4 People Injured In Alton Towers Sonic Spinball Ride Collision
Oh dear.
It has been a bad month at Alton Towers in the UK. Incident after incident has been happening. On June 27th the Air roller coaster ride crashed into an empty carriage car, injuring four including one who had to have her leg amputated. On July 1st two monorail trains broke down and the Air ride was temporarily stopped leaving 80 people stranded in mid-air for 20 minutes.
Unfortunately the Sonic Spinball ride has not been faring any better. Yesterday, July 1st, a 16 year old girl suffered heartstroke on the ride and, after being stuck on the ride for 20 minutes had to be lowered from a harness. Another incident happened yesterday where an automatic stoppage triggered by a sensor on the ride resulted in three cars being evacuated.
Now we know of another incident that has happened on the Spinball ride this week.
Mirror reports that four people were injured due to a collision of cars at the Spinball ride on Tuesday:
Mirror.co.uk has learned that two carriages collided on the Sonic Spinball ride on Tuesday.
Eye-witness Danny Robinson, 24, from Liverpool, who was watching his four pals, claimed the carriage was going at “full pace” when it crashed into another carriage containing a young family at the end of the ride.
But Alton Towers has refuted claims the collision happened at “full pace” and insisted the carriages “nudged each other at walking pace”.
Speaking about the incident, which happened at around 2.30pm, Danny claimed: “I was stood with the bags watching them when it happened. The carriage came round to the end at full pace and crashed into one with a young family inside. The mum in the other carriage was screaming. Two of my friends hit the back of their heads and another two hurt their necks. They spent about 20 minutes getting them out of the carriage. All four were taken to the medical centre spent two-and-a-half hours getting checked over and heat pads on their necks. Afterwards one of them started throwing up everywhere and ended up going to hospital.”
Another passenger @AmieJohno wrote on Twitter: “So today iv (sic) been to Alton towers and my carriage crashed into another one on the sonic spinball … Safe to say I won’t be going again!”
Alton Towers said that following the incident the guests were advised to go the park’s medical centre “purely as a precaution”.
She added: “On arrival, our medical team had no concerns.”
One of the passengers involved, a 36-year-old man is understood to be still off work recovering. The three women, aged 33, 30 and 22 are not believed to have needed further treatment.
An Alton Towers spokeswoman said: “Two cars in the station area nudged each other at walking pace. The guests on the two cars walked off and we advised that they attend our medical centre as a precautionary measure.”
The increase in incidents caused the Sonic Spinball ride to close for safety enhancements just a month ago. Unfortnately it seems the move wasn’t of much help.
UPDATE 7/6: Alton Towers last week released a statement to The Independent calling the initial report cited above, which has been corroborated elsewhere, “inaccurate and completely misleading.”
Alton Towers Resort puts the health and safety of its guests at the forefront of everything it does, which means that from time to time rides will be closed to allow for technical issues to be reviewed. All rides are performing exactly as they are designed to do – including computer and process controlled shut downs which do happen. There has been an instance of this on Sonic Spinball. Two cars in the station area nudged each other at walking pace. The guests on the two cars walked off and we advised that they attend our medical centre as a precautionary measure. The ride reopened shortly afterwards.
We wish the people injured to get better soon!
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
Here’s hoping that that 36-year old is gonna be okay.
This is terrible! I hope those people end up alright in the future. Man, they really ought to make the ride much safer than it is now.
Somebody fix that crazy thing!!!
The irony is the Spinball ride was one of those closed for safety upgrades after the Air incident (which I thought was actually Smiler, but that’s not important).
My best wishes to the unfortunate victims; hope they all make full recoveries.
I know this is sad news, but all I’m taking from this is the surprise of a Somic Spinball ride.
“Alton Towers said that following the incident the guests were advised to go the park’s medical centre “purely as a precaution”.”
“purely as a precaution”
After a god damn crash?
I know this is a bad time saying this but this is worster when the time when the Sonic parade flot crashed.
This game crashes worse than Rise of Lyric.
