
June 24th Update: You may have read on our site yesterday news of several materials from the Sonic Generations demo leaking. Among those materials was a level list considered to be final…and, with the exception of Casino Park/Bingo Highway being scratched, otherwise completely confirmed the accuracy of our source’s information. However, in accordance with our Sensitive Materials Policy, that story from June 23rd has been removed. We have, however, elected to keep this original article online. Remember: We confirmed it here first.
For reference, here are the stages X claimed to know about, with already confirmed stages cited by an asterisk:
Sonic 1 – Green Hill *
Sonic 2 – Chemical Plant
Sonic 3 and Knuckles – Sky Sanctuary
Sonic Adventure – Speed Highway
Sonic Adventure 2 – City Escape *
Sonic Heroes – Seaside Hill OR Casino Park / Bingo Highway
Sonic 2006 – Crisis City
Sonic Unleashed – Spagonia / Rooftop Run Day *
Sonic Colors – Planet Wisp
Some of you may have seen this list, and even commented on the remark. Many have noted the list has popped up elsewhere, with the community attempting to reason its invalidity. But we were able to check up on X, and we matched the mysterious identity with an actual source, who agreed to tell us more details on condition of anonymity. After TSSZ spoke with the source, we are comfortable treating the above list as a confirmed, near final list of stages planned for the base XBOX 360 / PS3 edition of Sonic Generations.
The list, by default, affirms other elements of the game. Among them is the treatment of Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles as a single title. And by process of elimination, other games like Sonic CD and Shadow the Hedgehog appear out of the running. Chemical Plant could technically be considered a water stage with its Mega Mack acting similarly to water, but it would be the only such stage in Generations. The lack of a proper labyrinth, lava, and ice stage is also notable in the above list, but it doesn’t mean some or all won’t pop up in the 3DS edition.
You will also notice uncertainty on what the Sonic Heroes stage will be. According to our source, who received the information ” a few weeks back,” that decision was not final, with Seaside Hill and some form of Casino Park and/or Bingo Highway in the running. Given that Casino Night will already be represented in the 3DS version of Generations, making that call may not be as simple as it would appear.
How do we know all this? Our sourced allegedly received a rundown of what to expect in connection to ongoing development of the Archie Comics adaptation to Sonic Generations, which will be out later this year to coincide with the game’s release. Sega disclosed the full list of zones as well as the full storyline to Generations in preparation for that adaptation. Our source could not disclose more complete story details as they were received second-hand, only that the adaptation was not finalized at the time. If nothing else, it appears the comic counterpart will follow the console version the closest.
What our source did re-affirm, however, were additional missions inside Generations beyond the base acts. Many of you may have seen those rings in the interactive Green Hill menu, not unlike what was seen in Sonic Colors. Our source says as missions are completed, those rings will turn gold. Whether those missions are in the form of acts or some other mode remains to be seen.
That is what our source knows, and it is now what you know. Again, given who the source is, we feel comfortable treating this as mostly confirmed and not as rumor, with the caveat of that one detail regarding Sonic Heroes. We also want to again note this is for the XBOX 360 and PS3 editions, not taking into account the 3DS version at all, and not taking into account any hopes for DLC. We will certainly follow up on this when our special correspondent attends Sonic Boom later this evening, where we suspect a lot of people will now have a lot of questions.
If this is what will come out indeed, I’m not buying this unless they’ll release additional levels from Death Egg Trilogy. That said remember I must buy a console with Generations.
if this is real it is stupid that sega have 4 city levels and hardly any cool ones like ice cap zone and emerald coast
Sky Sanctuary strikes me as the oddest of that list…I’m having trouble believing this. Also will be disappointed if the list is really that short. And it does seem odd that there aren’t a wider variety of themes, like mrsonicmovedj pointed out…
i dont think that this is real i mean why would they just come out and spoil all the levels being in generations now? wouldnt we have to wait till september until we know about most zones?
If they really don’t have Ice Cap in there I imagine there will be all sorts of rage, even if the stage makes it into the 3DS version.
Actually I’d be really happy to see Crisis City in a well-done fashion, though I’m not sure how they could reconcile its existence with the rest of the story?
Really the majority of this list would be easy to guess because for the most part the levels are what I’ve seen the masses claim as favorite. Personally I’d much rather see Jungle Joyride than Rooftop Run, and Planet Wisp was meh to me, but I was aware that there was a majority like for the music in those stages, so I wouldn’t be surprised at all if those levels truly were in.
Sky sanctuary and speed highway OUT
Why so many city level base theme
Also, why put a stage from sonic 3 and kunckles, better put one stage from sonic 3, and one stage from s&k, besides, what happens with Sonic CD, damn sega, you burst my bubble.
Well, at least chemical plant is cool one, and crisis city too, but,,,planet wisp instead Sweet mountain (The only food based level)
And seaside hill from heroes?, we already see that stage from SASASR, and Olympic winter, why not “Hanging castle”.
Please SEGA, try to make different stages..
yea the lack of an ice/lava level repels me (well Crisis City COULD count since its an apocolyptic city/world but still….). But other than that the list looks OK, but I hope it plays even better.
I agree with TjtheFox, I’ll be waiting for SEGA’s words. Needs to be more stages than that. WAY too short! Not very many classic levels…….I’m not going to believe this.
What? No Starlight Carnival? Aww man. Well maybe we’ll get some DLC like with Sonic Unleashed. Either way I still like a lot of the choices on the list.
This list seems too disproportionate… way to many city levels and 1 semi water level. Doesn’t make sense.
Plus, SEGA know that a crap ton of SK3 fans love Ice Cap Zone. And since Ice Cap Zone is one of the few ice levels in the series, why the hell did they not include it? And how on God’s Earth did Sky Sanctuary, a 1 ACT Zone which is relatively short (minus boss battles) and less known, become a level?
I can understand why Crisis City would come out of the Sonic 06 levels, but realistically, why would SEGA bring back memories from the “worst game” in the series? And which genre would it fall in? It’s hardly “modern” since it came out 5 years ago and definately not “Dreamcast”.
I’m happy with the choices they made for Colours and Heroes. Sonic Unleashed… I’m surprised. Since Sonic Unleashed is an “world adventure”, it’s a bit bland to use a city stage. What about Chun Nan? That would be good. I understand, though, that Spagonia has a huge fanbase and, admittedly, I am part of that fanbase. But really, to me, it’s either Chun Nan or scrap one of the city levels (Speed Highway).
On to SA2 and I am fine with this choice, since it is a very widely loved, recognizable and generally an all time Sonic classic, a bit like Green Hill Zone.
SA1… why? Of all the stages you could pick, they choose Speed Highway? They ignored Emerald Coast?! Holy crap…
As for Sonic 2 and Sonic 1, they are fine choices. Everybody likes Chemical Plant and SEGA just had to have Green Hill Zone in there.
So I do think, if this is official, that this choice of levels is a bit ridiculous. Of course, there is no doubt that the game will still be a great game, but SEGA have taken an odd approach to selecting levels.
Needs moar Kingdom Valley not some bullshit Crisis City!
Also speaking of valleys, SA should have Windy Valley not Speed Highway.
This can’t be true…Im still getting the game but i seriously hope this is not true. Why can’t they just have MULTIPLE levels from ONE classic game, instead of having ONE level from ALMOST every game!What the heck….
Whole lot of cities. =P
BUT Chemical Plant Zone would be INSANE. 😀
BRING BACK HYDROCITY! we all wanted hydrocity ever since yall started workin on generations
I don’t necessarily trust this yet. I didn’t even read the full list just in case it’s true. I saw no Ice Cap tho and I want Ice Cap.
If this IS the level list it’ll still be an epic game tho. I just would’ve preferred some other stages. :3
But we’ll see what confirmation says. >.<
I saw this rumor posted on Retro. They debunked it pretty quickly. The rumor started from looking at the Jazzwares toys, what badniks they had and logo work.
The reason it could either be Seaside Hill or Casino Park is because the logo for the packaging includes Seaside Hill, but the badnik itself is from Casino Park.
Also, the original rumor didn’t “remember” what level was being used for Sonic Unleashed. The badnik used was a generic EGG Fighter. Seems kind of odd that they suddenly remember that it was Rooftop Run when the trailer JUST came out.
Sorry, but I don’t take this as a confirmation just yet.
Indigo: I suspect our source is different from the one at Retro…and I’d argue a lot more reliable. It was the City Escape / Spagonia combo that compelled him to come forward.
If the whole comic adaptation wasn’t in play, I wouldn’t feel compelled to publish. That foundation is solely what our story is resting on; there was no discussion of Jazwares toys or anything like that. But knowing the source, and knowing who he knows, I am now a believer.
HEY!!!! I THINK SEGA PICKED THESE LEVELS BECAUSE THEY WERE FAN-FAVORITE!!!! (keyword: FAN-favorite) so what if 1/3 of the stages are city based? Hey, people liked those stages from the past. Sonic fans just never get pleased do they? Well, know this, NO GAME IS PERFECT OR GOING TO BE PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP THAT IN YOUR MINDS!!!!
(say “yes i think so” if you agree with me)
I know this isn’t probably going to happen, but I would LOVE to see this game as a launch title for WiiU, or as a upgraded version like Adventure titles had.
Well, first off, i’m not considering this anywhere near confirmed. 4 City levels? Possible Seaside Hill alongside Green Hill, an almost identical stage. Secondly, this list was revealed a couple weeks back with a ? beside Unleashed, now it suddenly has Spagonia after its reveal and acts like it had always been there. It was right about GHZ and CE, but the former had been revealed before the list, and we knew City Escape was going to feature because the artist who did the music twittered how he was asked to re-record the song for an upcoming Sonic game.
I’m not going to even consider this list possible unless theres some legit proof.
If this list is true, then these are some terrible design choices. It’s one thing to take on board fan feedback as to which levels they’d like to see appear in this game. However, where fans choose 4 city levels as their favourites, SEGA should have opted for some second preferences to balance the game out.
I am now significantly less hopeful for Hydrocity.
Yes! YES! Chemical Plant gets a remake!!!!!
For the record, I’d like to see a Marble Zone remake from Sonic 1, but Green Hill was the obvious way to go, so I’m cool with that…
I just want to know, who the fuck picked the list. The list is disgusting me
Not that I can BEAT Chemical Plant Zone, but oh well… it will LOOK awesome!
>Speed Highway
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY! CRISIS CITY!! i love that stage. wish they had also put in kingdom valley, though.
T: If I’m not mistaken, the same source confirmed a “Sonic Heroes 2,” based off of the Archie Comic’s sources.
Sorry, I’m still not buying it. And the “Seaside Hill/Casino Park” unsureness is pretty blatant.
Indigo: The difference is my source isn’t Trunks. =)
@SonicFanReviewer Only half of them were fan favourite. The rest are, pretty much, bullshit in comparison to what the normal Sonic fan would want. I am not a fanboy, but this list is just ridiculous. They didn’t listen to the fanbase enough! If SEGA really did pick the “fan favourites”, explain to me why levels like Ice Cap, Emerald Coast, Hydrocity and such? They didn’t even include any Sonic 4 levels!
That’s a lot of city levels. :\
*…and such weren’t included?
Sega’s joking. Their obviously joking. Of all the Sonic games…with all the wonderful levels…only ONE per game!? What happened to these: Marble Hill Zone, Lava Reef, Death Egg, Windy Valley, Red Mountain, Radical Highway, Pyramid Cave, FINAL RUSH, METAL HARBOR, Final Fortress, Kingdom Valley/Radical Train, Cool Edge, Dragon Road, Empire City, Tropical Resort, and Terminal Velocity? I’m not sad with the level selection, it’s just the quantity…. That’s 9 levels…That’s the same we got in ’06 as opposed to most Sonic games which have at LEAST 14 levels….
THIS CANT BE TRUE!! i think the people who confirmed that this is the list is trying to keep secrets! this cant be it!! 360 and PS3 have alot of memory and graphics and storage to have more than just 9 levels in this 20th anniversary installation!!! LIKE I SAID, 7 LEVELS FORM EACH ERA!! it just has to be!!! 9 levels are not enough! anyways i will still buy this and i will enjoy it! i still love this game so much! 🙂
Sega seems to love their cities do they? That’s a short list for a 20th anniversary….Sega…hope you know what your doing…do NOT screw this up.
Rolling around at the speed of sound, got places to go now gotta follow my rainboy! City Escape FTW
You know, for a game that’s supposed to remake 20 years of history, it’s just wrong to only have 9 levels.
At least Planet Wisp is in HD.
I want hidrocity on sonic 3 and Sandopolis on Sonic & Knuckles and put Sonic CD level.
The others in list, it’s ok.
Green Hill – Good
Chemical Plant – Good
Sky Sanctuary – Okay. Could’ve been Ice Cap or Angel Island
Speed Highway – Okay. Could’ve been Emerald Coast
City Escape – Oh yeah!
Seaside Hill/Casino Park – I don’t care, they’re both good
Crisis City – Cool
Rooftop Run – Eh, I would’ve preferred Empire City or something
Planet Wisp – Makes some sense to me
I say bs until the game comes out
It’s just weird to only have three classic levels.
i just though of something interesting! What if the mysterious enemy is Dr Eggman from the future like 10 yrs into the future or so! He tries to erase Sonic from history so he messes with the time and transports sonic back in time with his classic self! And eggman is trying to destroy them both at the same time!! And then he recreates the Death Egg and both sonics must stop him b4 time is lost forever! 🙂
SUPER excited about Chemical Plant! If this is legit, then yeah, Im a little dissapointed how theres like four city-themed levels, but that doesnt mean there isnt a chance theyll be great. Im wondering why they chose speed highway? I was hoping for windy valley or emerald coast, even though the latter just seems unlikely to me. also, sky sanctuary?? seems like an odd choice. Im curious to see how theyll “redo” planet wisp, its one of my favorites, but its so recent. the 2D should be interesting for that, and if its true I cant wait for dat remix. nomnomnom.
How abou the final zone? Im pretty sure it isnt Planet Wisp…
I’d buy it for Chemical Plant and City Escape, honestly. These are some of the best known levels in their games, and I think IC would be redundant with CE in the mix, but that’s just me.
I was hoping for Speed Slider, Quartz Quadrant, Toxic Caves/Lava Powerhouse, Rusty Ruin… Clearly, I shouldn’t expect things like this, but a guy can dream, damn it!
3 classic levels, 3 adventure levels and 3 modern levels.
The excess of city levels bothers me. They should at least pick a ice/fire/desert level and not leave SCD out.
Tristan hasn’t really given us a good reason to believe this guy, perhaps doing so would put his position in danger, or perhaps Tristan is just desperate for an exclusive story. I have no reason to believe him since we haven’t been given enough information, so this shold be treated as a rumor by anyone who isn’t Tristan before you start saying “OMG TERRIBLE I’M CANCELLING MY PRE-ORDER NOW”
The list looks like alot of fan favorites, though. And that’s what this game was said to be composed of. So, kids, expect yourself to disappointed about why YOUR favorite stages didn’t make the cut. Considering all the detail that goes into these stages, you’ve gotta understand how limited Sonic Team is with what they can make. Just be happy to play a fun Sonic game and accept the stages for what they are, even if they’re not your favorite color.
Furthermore, if this was the NEAR-final list, we’re looking at maybe 8 or 9 stages, that’s usually how many stages a home console Sonic game gets, why are you complaining about this being a small amount of stages? Were you really expecting a stage from every single major game? Be realistic and start using the past as an indication more often, you’ll be alot less disappointed.
i dont believe this tbh, something just seems so wrong with it… There are way too many similar levels on it. Not only that, but unless some of these levels are annoyingly long, we have a very very very short game on our hands.
Whilst all of those levels are my favorite from the respective games, i was hoping for 2 levels from each game so it would be longer and make more fans happier.
Until sega officially confirms this im putting it down to rumor, simply from the jazwares toys and trunks on retro. If it is true, ill be quite disappointed and there best be a lot of different level DLC coming our way!
Hm, actually, I can see Speed Highway. Originally I expected Emerald Coast, Windy Valley, Twinkle Park and or Speed Highway. I mean it’s a very symbolic level of Sonic Adventure’s style. I think the only symbolism Emerald Coast holds is the whale chase. I, personally, would expect more than just 1 level per each game.
I also can see Sky Sanctuary. I guessed Mushroom Hill, Lava Reef and Sky Sanctuary for Sonic and Knuckles. Tho holding no stage from Sonic 3 alone seems odd since Ice Cap is significant and popular as well as Hydrocity. Carnival Night Zone also allows for a lot of redeeming creativity.
This is also the NEAR-final list, so it’s not the final list even if this IS true.
Tho I don’t necessarily believe this list just yet, I don’t think the addition of Rooftop Run means anything since it wouldn’t make sense for them to reveal it in a teaser but not in the “NEAR-final list” just cuz it wasn’t on the list before the teaser. If anything, it seems like they would’ve updated the list when showing Rooftop Run simutaneously confirming the stage. =P
I love many of the picks (City Escape specially is a great pick, and Spagonia was the best level in Unleashed IMO), but I don´t like how there isn´t a level for Sonic 3 and another for Sonic & Knuckles, and there should be a Sonic CD level. Add Ice Cap and Stardust Speedway to the mix and it would be better.
Anyway, nice choices. For those who don´t like Sky Sanctuary, think about this: Death Egg, Eggrobo and Mecha Sonic for sure 😉
Apart from the lack of variety here, the lack of levels worries me also. With so few in the game, ST may yet put pointless filler in there in order to stretch it out. This is usually what ruins an otherwise great Sonic title, and since theres already been a hub world confirmed, i’m a bit worried about what i don’t know of the game lol
There HASN’T been a hub world confirmed. There’s been a hub world speculated. TOTALLY different things!
when you think about it is really 18 levels and 9 zones including boss stages
SEGA, don’t do this…. they still haven’t learned.
That’s still only about as long as Sonic 2 just with cutscenes. Quite short.
Oh be quite. SEGA’s never gone through this particular situation so there’s nothing about this that reflects what they’ve “learned” AT ALL. Show some darn appreciation for what you have such as the beautiful Green Hill and City Escape that we’ve already seen as well as the whole “near-perfect Classic gameplay” for at LEAST 9 stages (IF this is even true). That’s already as long as the classics, and longer than Sonic 4 with just half the game. Plus remixes of all these stage themes and seeing the 2 Sonics together.
@Doctor Eggman Does that list really feel like 20 years of history to you? Cuz to me, it doesn’t. Waaay too short. Resources and time shouldn’t be an issue–this is the 20th anniversary, and Sega has no excuse not providing enough resources or time–though time hasn’t been their strong point for a while.
I don’t really have an issue with that list in terms of level selection, but if that’s the extent of their efforts, man Sega, you’ve blown a great opportunity. If this really is true, then that’s most likely why they opted to put exclusive levels on the 3DS, so they could cover their butts. I mean, ONE level from Sonic 3 & K?? Come on, that’s bull! This list had better be a lie, or incomplete, otherwise I’ll be so pissed.
But think about it who ever replied to me, sonic 2 sprites and drawn BGs, this game is models and textures which do take alot of time, though the list does seem dry, maybe even fake, but from the two stages listed and the trailer to cover i wont be too surprised if this is it, besides word of Generations was going around way before it was annoucned
This game has been in devopment for a long time.
