Dobbyn/Yardley SOS11 Collab Print Preview Is Off The Hook
Nigel Dobbyn has offerred his Facebook followers a preview of the coloured up preview of his and Tracy Yardley awesome collaborative effort along with some other details. Prints will be 12 x 16 inches.
Answering a question from STC-O’s Stiv on the yellow background colour, Dobbyn replied:
“There were so many colours going on in the characters, it was hard finding a base colour against which they’d all show up. They all stood out nicely against this. Will have to see what Tracy thinks!”
Thoughts on the pic? Comment below!
Thoughts on the pic?
That is bad ass!
Looking Very Nice. If i’m allowed in i can’t wait to nab one of those
I think I’m going to cry. That is absolutely beautiful… and I can’t wait to hang it on my wall.
Super cool, what does it say in the background?
Summer Of Sonic 2011 I think…
Yardley’s art wins.