Balena Productions to Produce New “Christmas With Sonic”
An up and coming Holiday fan tradition will continue this year. Christmas With Sonic will see its third installment from Balena Productions, according to announcements made by the team’s principal two members on their respective Tumblrs.
Steven Page on his Tumblr Sunday included a quick in-progress audio clip from the production. Meanwhile, RianaLD, the series’s principal artist, posted a teaser image on her Tumblr of what to expect:
RianaLD also teased a tentative release date of December 22nd. We’ll be sure to pass along the finished video once it’s ready.
Call me crazy if you want, but…what is Christmas with Sonic? I’ve never heard of it before. Can someone explain it to me?
It was basically a fan-audio special of Sonic, Tails, and everybody else spending Christmas at his mom’s house. Sonic was a grump most of the time while Eggman kept trying to sneak in, not knowing he was invited.
At least, I think that’s the one we’re talking about, I’m not sure. But there was a fan-audio that went like that though. I might be mistaken because normally Balena does GMod style video specials, and the one I’m thinking of consisted of relatively simple drawings.
and this.
these are the kind of jokes I’d like to see ken pontac for sonic games, ya know: funny ones
thats better
fuck! there otta be an option to delete ya cmments
Balenaproductions is also planning a “Sonic in Jurassic Park” video, from what I’ve heard.
Sweet. I think the first was better than the second, but I’m still definitely looking forward to this!
I’m sorry, but how the heck is this News?
BalenaProductions is not that great and this article will not help his head full of hot air and bullcrap. Please give me some official news. Thank you.
“Not that great” Your the one hiding behind a username :V
Can’t wait for the 3rd installment!
OMG I love that art style RianaLD used; Christmas with sonic was quite a hilarious animation, hopefully it doesn’t get delayed too bad.
Sorry I meant hopefully it doesn’t get delayed at all.
How is this news? Its just some youtuber who gets attention from a website that has shifted from sonic news to sega news (Hint Hint)
Ha Ha, sorry he is not a attention whore like certain youtubers….
He really isn’t. :S In fact he’s a very swell and fun guy <3
Why is this news?
Very glad to see you’re all excited! Nearly dropped a load when I saw the headline.
This is great news! For those of you who don’t believe this is news for Sonic fans, go make your own Sonic Christmas themed animation. I am also willing to hazard a guess that the people who don’t believe this is news aren’t Catholic. Anyways, can’t wait for this years Christmas with Sonic! (Wow, I can’t believe it has already been a year.)
Why would religion have anything to do with this? They probably just don’t see fan flashes as news, which they aren’t. They ARE however part of this site’s ‘Blue World’ angle in covering anything Sonic. I’m looking forward to this, myself. The last two were pretty fun watches.
I did say that I would HAZARD the guess. I didn’t state it like I meant it. Plus, I mean, it is Christmas themed so I suspected religion would play at least a small role.