If this list is in fact real and “Sky Sanctuary” really is going to be in the HD version, I will play “Generations” a happy man. =)
Otherwise, I don’t think we should take this as fact just yet. Then again, just about every rumour about the game so far has been proven true, so I’m inclined to take this presumed list with a bit less salt than those previous rumours…
If it is true… -mantears-
Yeah ! I would so much play Speed Highway again ! 😀
I’m sad because of no Sonic CD stages. They put in Sonic ’06 but not CD?! Now that’s ignorance.
DLC people. Think about the DLC possibilities.
This is absolutely fake.
At Sega’s E3 booth, they have boxarts of old Sonic games posted on the walls, naturally representing the games Generations’ will be covering. Among them is Sonic CD, yet there is no CD level here. Not to mention Sonic 3 has a seperate box, so they would just take a level from S&K and call it a day.
Might as well pull this down.
“At Sega’s E3 booth, they have boxarts of old Sonic games posted on the walls”
And other than nostalgia, they mean nothing.
@Foxboy Right, show some appreciation, but also be sure NOT to remember that this is the 20th anniversary, covering 20 years of history, and is barely as long as previous sonic games, and according to that list, has no where near the amount of levels that Colors has. Not to mention that by the time the game is released, they will have had close to 3 years of development time.
Look, I’m happy with what I’ve seen so far–classic physics, wonderful. Graphics and level design, beautiful. Classic sonic, dream come true. I mean, that list may not even be true, and if it is, perhaps it’s not complete. But if it is true and complete, then that’s bogus–sonic 3&K had a shorter development time and had around 13/14 two act zones. Sonic 1 had 6, three act zones. Obviously we don’t know all the “extra” content that will be in there, but if that’s the extent of the main gameplay, then I’m so disappointed it’s not even funny.
Whether you’re fine with it or not, did you actually expect that low number of stages? Did anyone expect that low of a number? I sure didn’t. I’m not saying no one is jumping the gun on bad speculations, but I am saying that people are justifiably angry at this news.
I’m okay with this list, but I must say I’m a tad disappointed that Hydrocity didn’t make it in.
There’s a couple classic stages I’m surprised didn’t make the cut (like Hydrocity or IceCap), but I’ll hold off my disappointment until I see if there’s anything extra, be it DLC, mission mode type stuff, or whatever. Not likely, but I can hope.
Although I am souped beyond reason that Crisis City made it in. I just can’t wait to see how the writers deal with THAT one. 😀
I’m sorry, but no SEGA. Just no. The list is good, don’t get me wrong, but I was hoping for at least 5 classic stages, 5 dreamcast stages, and 5 modern stages. You can’t treat S3&K as one game, you just can’t.
Where’s Sonic CD? That game is a staple in the Sonic series and no one can disagree with that. I remember hearing interviews for this game when it was first announced and they said that they were bringing back a bunch of classic stages along with other modern stages.
Again, I like the list, but I’m hoping this is incomplete. I mean, SEGA said they were looking at fan reaction to see what stages to put in the game, and almost every fan survey I saw was screaming for Ice Cap Zone, so don’t tell me you’re looking at it if you don’t want to listen.
They still have months of development ahead of them, and there’s no reason the list should be final. Good list, but short and missing many elements. C’mon, SEGA.
What I’m really surprised with is that they didn’t take a route that I thought they might have to take. That is; given the levels come in chronological order, the necessary difficulty curve might have required the use of later levels in the newer games. But there isn’t one level on this list that I would label “difficult” besides Sky Sanctuary, but even then, I thought that level was a blast. Crisis City was difficult, but I’m probably remembering how horrific those controls were.
On top of that, it all feels one-sided. Like, too heavy on introduction stages and similar level gimmicks. In short, I’m having trouble believing this list, not only for these reasons, but also because this leak/source seems kind of sloppy. Archie has never particularly been responsible for leaks, and with good reason. Something as clumsy as this would probably result in someone getting fired.
Of course, what do I know? I was just hoping for Ice Cap Zone 😛 I was extremely and pleasantly surprised with Sky Sanctuary, but everything after that seems lackluster. Ice Cap from SA would have been great, and Seaside Hill was just Green Hill Beach…I also hated all Heroes’ Casino levels (aside from the music, that is). But seriously, if this list is true, DLC would be awesome for this game.
Guys, you do realize it says Near-Final, right? There will probably at the very least ten-twelve stages in this game. This list is very likely incomplete.
I was planning on buying this game anyway just on the gameplay vids I have seen, but if they do indeed put in Sky Sanctuary as a level. I’ll buy two copies.
Yeah, I have a feeling this is the final list of zones. As much as would’ve loved to see them include Emerald Coast, I guess I can live if they put in Seaside Hill. Although, I’m disappointed that Sonic CD isn’t on the list. It was a great game, and it seems like these days they try and act like it didn’t exist. I would’ve much rather seen it make the list in place of Sonic ’06. Also, am I the only one that doesn’t see the sense in putting in levels from Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colors? They were the last few games that came out and I’m sure we won’t be forgetting them anytime soon. Though, I wouldn’t have minded seeing a few levels from those games if the list wasn’t so short. All in all it’s an okay list, not great, but just okay. I understand not everyone’s favorite zone’s will make the cut, but I would much rather see them remake zones from games that are older than two years old. That being said I will still enjoy the crap out of this game.
“Does that list really feel like 20 years of history to you? Cuz to me, it doesn’t. Waaay too short.”
20 years of compressed history, yes. They can’t delve into it too much, the game would take too long to release, and the game’s sales wouldn’t cover the time it took to produce the title. Sorry if you don’t like how they compressed it, though, but Sonic has alotta games, dude. LOL!
“Resources and time shouldn’t be an issue–this is the 20th anniversary, and Sega has no excuse not providing enough resources or time–though time hasn’t been their strong point for a while.”
Resources are always an issue in every aspect of real life. You can’t expect them to touch every single Sonic game. They are using the past levels most fans loved and making a normal-sized Sonic game based off of that, so it’s all good.
“I don’t really have an issue with that list in terms of level selection, but if that’s the extent of their efforts, man Sega, you’ve blown a great opportunity. If this really is true, then that’s most likely why they opted to put exclusive levels on the 3DS, so they could cover their butts. I mean, ONE level from Sonic 3 & K?? Come on, that’s bull! This list had better be a lie, or incomplete, otherwise I’ll be so pissed.”
I’d like to see you working for Sega and have fans complain to you about things beyond your control. One stage from most of Sonic’s biggest games is good enough. Especially since you need 3 stages from each of the 3 eras. It makes sense for S3&K to have one stage. Honestly, these guys are doing the best they can with the finite time and money they are given to pull this off, and on two platforms. I think Dimps is covering the 3DS version, so they should be left outta this. Disappointment is fine, cuz I know your favorite two stages from S3&K might not make the cut, but give the guys props for the work they have done. If this list is true, they’re made a full-length Sonic game by today’s Sonic game standards with a total of 9 main zones.
Can’t see my replies on here, but whatever, lol.
I guess I’ll repost later.
DoctorEggman: Not your fault. Our spam filter has become especially fickle lately. I’m moving your remarks (and everyone else’s) over as they come in.
NOO!! *Cries* No Sonic CD….
In all honesty, I hope that this isn’t true. Also, why is Sonic 06 in there? Story-wise, that doesn’t make any sense, since time reset and the events never happened, meaning that Sonic never went to Crisis-City. This all seems waaaay too fishy to me.
From what this indicates, there’s possibly only about 18 levels in the game if this is true. Sonic Colors Wii had a total of 7 Zones containing a total of 38 acts in the story mode ALONE. Meaning, there’s a 20 level gap between the two; and that’s not even including Game Land, which had an additional 7 zones with 21 acts available, making it a grand total of 14 Zones with a total 59 Acts in Colors Wii. Considering the large quantity of levels featured in a Wii GAME that has spent LESS time in development than this game, which is supposed to be a 20th ANNIVERSARY game that has spent about 3 YEARS in development, naturally fans who want the PS3/360 versions of Generations have every right to be disappointed and outraged of this small quantity.
Well…this is only June…perhaps more will come when the game creation progresses.
OK, THAT explains why i havent been able to post for the last couple of days.
Oh man. . .I was hoping for:
Sonic 1- Green Hill Zone (and possibly Labyrinth Zone)
Sonic CD- Stardust speedway
Sonic 3- Marble Garden, Lava Reef, or Ice Cap Zone
Sonic Heroes- Seaside Hill, Bingo Highway, Or Hang Castle
Sonic Unleashed- Spagonia or Dragon Road
Sonic Colors- Aquarium Park.
Oh well. . maybe the list will change if Sega doesn’t get too far into development and sees that some fans aren’t satisfyed. I’ll say what most fans recognize. Sega’s kind of treating Sonic CD as if it never even existed (well, retracting. They did include Sonic CD in several compilations) But it would be nice to see Sega add elements from that game into Sonic Generations. Who here doesn’t love the upbeat, funky rhythym of Stardust Speedway (in all timelines), or get pumped up everytime they race Metal Sonic to the end of the track, where Amy waits? It would also be pretty cool to See a CG trailer of Modern and Classic Sonic racing, and then get met up by Metal Sonic! All I’m saying, I guess, is judging by this list, it just looks like there’s little variety. 🙁 I’d be happy if they just included ONE of the levels (not already on this “confirmed” list) from the list above.
@ DoctorEggman I’m not treating this like some kind of debate, because being sonic fans, I’m sure we could go on forever. Not that I don’t see you point(s). I can understand resources being an issue, though I can’t really see it being an issue for them. I’m less forgiving with time, because if time was/is an issue, then that is a mistake of Sega management. Three years sounds like plenty of time, but if it’s not, why not five? Why not start planning the next anniversary as soon as the last one is over? Clearly that didn’t happen, since half of Generations is based on Unleashed. Time could’ve helped 06 a lot, and was probably one of the major killers. I’ve never really believed that to be a fault of Sonic team, but of whoever runs Sega. Why not give as much time as possible for the big 20th anniversary? I dunno, maybe three years sounded like enough.
Now, I’ve never been behind scenes of the making of a game, as you pointed out. So I don’t know all the crap that could’ve gone down, if any. However, if you look at other games, it just doesn’t seem as impressive. For one, if they only have two acts of each level (classic and modern), then the game is already shorter than colors. Colors was also heavily influenced by Unleashed, so you’re looking at about two years of development time. That, and they created 100% entirely original levels. Sure, Generations may have new stage layouts, but they still don’t have to think up completely new levels. Plus, they have an entire extra year of development than Colors. There was also a DS version of Colors.
So, what’s the deal? I’m not saying everyone has to share my view, or that it’s the end of the world. And as I said earlier, I’m very happy with the game thus far, and I’m happy with the level selection in the list. The game unarguably demonstrates quality. I just feel there could be more.
But really, this kind of blabbing of mine needs to be saved for when we ACTUALLY know what’s in the game. On to more news!
I Just want Mystic Forest some were in this game either as part of the main story or dlc.
Agree with OvertheEdge. I’d have been expecting harder levels from more recent fare. My main problem is Heroes stages. Seaside Hill? Casino Park? I’d have been expecting one of the less generic levels such as Hang Castle, possibly Final Fortress. Tristan, was there ever any mention of there being more than one zone per game by your source? Because I damn hope so.
Only 3 classic stages.
And stages from Sonic 06 and recent games.
Aaaand my interest in this game has dropped back to zero.
Thanks Sonic Cycle!
Sonic 4: Episode 1 > Sonic Colors
Sonic 4: Episode 2 > Sonic Generations
True Classic Sonic > Sesame Street/Teletubbies Sonic (Sonic Colors and most likely Generations)
Dimps > Sonic Team
Sad part? I bet at least 95% of you will completely disagree with this for reasons I still wish I knew. Your nit-picking of Sonic 4 is totally ludicrous, your complaints are without warrant as the flaws were very, very minor, and most likely you are just horrible at video games if you found Sonic 4 to be too difficult and thus, shouldn’t even bother playing any Sonic game at all. The physics were fine in Sonic 4, and actually made sense considering you now had a homing attack. Sonic Team is all about speed, speed, speed and lack of control when it comes to platforming. It’s trial and error at its finest. Not to mention the horrendous voice acting (clearly the voice actors in the Adventure series were 10 times better), kindergarten-geared storyline and dialogue, and bad gimmicks. Keep in mind people, Dimps made most of the handhelds, which were awesome, and much better than anything Sonic Team made. If you really think Sonic 4 was a screw up, blame Sonic Team for that one (afterall, they did head the project in cooperation with Dimps).
For anyone whining about the lack of Sonic CD in Generations, see this as a blessing. Be happy Sonic Team isn’t deciding to take a massive dump on one of, if not THE greatest Sonic game of all time. A Stardust Speedway-like level in S4:E2, however? I’ll gladly take it. Now, I’ve said this 30 times in previous comments, I’ll say it again. I’m not about to try and defend my arguments with 30 enraged fanboys all jumping on me at once. I’d be wasting my time and it would be pointless as you people are going to believe only what you want to believe. Call me a troll, blah blah blah, I’m only stating very valid points.
… Would it kill you to stop acting so trollish?
Burn in hell.
Ceejus, stop trolling. Seriously. And how can you say Sonic 4: Episode II beats out Generations when neither game came out yet? No footage of Episode II has even been leaked, you idiot!
And Sonic CD is not the greatest Sonic game of all time. At least not to EVERYONE. You do not speak for other fans, so don’t act as if you do. Your Milage May Vary.
For those that don´t believe the number of levels:
* 3 classic
* 3 adventure
* 3 modern
Sorry, but it seems damn close.
The main levels I wish they would have included:
Jungle Zone (Master System Sonic 1)
Hydrocity (Sonic 3)
Ice Cap (Sonic 3)
Lava Reef (S&K)
Stardust Speedway (SCD)
Twinkle Park (SA)
Those are some pretty glaring ommisions IMO.
This it what it better be instead=
Sonic 1 – Green Hill
Sonic 2 – Chemical Plant
Sonic 3 and Knuckles – Sky Sanctuary
Sonic Adventure – Lost World
Sonic Adventure 2 – City Escape
Sonic Heroes – Bingo Highway
Sonic 2006 – Kingdom Valley
Sonic Unleashed – Rooftop Run Day
Sonic Colors – Aquarium Park
“Considering the large quantity of levels featured in a Wii GAME that has spent LESS time in development than this game, which is supposed to be a 20th ANNIVERSARY game that has spent about 3 YEARS in development, naturally fans who want the PS3/360 versions of Generations have every right to be disappointed and outraged of this small quantity.”
Yeah, but you’re forgetting that the game wil probably include sub-acts/missions ala Sonic Unleashed style (please no medals, lol) to add more length to the game. And Sonic Colors, while good to have so many acts and extras, it used alot of copypasta – alot of reused structures in the simulator with a handful of stage designs purposely ripping off of Sonic 1, and the main stages made you run through the same areas more than once throughout the six acts. Not to mention recycled bosses as well. Oh, and the acts in Colors, alot of them were very short. Not saying the game wasn’t fun or bad, but it re-used alotta stuff!
LOL, true, we could go in circles all day. Maybe there was poor management, maybe they’re doing remarkably well with the time they are given, maybe economic issues prevent management from being the best it could be due to lack of people or even poor setup. The problem could lie anywhere. But based on the norm for what I’ve seen from the standard of 3D Sonic games, this seems like a good outcome, in my opinion. That is all I have to go by since I don’t work at Sega, we just have to take their word during interviews and see what the finished product is.
“Clearly that didn’t happen, since half of Generations is based on Unleashed. Time could’ve helped 06 a lot, and was probably one of the major killers. I’ve never really believed that to be a fault of Sonic team, but of whoever runs Sega. Why not give as much time as possible for the big 20th anniversary? I dunno, maybe three years sounded like enough.”
I dunno, maybe they ran into some issues, had to revamp some stuff, perfect how to use the hedgehog engine (if indeed they are stilll using it) create entirely new levels from the ground up, make sure ALL of the team’s departments were on the same page with things, it’s no easy task. I think they say “in the works for this long” when maybe the first couple years was merely art design/ideas and a bit of engine tweaking to lay the foundation for actually cracking down and making these massive levels we see today. Not to mention playtesting, fixing bugs, that’s a constant battle with game-making. Cuz I don’t see how any single Sonic game could pay for the expensive cost of 3 years in developement time for a whole team. That’s just my view, maybe I’m wrong about everything here, lol.
So, maybe there could be more, if you ever get a hold of the directors after the game’s development when they’re allowed to spill everything, lemme know. But yeah, lack of info is in issue in this discussion right now, lol.
Isn’t Crisis City technically a fire stage? You think it could have some lava elements as well?
Mabye thats the list of completed lvls?
They do need a final level?
(hint for a combination of eggmanland and terminal velocity?)
or something more cool but still spagonia on ds and i really wanna see hd planet wisp. but spagonia again is probably like more unleashed dlc. and they might seperate the games into chapters with each level theme(i.e dreamcast emerald coast city escape red mountain final egg,; modern: apotos spagonia mix of adabat and aquarium park planet wisp chunan and eggmanland or something.) point is theyre not done yet. coz you can tell there might be chapters or thats the list of completed levels.
Speed X we did?
@Ceejus: There’s only room for ONE troll in the TSSZ comments and I’ve already got that covered. =P
But seriously, Sonic 4 over Generations? Whatever it is you’re smoking, I want some.
Trunks does flat colors for Matt Herms’ pages. It’s not surprising he would have received the same list. Bit surprising he would leak the information attaching his name to it, as that could land him in hot water. But his choice I guess.
It’s kind of funny that so many people were expecting so many more levels. When has any Sonic game had more than 9 zones? I think it’s a bit silly to have Spagonia instead of a Sonic 3 zone, but it’s pretty clear they were keeping it 3 to 3 for each generation. c’est le vie.
Wow, Spagonia and Chemical Plant? Sounds amazing!
@X we were expecting more than 9 zones and 18 acts b/c in Colors we had 38 acts, not including anything else. Sure, some were short and not full length, but it was still extra gameplay that didn’t feel like a ripoff of the 1st level. Generations has had an extra year of development time: the game is going to have to have a ton of extra material like missions and so on to keep it from being beaten in half the time it took to finish colors, without finding all the red rings. If you ask me, for a 20th anniversary game, that’s kinda embarrassing. But welcome to Sega, I suppose. You may find it funny, but I certainly do not.
Goodman, you’re not even listening to yourself. And you certainly didn’t read the article.
Colors had 6 zones and 38 acts. Generations has 9 zones with 5 acts each for each character.
Please do that math.
@X Wait…what?? FIVE acts for each character? When was this revealed??
@X Nevermind, I see: you’re referring to what the article calls the “extra missions”–it didn’t say there were acts for sure, though it now appears that at least according to you, they are acts. Interesting. Well, if it’s like Colors, then I suppose that makes it better–that’s much more content. I’m still not putting complete faith in this yet though–no offense, I trust.
@X *looks at pics* Right, the rings–which happen to look just like the red rings in Colors. If those represent acts (or missions, still compromising different acts), then great. If they’re red rings (or have the same purpose) or are missions completed in the same level–not so great. I know what you’ve said they are, but I’m just gonna wait for official confirmation before I put all my eggs in one basket. Thanks for the pics, tho.
I take no offense for not believing of course. Everyone has every reason to doubt information before confirmed by the finished product. Just judging by the history of recent Sonic Games it makes sense to me though. Unleashed had 2-3 acts per character per level. Including DLC that was brought up to 5-6. Sonic Colors had 6 acts per stage and was regarded as abnormally short.
The acts in Generations likely won’t be full-fledged stages like Act 1, but rather in the vein of Unleashed/Colors more like shorter missions focusing on individual gameplay aspects. That’s just speculation of course. But given the recent history of game setups and what’s been revealed so far, it lines up.
It’s just puzzling to always see people jump to conclusions in the favor of being disappointed. It never seems to be “I’m going to be optimistic until I hear otherwise” but “I’m going to grump online until I hear otherwise”. I don’t know why so many people keep playing these games when they don’t even see to enjoy them that much.
Not saying this applies to you, just the general air of the Sonic community.
I really think they should just throw every level into it, ,mainly because they’ll upset people who don’t have their fave levels involved! ie mystic cave, oil ocean and lava reef to name a few!
No Shadow levels?
@ X:
Okay, fine. Makes sense I guess, except for the inclusion of the Sonic 06 level, that still puzzles me. In terms of story, Sonic 06 never happened, and I hear Sonic Team doesn’t even consider Sonic 06 canon, so it just seems weird to use a level from Sonic 06; especially a level set in a post-apocalyptic city, which clearly contradicts the “light story” that the game is supposed to have. It just doesn’t make any sense.
I would like to see where a Sega official said S2K6 isn’t “canon”. That sounds like something someone just made up because it conveniently helps us believe that turd of a game doesn’t exist. But it does exist and if it’s like any of the other Sonic games sold over a million units. Whether people like it or not, it was a main entry in the series.
True, the end dictates that the story didn’t technically happen but that not a reason to not have a level from the game.
Anyway, whether it be Crisis City or some other stage, there /will/ be an entry from 2K6. You can choose to believe it now or not. Whatever makes you happiest.
@X wow calling a sonic game a turd thats a bit over the top for a sonic fan.
i never had a problem with 06 sure it was a bit touchy but its a great game not a “turd” as you so called it,
you have no proof of these levels coming out plus sonic colo(u)rs had about 6 red rings in each act doesnt mean a thing when looking at this picture
@ X:
“I would like to see where a Sega official said S2K6 isn’t “canon”. That sounds like something someone just made up because it conveniently helps us believe that turd of a game doesn’t exist.”
All right, here you go. Well I got that info from a SEGA forum Admin who happened to be a community manager for the western divisions of SEGA, you see. You might know him as “ArchangelUK”. There was a thread discussing whether or not Sonic Chronicles for the DS is canon, and much to everyone’s surprise, he posted a detailed explanation of the Sonic Canon, noting that both Chronicles and Sonic 06 were not canon games, among other things. He claims to have spoken with Sonic Team about the series’ canon.
Here is my proof:
This link (below) contains all of his quotes from the thread (link above) in the first post to save you some time:
I’m not against having a Sonic 06 level in the game (in fact, Crisis City is one of my favorite levels from that game), it just seems weird that it’s in there since, in terms of story 06, never happened. It also seems odd since they chose to use a post-apocalyptic level with demonic fire monster enemies for a game that’s supposed to have a light-hearted story.
Voted as one of the worst 360 titles by many publications. It doesn’t matter that you liked it, that’s fine. Happy for you. But to not call it the darkest spot in Sonic’s career is incredibly naive. Other than word from Archie, no I don’t have any other proof. I never said I did. I’ve also said repeatedly you don’t have to believe me.
“Sonic 06 – The events of the game prevented it from ever happening in the first place.”
Is that what you’re referring to? Yes, obviously the events of the game never actually took place. But does he says somewhere else that it’s not a canon adventure? Or am I missing something.
It’s not considered canon because the game never happened. Crisis City no longer exists in the timeline because none of these events ever happened. The game killed its own timeline. Ergo, Sonic never went to Crisis City, because he never had to rescue the princess, because she no longer had the Flames of Disaster bonded to her soul because there was no Solaris project to begin with and Silver never gave her that Chaos Emerald in the past because the future wasn’t in ruin because Iblis did not exist and Mephiles didn’t exist to send him to the past, so Dr. Eggman had no reason to abduct her because there was nothing about her nor Soleana’s history that interested him.
History was rewritten at the end of the game, so it never happened to begin with. It can’t be a “canon adventure” if it never happened.
At this point, I don’t really care anymore. If what you say turns out to be true, then cool, if not, then whatever. Sonic Team is unpredictable, so anything can happen. I apologize if I sounded like a jerk.
…who cares? I and a lot of other people wanted to see crisis city remade in an unleashed/colors format.
@ penguithing777:
You haven’t read one of my previous comments… I said that Crisis City was on of my favorite levels in Sonic 06, I’m not against Crisis City being in Sonic 06, I just don’t think it makes much sense to include it story-wise, since the game never happened, that’s all. It just sounds weird to add a dark, gritty, post-apocalyptic level in an otherwise light-hearted game. If they can somehow make it make sense, then I don’t have a problem with it. That is, if this even turns out to be true…
*being in Sonic Generations
@X “It’s just puzzling to always see people jump to conclusions in the favor of being disappointed. It never seems to be “I’m going to be optimistic until I hear otherwise” but “I’m going to grump online until I hear otherwise”.”
HaHa guess you got me there. My mindset used to be against doing that, but now I often don’t if bad news creeps up. Sometimes people have a right to be upset (sonic 4), other times, not so much. Whether this is one now I don’t know. Personally, it’s not that my favorite levels weren’t included, but just that this game is such a ‘once in a lifetime’ thing (or feels that way), that it’s very easy to be upset when you find out they’re (possibly) skipping so many good levels. However impractical it would’ve seemed to have a crap ton of levels if I sat down and thought it out, I most likely would have kept hoping anyway.
That’s just how it goes, I guess–fans don’t always expect what’s practical. That, and it’s easy to build up a new sonic game in your head, whether it’s you doing it or Sega (and they’re like mind ninjas–they excel quite well at it, like it’s an art IMO), especially when there’s been so little “bad news” this far into the fray. Not to mention if you’re familiar with Sega, positivity often fails, depending on expectations, promises from Sega and other things, such as personal stances and attitudes. That’s all straying into well-trodden areas of debate/war that I don’t feel like getting into tonight.
The point is, people get upset, whether it’s right or wrong, sensible or not. I can easily understand your bewilderment, especially if you have a lighthearted attitude towards sonic games. I used to love anything with a blue spiny face on it–I’ll still buy most everything, but I must say the critic/cynic in me has flourished quite well. Whether that’s good or bad is up for debate.
When Generations is released, I’m gonna love that game to death. And truth be told, I felt Unleashed and Colors were of a decent length, and if Generations follows suit, then I’ll get over it. It’s the difference of a fountain of joy that launches a hundred feet into the air vs a hundred and fifty, or even forty. I’m not saying that my stance or reasons for it will change, but if that list is how it goes, well then it’s not the end of world. I doubt my butthurt (however justified I think it is) will last to my fifties, or whenever.
Tsk Tsk and I said I needed to stop writing so much on the matter till official confirmation. Go fig.
I see what your saying completely. The game, in the Sonic-verse, never happened. But the game, here in our reality, did happen. And it would therefore warrant an inclusion in a collection footnoting Sonic’s biggest adventures. And that’s what this game is really about, isn’t it? It’s for the people that played the games, not for Sonic himself. If they need to explain a way to get a S2K6 level into it, it really wouldn’t be that difficult.
The story involves wormholes in time and Sonic meeting his “classic” self not his “younger” self. Canon really isn’t a factor in this whole ordeal. But it would make perfect sense that wormhole would open in this dimension that may or may not have happened.
Regarding the “dark” tone of the stage, I don’t think it’s that jarring of a locale, personally. But to each their own.
Once again, all I did was relay information that was given to me by a source I know is reliable. I have all the faith in the world. But that’s my faith, not the rest of the worlds. Whatever makes someone happy, keep believing in just that.
@ “Somedudeonthenet” and “X”
Those are valid points. Since Sonic is returning to any point in the past (or in Classic Sonic’s case, the future) then he could appear anywhere during any adventure via “timeholes”. Very clever observation, X.
Since Sonic visited the Little Planet in Sonic CD, but it disappeared at the end of the game, he could still return randomly BACK to that point in time, and still be in the same place, right?
As for Sonic 06, Sonic could return back to Soleanna and still possibly have memories of what happened (But Classic Sonic won’t have an idea what the heck is going on), even though the event never happened. Kinda confusing, but if you think about it, one of two things can happen. One: The event never happened, so Sonic can’t return to any event from that game. PERIOD.
or Two: Since the “timeholes” bring Sonic to any random point in his history, technically, he can still relive what happened since it will be before the erasing of Solaris (and therefore the events of the game)…….
Timetravel. You gotta love it.
Stage list is really lacking some professional Agua 🙁
Sega is not a charity company, they want to make money , don’t get it wrong.
Most people say that: ” The list is ok,but too short, but anyway I ‘ll buy it”. That’s all important for sega. They won’t spend too much money on a game, creating mores stages if anyway fans will buy it. And sonic is an high speed game, so a level is much wider than a mario stage for example and then much more expensive. Previous sonic games had hardly got more then 10 stages so, I don’t expect much from this game.
Also, i don’t get why so many people want modern stages form unleashed and colors. I mean , those levels will be too close from the original ones! What we REALLY want is 3D revamp from classic stages, bringing totally new experience and nostalgy. There is no nostalgy and no surprise playing a a modern stage revamp, it was just 2-3 years ago!
