“I Dream Of An Absent Lotion” was completed on 02/02/2007 .
The title is obviously a pun on the title of Silver’s theme music from SONIC The Hedgehog – “I Dream Of An Absolution” by Lee Brotherton of Remix Factory.
As it is Silver’s first solo outing, the comic is done up in a similar colour scheme to the psychokinetic hog.
The opening frame’s narration is a reference to the famous 2006 Sonic comic release: “25 Years Later – The Once & Future Kings”.
The backgrounds are actually altered Mega Man backgrounds.
Albinos are highly sensitive to sunlight.
Whenever AAUK is asked why Silver is not a true albino (i.e. he has eye pigment, hence his eyes are gold not red) he replies that he wears contact lenses.
The bit about paying attention to how great the Silver sprite is is because AAUK actually made the Silver sprite from scratch – which he’s rather proud of for a first effort.
The ‘school for the gifted’ is a reference to the X-Men, the bit about the government being a direct reference to the film X-Men II.
“I know that’s always the answer – go under the sea.” Is a reference to The Simpsons, where Homer suggests all their problems will go away if they live under the sea and Marge protests that’s his answer to everything.
The following is obviously a parody/tribute to the unique vocal stylings of George W. Bush. The main body of the text, where it talks about bringing peace loving people to justice is a direct parody of a gaff he made at a press conference where he basically said the same thing about needing to find those Iraqis who value freedom and peace and bring them to justice.
The last line is a reference to the lyrics of Silver’s Theme: “Would you change the past; mend a faux pas with one last chance.”