They are worse than Sonic Runners on Android devices
Dude! That was uncalled for.
Just trying to shed some humor in an otherwise grim article, I think even the victims would apreciate a laugh at the moment.
Really? Making light of actual crashing here for your stupid fucking joke on actual Sonic games? Fuck right off. PEOPLE GOT PHYSICALLY INJURED during this you asshole.
Your mom got physical injured during your unfortunate birth and nobody gives their condolences to her…
Well THAT crossed the line twiced.
Come on guys. The personal attacks are uncalled for.
The curse of the franchise.
Sonic 06
Deadly 6
Soic 16
…Uuuuhhhh ooooohhhhh…
Whenever the number 6 is involved with Sonic, something bad ALWAYS happens…
First, WTF are you on about?
Second, WTF are you on about?
Also, seriously? People injured, and you use that as an excuse for yet more meaningless hate? Seriously bad form.
It’s called a joke and to be more specific black comedy.
There’s black comedy, then there’s being a total shit.
Chris’ comment isn’t even that bad and it doesn’t even have anything to do this story unless I’m missing the ride’s connection to the number 6 here. It’s a non sequitur compared to something like Raw’s comment.
Don’t expect Sonic fans that have literally been fed Pontac humor for 5 years straight to grasp anything more complex than Baldy McNosehair.
Hope the injured get better and the ride stays open. I guess they went a bit too fast
Brits doing what they do best, seeing one person be awarded compensation, next thing you know “EVRYTHIN HURTS WHEN YOU DO SO MUCH AS BREATHE ON ME, FREE MONEY PLEASEEE”
thank god alton towers didnt provide horse burgers or there’d be an epidemic of whinging over sweet f*** all.
Like alton staff said, walking speed does not result in a crash.
We need to get a grip before we literally BECOME america -_-
It’s official : Modern Sonic (as in Free Riders – now) is a curse.
Dude. Shut up.
People were seriously injured (possibly nearly killed) by this ride, and it has nothing to do with the franchise’s condition.
People relating a real life amusement ride incident to bad Sonic games in the comments are making me sick. People were physically injured in this guys. Families were affected, this has nothing to do with video games dammit. Have some freaking class.
My sympathy goes out to the victims families. Here’s hopijg for a speedy recovery, and that Sonic Spinball stays open.
The Sonic fanbase can go die for all care. People were injured in this, and you blame “Modern Sonic” or games with sixes in them? Screw that. I’m done.
You honestly think these people were being serious? If you can’t understand that yeah you probably should take your ball and go home.
You’re right. I came off as immature. But why joke about something as serious as this, though? That’s what I peed off about.
For some people it’s a coping mechanism to deal with the reality of terrible events. Sites like the Onion are built around that.
It’s a damn shame that happened. Hopefully they’ll be okay. Some folks here sure do have a messed up sense of humor, though. People got injured and you blame it on bad games? Just… wow.
(EDIT – Inflammatory)
Ha! C:
Can we get the pointless hate comments removed? They have no place on a serious article such as this.
I feel kind of uncomfortable with removing comments. I’d feel like I’m censoring them, in a way.
That said the personal attacks and insults need to stop.
You can remove mind if you find it offensive. I kind of was a bit of a jerk there (OK A LOT).
It’s fine as long as you admit your mistakes and learn from them. =)
Guys! All of you stop fighting! I doubt this is going to help the victims’ recovery.
I can understand black comedy, I see a LOT of that on the internet. However the fighting and personal attacks really shouldn’t happen.
I get the feeling that some’s first thought to this was “oh no people are gonna use this to badmouth Sonic” so that mindset and the black comedy here go together like a leaking oil tanker and a match.
SEGA literally can’t do anything right.
This isn’t SEGA’s doing. The fault belongs with Alton Towers.
… … …. Urm… you guys do know this story is fake right?
The report appears fairly legit to us…I get the Mirror isn’t exactly the AP, but there are two other sources corroborating the initial report, with the latter including a statement from Alton Towers denying the collision: