‘The Alleged Legend Of Angelus’ was completed 05/05/05.
The song Sonic is singing is a ‘traditional’ campfire song sung by scouts and girl guides and the like.
There are a lot of Legend of Zelda references in here, unsurprisingly.
The ‘stained glass’ images are from The Minish Cap. Whilst the storytelling font is the one used in A Link to the Past.
The ‘pasting’ caused some rumblings in the SW fanbase. But as it was a one off comic in the style AAUK just ignored them – take that loyal fanbase!
The Michael Jackson inclusion has dated rather badly, on the plus side “a frickin’ Keanu Reeves full of whoas” has dated marvellously.
As of October 2020 we have yet to actually see what Angelus looks like outside of his echidna ‘camouflage’, so who knows how accurate the windows actually are.