Hmm… I’m sorry, but if this list is legid, its not celebrating 20 years of Sonic,, its celebrating about 4-5 years of Sonic. And first of all, why do they feel like they have to include all of those past Sonic games in one? Le me clear that up. Why would they include levels from mediocre Sonic (Heroes, ’06?) This is not what I want to remember.
I want to remember Mushroom hill Zone, Ice Cap Zone, Hill top valley zone, And why not a level or two from Sonic CD? Darn, the juming sound of Classic Sonic is from Sonic CD!!
What I mean, is that, for the most recent Sonic games, I can understand they includes Unleashed (as long as Sonic makes a joke about how bad it was to be a werehog) and Colors, even if they are not yet classic games. They had their moments.
Still. I think they are missing a lot of opportunities if this if this is the final list. So many good levels are ignored. And frankly, I thought they were going back with the colorful surreal feel of past Sonic. Why still include “realistic” levels? I mean, Sonic ’06 nearly felt like a Final Fantasy game. ( = bad thing).
By the way, first time I comment here, a big hello to all of you!!!
OMG those are the WORST flipping levels chosen EVER!!! SEGA wasn’t listening to our favorite levels! Why else would a Sky sanctuary be chosen instead of Ice Cap? No water levels and to make matters worse… I WAS RIGHT!!
All levels = for Modern SONIC boost fest
meaning its gunna be yet another horrible level design game -_-
SU: Rooftop run???? REALLY??? CMON!!!!
SG: fail
@blueblur: Oh, shaddap.
@John: Right you are : /. . .
@Phil R
There’s no need for jokes really…No way :/
I’m actually alright with this list, though the inclusion of Speed Highway over Emerald Coast strikes me as rather… odd to say the least. I would have thought that the first true 3D Sonic level would for sure get a modern makeover.
This is…awful.
No Sonic CD stage OR Sonic 3 stage? I mean who the HELL decided they’d rather play Crisis City than Angel Island or Collision Chaos?
Hopefully this isn’t all of the stages D:
Sonic CD stages please 🙁
I still think boss levels could be seperate levels as such.
Sonic CD could be represented by say the Stardust Speedway Act 3 Metal Sonic race.
I mean, admit it, that’s still considered one of Sonic’s greater moments in the history of the hedgehog.
Damn right it is. It’s badass.
@Okura: I think everyone can agree on that. Tell Sega 😀
Ah, I was told that there will be a Mecha Sonic battle for the Sky Sanctuary boss. But likely that it will be the S&K version and not the Sonic CD version. Though that doesn’t remove the possibility that the Sonic CD version will show up somewhere.
I’m pretty positive that there won’t be a Sonic CD stage added though. It was even hinted at in one of the E3 videos where someone asked if there would be any Spinball material and he responded that they were sticking to the most well-known games. Sonic CD is big with the fans, but the ratio of people that have played it to those that have played, say, Sonic Adventure are still low.
Not impossible, but I’m not holding my breath.
@X: New Mission is have every Sonic fan on the web play Sonic CD 😀
We can just hope on hope for a Sonic Generations 2.
Meh, I myself really don’t like the amount of city stages in the game. But than again, I keep hearing people coming up with Emerald Coast, or Wave Ocean, or Angel Island. Seriously, guys? How many times do you want to play Green Hill Zone? I mean, yeah, the level design is obviously different, but the visuals will be fucking identical. Isn’t THAT the problem with the amount of city stages?
im pleasantly surprised that crisis city is representing 06. i thought for sure it would have been kingdom valley, considering that it was the most iconic and finished stage from that game. also, why is speed highway representing sonic adventure? if anything it should be emerald coast.
I see a lack of water levels, sand levels and haunted levels. There’s a bit too many city levels… For Sonic Heroes it should be Mystic mansion and for Sonic Colours it should be Aquarium Park imo.
Think of all the island-themed zones that might be in this game:
.Green Hill Zone
.Seaside Hill
.Emerald Coast
. . .
Too many. We need levels where you can actually go underwater. For instance:
.Labyrinth Zone
.Aquatic Ruin Zone
.Hydrocity Zone
.Tidal Tempest
.Aquarium Park (is about the only modern stage I can think of where you can actually go underwater without dying 🙁 )
I think that The other zones for The 3DS version might be from handheld sonic games like The rush series or the advance series.
I’m asking you to make a list with The zones you would like The 3DS version to have
Quite disappointed if that list is true. Was hoping for Star Light Zone and Hill Top Zone. Sky Sanctuary is alright.
There’s really no point in me commenting on such an old article, but for anyone who comes across this, I just have to voice my bewilderment out loud (so to speak, lol)…
I just have to wonder: Why does Ceejus even bother posting? Or even keeping up on articles regarding games he thinks are trash?
We get it, fucktard, you have awful taste in games and you love being in the minority. You’re the hipster kid of the Sonic fandom. The non-conformist rebel. Rock on, good for you. So if we’re all so dumb, and you know how unpopular your opinions are, what do you gain from sharing them and then ninja-ing yourself away like a little troll-faced bitch? Why do you waste your time even POSTING if you think it’s such a waste of time to stick around for the response to it (be it good OR bad)?
A troll says controversial things for the sole sake of annoying people. If you aren’t going to stick around and argue your position (or even have a conversation with the handful of people who may agree with you), then what is the point in stating it in the first place? Just to soapbox? Do you honestly think anybody gives a flying fuck what your opinion is when you so blatantly disregard everyone else’s?
This is a community. If you don’t want to be a part of it, then get the fuck out. Either grow a spine and a pair of testicles, or maybe just develop some humility and accept the fact that not everyone gets off on the same shit you jerk off to.
“There’s really no point in me commenting on such an old article . .”
Of course there was. It needed to be said.
Dude…it’s brilliant comments like these that makes me happy to read old articles.
Real talk, man. Real talk.
Awesome! Was hoping for more levels though, but this will do 😀
Plus, I don’t want anything from Sonic Colors in Generations. Sonic Colors is NOT a Sonic game.
What “real talk”?! Why is there so much debate about what OLD mechanics and levels they included, and getting fussed over things redone over 20 years? I’m mean thats not real talk. Thats like teabaggers vs republicans arguing about how best to recreate rightwing America. I mean how come theres no talk about mechanics or something. Like how come we didn’t get 3d pixar sonic flipping around OHare airport in like 2004 or something? I mean how come they couldn’t have given us a mirrors edge quality product with parkour supporting the speed ? And why all this like rave about tails the tanuki or rouge the prostute or jimbo the seal fairy being playable? Why does that matter?!
I mean really the sonic community, the sonic developers, the sonic games, HOW COME ITS BEEN 20 years and the SONIC WORLD STILL HASN’T GROWN UP?!!!!!
Shut up! We don’t need to grow up.
Prove me wrong and make me shut up….
“Plus, I don’t want anything from Sonic Colors in Generations. Sonic Colors is NOT a Sonic game.”
Wait, what?
@ Komodin:
I think what he meant to say was “Sonic colors is NOT a horrible sonic game.”
No, Sonic Colors is NOT a sonic game! Or, Sonic colors is NOT a good Sonic game! I did not get that epic feeling I get when playing a sonic game with colors. Sonic colors was a joke. The ONLY thing I liked was the game-play. Let’s face it, and u know it’s true, the only sonic themed thing in that game was the gameplay. If sonic colors didn’t have the high speed gameplay like in recent games and had sonic 06 gameplay instead, then u know u all wouldn’t like it. Once I beat that game, I didn’t or hardly touched it again. When I want to play the high speed sonic action gameplay I play sonic unleashed day time stages.
This is what makes a true sonic game:
Fun gameplay
Exciting story
Top notch music
A true villain that let’s nothing get in his way
Sonic colors is lacking 1 of the 4 key details that make up a sonic game.
Sonic colors seems more like a Mario game, which is why I probably got bored of it after like 3 months.
Sonic generations actually to my surprise looks like it’s actually turning into a great game, and I can’t wait to get it.
^sorry, sonic colors lacks 2 key details, exciting story, and a true villain.
“sorry, sonic colors lacks 2 key details, exciting story,”
Your mileage may vary, but I find the story to be pretty exciting.
” and a true villain.”
Dr. Eggman and his henchbots were the main antagonists via their kidnapping the Wisps to build the Incredible Interstellar Amusement Park and the Mind Control Cannon they intended to use to take over Earth and presumably the universe. Hence, they were the villains of the game. Comical villains, but villains nonetheless.
(EDIT – Inflammatory -T)
cldn’t you have just edited out the bad parts?
I’m mean, your not sega staff, so you can see I was justtryingtta makd a point about people handling things immatrly.
It may not have been a GOOD sonic game in your eyes, but you liked the gameplay, so then it’s not HORRIBLE either. Which leads me back to my first statement. . .
That aside, what do you want in a Sonic game? Here’s what Sonic colors was:
1. Return of “2-D, sidescrolling” gameplay
2. A sense of speed paired with a sense of control for your surroundings
3. A new storyline with a return of Sonic’s “Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog” sense of humor (and not necessarily his phrases).
4. New Innovative powerups that allowed Several different routes for Sonic (even underground! And- Dare I say it- underWATER!)
5. A gameworld which played basically like updated, “textures in development” Classic sonic levels.
6. Return of the Classic Badniks from past Sonic games.
7. Sonic only playable character, with Tails as a supporting character
8. Eggman is the main (and only) villain
9. Amazing visuals and bright colors
10. New surroundings with new (and almost classic) music
11. High-speed areas, where you could choose to either go super fast, or just walk through at your leisure.
12. Super Sonic finally playable outside of the final boss, and is able to be played in litterally EVERY Zone
13. It’s an amusement park. . . In SPACE! Doesn’t that sound like a Classic storyline?
14. Eggman’s sense of humor and sarcasm
. . . I could go on.
I mean it wasn’t my intention to hurt any feelings
Brandon, that sounds like a very babyish list though. I mean it seems pretty onedimensional and only borrowing fromthe past.
“In a sense, Sonic will have to die. SEGA needs a serious think-tank to develop a new vision for the hedgehog, and then needs to conduct extensive testing to ensure they create a new universe for Sonic that is engaging, challenging, and appropriate for all ages. This is not a Sonic we have yet, but it’s the Sonic we’ll need if there’s going to be any serious future for this series.”
How’s about something like this:
1. Focus on the 3d games (most franchise 3d; people can make 2d games with flash)
2. Environment: Make every thing realistic and anchored down, realisti physics and real world environments.
3. Gameplay: Nothing should be onrails! That is the guiding principle. Its sonic right so it needs to have some running, but is that all. The old wikipedia article describes him as acrobatic, so maybe we need to see more of that. Like we could remove all the fucking rails and we could have him doing parkour tricks off fences and mailboxes and shit.And instead of homing attacking into enies, they could have him use objects in the environment or items to kill enemies (exploding bottle caps), or have him do the body flicker thing from naruto.
4. Give him different controls when he runs.
5.Give him one of those ever so delightful pixar worthy stories. They get all the billions they do because they are so like deep man. If they had something darker it that might work to
@BrandonTH – You missed what I said. When I want to play the high speed Sonic action, I play Sonic Unleashed. Where there’s an equal amount of 3D and 2D. Not mainly 2D. Also, in your list you gave stuff about the story, I only liked the game-play in Sonic Colors.
I respect others if they say they like Sonic Colors, but to me, it didn’t seem like a Sonic game and to me Sonic Colors is a mario game with Sonic as the main character.
And by true villian, I meant like one that doesn’t fool around or have henchmen do his dirty work for him. The game had SOME true Sonic moments, but at parts like “Baldy McNosehair” and “Tails! You missed the BBBE”, I was set and ready to skip the cut-scene.
And Eggman never joked around! I said this before but in the past Eggman was someone who I didn’t want to mess with, but in Sonic Colors, he’s a fool behind a machine.
This is Eggman in SA2: (Look at part 4:28 – 7:00)
And now look at this from Sonic Colors: (Look at part 3:40 – 5:02 and any other part)
Now you tell me, what seems more like a TRUE Villian to you? (Also take a look at Sonic’s personallity between the two)
@ Robbie:
. . . .
“. . .2. Environment: Make every thing realistic and anchored down, realisti physics and real world environments.
3. Gameplay: Nothing should be onrails! That is the guiding principle. Its sonic right so it needs to have some running, but is that all. The old wikipedia article describes him as acrobatic, so maybe we need to see more of that. Like we could remove all the fucking rails and we could have him doing parkour tricks off fences and mailboxes and shit.And instead of homing attacking into enies, they could have him use objects in the environment or items to kill enemies (exploding bottle caps), or have him do the body flicker thing from naruto.
4. Give him different controls when he runs. . .”
I was ready to hear you out, but no offense. . . those sound like awful ideas to put in a Sonic game. I like Sonic for who he is. Truth be told, I like Classic Sonic a lot, and modern Sonic is kind of like a skilled acrobat at high speeds. After number two on your list, I had already figured out what you want is far from what sonic is : / Yeah some of Sonic and Eggman’s one-liners were a little out of place and sometimes sort of embarassing (Ex: “Great! I thought nobody would get that!” after his “Who you callin Nothing?”) Even though that last line seemed to fit Sonic. I’ve been playing Sonic games ever since the nineties, and from what I could tell, Sonic was never meant to be serious until something of dire importance needed his attention. And you want a darker sonic game? The fans have already made one, you can play it if you like, but everyone who’s looked at it thinks it utter rubbish and far from a Sonic game. As for all the other ideas. . Trust me, you don’t want sonic to get more “realistic”. They tried making realistic environments for Sonic ’06. It was the least favorite of fans everywhere (though some like it). And I’m not offended, but what do you mean my list is “babyish”? 😕 Do you mean it’s too basic and not like the complex shooters and “brown” games from nowdays? Sonic was meant to have a combination of High speed and platforming (which is something I forgot to put in my list XD) And you said you wanted more “acrobatics”? Sonic Generations is full of them. I appreciate what Sega is doing for Sonic now. And I don’t know if your ideas could really work in a Sonic game. 😕 Good ideas. But not for a Sonic game.
No I didn’t. You said you liked the gameplay. So the game wasn’t horrible. That’s all I said. Everything after that was just a list about what Sonic Colors was. He’s meant to have a sense of humor. He can’t be all serious through the game like in Sonic ’06 or Shadow the Hedgehog. Although I guess it would be nice if Sonic’s one-liners would be toned down a bit. . . or he’d stop talking to unfeeling machinery XD
rofl – I couldn’t even be bothered to finish reading the rest of these comments after hearing some of you say things as mind-numbingly stupid as “a game with good gameplay is not a good game”.
I think my brain just broke. God damn you guys. God damn.
That’s what I’M trying to figure out -_-. . .
@ChaoticFox & BrandonTH – *Sigh* You guys, once again the KEY Features in a GOOD GAME is:
Fun gameplay
Exciting story
Top notch music
A true villain that let’s nothing get in his way
If a game doesn’t have an exciting story then there is nothing to keep the player into game. If the game has bad music, the player will probably either mute the TV or not play the game because of annoying music. A True villian is very important, because it makes the player work hard at the game to try and stop him.
Just because a game has Fun gameplay and THAT’S IT OUT OF 1/4 KEY FEATURES IN A GOOD GAME, doesn’t mean it’s a good game. But it’s not a bad game either.
“Just because a game has Fun gameplay and THAT’S IT OUT OF 1/4 KEY FEATURES IN A GOOD GAME, doesn’t mean it’s a good game. But it’s not a bad game either.”
. . . That’s what I was trying to say. Not a bad game. But you’re only looking at the negative qualities. Instead of looking at Sonic games for what they’re not, try looking at them for what they ARE. You’ll see things a whole lot differently. That’s the problem with most sonic “fans”. They always subtract from a “Modern” Sonic game. They measure them up to a scale that they themselves invented, (Ex: 1/4 Key features in a good game) when they fail to realize that Sonic games do NOT follow any sort of scale, and never have. They have reccuring elements (such as rings and chaos emeralds) but they will NEVER be the same each time. So you can’t rate them alongside any other “good” game. That just wouldn’t be fair. Sega is really trying hard to appease both sides of the Sonic fandom. That is a very difficult feat. But I think they are doing a fantastic job in this through Sonic Generations. When you buy a Sonic game, you don’t buy it to rate it, or to judge it. You buy it to play it, to have fun, and to enjoy a little piece of what Sega and Sonic Team has to offer. My list in Sonic Colors was a list of positive traits from the game. Try listing the positive traits you saw while playing Sonic Colors? (:
Its true, Sonic fans always bitch about something
@BrandonTH – I didn’t want to bring this up because I do it way too often but, there was a Sonic game with all those features, Sonic Adventure 2.
Plus, Now that I think of it, I kind of agree that most Sonic fans criticize Sonic too much. I guess I was just annoyed that Sonic Colors was a childish Sonic game. Let’s just hope that Sonic Generations will please the teenage and older Sonic fans.
I agree. Sonic Generations is going to be awesome 😀
And no offense, but You can’t really say Sonic Adventure 2 is the only true Sonic game, since really, the only game you can regard as a “true” sonic game is the very first one ^^;
But I see your point.
@sonic52789 Ok normally I don’t get involved in these kind of flame wars but I think that you sir, really need to update you perceptions on what makes a good game. According to you a good game needs:
Fun gameplay
Exciting story
Top notch music
A true villain that let’s nothing get in his way
and according to you all 4 matter equally. I call total bullshit on that. I’m not saying a game shouldn’t have an exciting story, good music, and a good villain, but NOTHING and I mean absolutely NOTHING matters more than good gameplay. A game is called a game because of the fact that you can play it. If there was no gameplay, it would be called a movie. You said that if Colors had the gameplay of 06, people would hate it, and you’re right, and they should because that is the most important aspect of a game and there is no comparing it to anything else. Games like Pong have no music, villains, or story, just gameplay but yet Pong is responsible for the video game industry as we know it today. The classic Sonic games barley had a story and only had the doctor as the villain (who is a joke of a villain and always was) yet they kick ass. What about games that focus on multiplayer? There’s no story in multiplayer, no villains, and sometimes even no music, just gameplay and yet they are some of the most popular games out there. Let me provide an example using the Sonic games. Sonic 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog are two of the more disliked games in the Sonic community, I personally think the stories of both games are good (bring on the hate fanboys) and Sonic 06 had one of the best villains ever and an awesome soundtrack, but Sonic Colors had the better gameplay so therefore Sonic Colors is the superior game because it has it where it counts, GAMEPLAY. Now you also said that you could get the good gameplay from Unleashed but with better story, using that logic then that would make Sonic Unleashed the better game (this does not necessarily represent my actual opinion) but that doesn’t make Sonic Colors a bad game or even not a good game. I personally fell in love with Sonic Unleashed because of its awesome day levels. When I found out that Colors’s gameplay was the same formula, I didn’t care about anything else, just the simple fact that I would get to enjoy more levels in the Unleashed formula was enough for me to fork over $60.
P.S. I do agree that Colors was a little childish, but honnestly, I could care less. Hell, if I wasn’t curious about the story I would probaably skip the cutscenes to get to the levels anyway.
You know what keeps me hooked on a good game? GOOD GAMEPLAY.
Do you know what I do when I want to get hooked into a story? I read a fucking book.
Or if I’m feeling exceptionally lazy – I watch a movie. WHAT A NOVEL CONCEPT. Oh my God, I just said “novel”! lol!
I don’t play games because I give a shit what happens to the characters. I don’t play games because I desperately want to see a “top notch villain” get owned (isn’t that a contradiction in terms?)
I PLAY games to have fun. To enjoy the gameplay. Story is the LEAST important aspect of any game, least of all a Sonic one. You’re talking about a franchise where the villain started out by putting rabbits in robotic crab armor and trying to take out his nemesis with a wrecking ball attached to a hovercraft and the only “story” the game even had was presented in the INSTRUCTION MANUAL.
Sonic doesn’t need a story. He runs fast and gets rings and loop-de-loops his way into your heart. If you want all that shit in your arbitrary list, go play a fucking RPG and leave Sonic out of it.
Final note: Colors has a miraculous soundtrack, and if you can’t hear that you must be fucking deaf.
*a game with good gameplay is not a good game*
What is this I don’t even….what?
Um, would I be judged negatively around here if I said that part of the reasons why I play Sonic games is because of the characters?
@ChaoticFox Totally agree man. sonic52789 appears to argue against that position with
?If a game doesn’t have an exciting story then there is nothing to keep the player into game. If the game has bad music, the player will probably either mute the TV or not play the game because of annoying music. A True villian is very important, because it makes the player work hard at the game to try and stop him.”
I think it’s very sad if someone needs a good story to keep themselves playing the game. It is true that a story does serve to keep the player interested and even draw them into the game, but the enjoyment of playing the game should be enough to keep the player in the game. I think the Portal games are a good analogy because, at it’s core, every game is really a series of puzzles to be solved and the satisfaction of solving those puzzles is the climatic euphoric moment, but at the same time you should enjoy the experience of getting to that climax of satisfaction almost as much or as much as the climax itself. That is the absolute core basics of enjoyment in a video game and the true KEY features of a game. It is true that annoying music can cause a game to be unlikable but that doesn’t make awesome music a necessity, games without music don’t annoy you either so good music isn’t a core necessity.
@Komodin Absolutely not. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the secondary aspects of a game I like the stories in Sonic games too, but they aren’t necessary to make the game good, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be there, but they can’t ruin a game either. I will admit that I didn’t get that same epic dramatic feeling that I have gotten before with past titles and while I felt a sense of disappointment at that, not enough to hate Colors. It is still tied with Sonic Unleashed as my favorite Sonic game (though Generations is going to replace both of them as my favorite).
I think Sonic Generations is going to replace EVERYONE’S favorite Sonic game(s) 😉
Not at all. It’s good to enjoy the smaller things in games. Sometimes, they make the rest of the game better because of it.
Hey Tristan, I’d like to give my input on the reliability of this information. Since this information is for a comic adaptation and not the game, then theoretically none of the stages (apart from the confirmed ones) might even appear. Think about it, the 3ds version has different stages so maybe the comic adaptation will go to places that neither game visits.
@brandonTH – whoa, I never said sa2 was the only true sonic game.
Okay, I’m going to break it down for u all so u can stop making assumptions. The ONLY sonic game I didn’t like, was sonic colors. Genesis games r pretty fun but I’d prefer modern sonic.
I could give a full list of y I didn’t like sonic colors, but since u guys say that I “am missing all the positives” I will tell u them:
Fast gameplay
In space
Tons of stages
Power ups
Super sonic in every level
And now I will tell u some key things I didn’t like in that game that I haven’t said before.
REPETITIVE bosses. The boss for tropical resort and planet wisp is the samething! The only difference is that in planet wisp u get the pink wisp. Same goes for sweet mountain and aquarium park, and starlight carnival and asteroid coaster.
And sonic is the only playable character. I got my hopes up when I heard there was going to be multiplayer.
So all in all, the only sonic game I didn’t like was sonic colors. Sonic has many great games.
@Sonic52789 :
. . . -_-;
I’m done trying to prove a point to you. Let’s just all wait for Sonic Generations to come out and play the living hell out of it. Because everyone here knows it’s gonna be awesome.
enough said.
See, I’m a little skeptical. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure all of these stages would be great to have. But only 16 levels plus a boss here or there? That’s a lot of extra disk space….
…wait, what? Sonic Colors? Not a real game?
Do you know what’s not a real Sonic game? Would you say the same thing about a Mario game? Are you meaning to tell off a game due to hypocrite reasons?
Sonic Colors is plenty a Sonic game, let’s not get silly. If you’re going to argue because of Eggman’s canon personality, then ’06 should be the fake one (despite the musical track and ambitions of the game’s would-be direction).
Sadly I’m a little less excited about this game now because of the stages, I knew the gameplay, graphics, and story would be spot on but I expected better for the stages and I wasn’t expecting this bombshell. This type of game you have to go all out on but SEGA just didn’t deliver the way they should have. To be honest I think they got a bit lazy with the stage choices. and I absolutely despise Crisis City, without a doubt the worst stage in Sonic 06, I hate that frickin’ tornado, playing that stage was def not stress relieving which is a purpose that video games can serve. The list lacks some serious variety, as many have said. Sadly we won’t be seeing the snow stage that started it all, the famous whale chase scene (even though we have the truck chase to compensate), the first game to use time travel, the space colony ark, a casino stage, “china”, a “good”/interesting lava stage, a carnival in space, or a planet made entirely out of food. It sucks but life is full of disappointments and this is the first time SEGA has disappointed me, honestly. If the stages were all original then there would be nothing to complain about but these are stages that we’ve seen before so they “all” have to be epic, i.e. the best stages in Sonic’s history, but sadly the epicness of these stages can only fit in the palm of a newborn’s hand. I like all these stages, except that awful Crisis City, but they are not the best stages of those games. And I don’t have the luxory of looking forward to the 3DS version because I don’t own one and don’t plan on buying one because it doesn’t impress me and even if I do get one it will be after the price goes waaaaaaaay down. Now I am not one of those stupid Sonic fanboys who complains about every little thing, I even liked the Werehog, I just feel that SEGA really dropped the ball on this one. Any other year it would have been acceptable but not this year, Sonic’s 20th…. look at me, now I sound like a video game nerd. We are just gonna have to find something else we like about this game if you don’t like the stages, such as; the bosses, the story, classic sonic returning, Chemical Plant, Truck chase scene, nostalgia, sonic’s friends returning to a main console game, or something else. Even though we wanted more variety we still got some pretty good stages, except for Crisis City of course, even though they basically lack any sort of variety and they fail to epicly celebrate the best Sonic has to offer. I am still gonna get this game and enjoy it as best I can. Well then there’s also DLC possibilities, but don’t get your hopes too high, remember what happened with ASR. Did I mention Crisis City SUX! ;P
Did i mention i LOVE Crisis City?? lol 🙂
@Luna Eclipse
You have to remember that Sega is COMPLETELY redesigning the stages, while also keeping the central theme intact. In other words, all those buggy sections of crisis city in 06, will likely be epic to play, in Generations.
@ X: What are the odds of this not being the final list and there maybe being 1 or 2 stages you dont know of?
I just want Ice cap zone to help balance this disappointing list out. Not as DLC either, as a stage on the disk.
SOS: I’m not X, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that this list has been confirmed as final.
🙁 but but … they are never going to have another shot at this. Its the only 20th anniversary. What a missed opportunity. Ima go tell yuji naka on you sonic team!
HEY tristan, what ever happened to all of robbies comments. SHe had insight I tell you!!!
If by Robbie, you mean the guy with the handle of “Asshole” who suspiciously has the same IP as you…you can pretty much deduce how that’s going to turn out.
And if you’re not careful, you’re next.
yes I do you chickless homuffing!!!
Oh.. I mean DAMN RIGHT I DO MUTHAFUCKAS!! ANd damn y’alls ta hell if your mama deletes any of em.
@ penguithing 777 I understand that but if they bring back the car-flinging-tornado it’ll be 06 all over again and I admit I did enjoy it a little but that was only when playing Silver.
But I suppose if I was able to enjoy the tracks in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, then I should be able to enjoy these stages.
@Robbie: Shameless self-promotion XD
I thought Sonic Unleashed much better than Colors by a lot IMO
guys the demo is real and from playing it in my xbox 360, its looks good.
Honestly, i’m disappointed that they are using only one zone from each sonic game. It would be nice to see Twinkle park, Adabat, Eggman land, Rail Canyon or Flying Battery in the game.
Sad face 🙁
The only thing that would make this list better would be Stardust Speedway. Other than that, I could not have picked a better list. Bravo, Sega.
@Blippa- I can see how crisis city could fit. The story mentions time holes and Crisis City is a future level, if I am correct. Being so, why can’t the two Sonics fall into the future? That part doesn’t have to fall along the 06 story line… Does it? O wait. :\
That’s what the majority of the fans feel 🙂 I really hope they include Stardust speedway with the original japanese soundtrack. That would be a dream come true. My thoughts are that Sega isn’t done with the list and is going to throw a “curveball” of sorts. They know that Sonic CD is an all-time fan favorite. Likewise, Stardust speedway is a favorite level from that game. Also the favorite boss, I’m sure. Sega wouldn’t ignore fans of this magnitude, especially since they are listening to fans a lot more now.
What?! No Sonic CD remake? I’m insulted.
Am I the only sonic fan in the world who hasn’t played sonic cd?!
Yes. I believe so. .
I hope they add in more stages, not just one stage from each game, because Sonic Adventure 2 had the most enjoyable 3D Sonic stages IMO. We need moar than just City Escape! :3
Yah im glad there bringing back my favorite stage from sa2b
yah know what they need metal harbor or maybe like everyone one else was saying stardust speedway or metropolis from shadow the hedgehog
Too many city levels. Do they even have proof that this just wasn’t made up? Btw WHY is there Spagonia for Sonic Unleashed? They should’ve pickedcAdabat or ChunNan… -_-